God loves an obedient heart. The Lord may speak to you to do something small, and if He does, do it with all your heart! But disobedience before God is a sin, and God even considers it witchcraft! Saul was anointed of the Lord to be King over God’s people. But, when Saul was put...
You can see this picture of Dieuferly with a baby in his arms. When we first found Dieuferly in the mountains of Haiti, he was in his mother's arms. He had horrible, clubbed feet. At that time, there were no doctors in Haiti doing this surgery. But the U.S. Military was in Haiti at that...
The "very poor" mud-hut village of "Old Letant" is one of the poorest villages we have ever seen! There are so many "mud huts" there, and they are growing every day. These are the poorest of the poor... On Friday, a large group of mothers in dirty clothes, some barefoot, came to the gate of...
Here are two thoughts that the Holy Spirit has given me through the years. They burn within my heart every day. Faith is not something we just talk about, but faith is something we do. Love is not something we just talk about, but love is something we do! Everyone can talk it, but can we walk it? “For as the body...
We are thankful our containers of Feed My Starving Children meals are rolling down the road again! It's difficult navigating through the "gang active roads.” Most of all of our FMSC containers have been moved from Port Lafito. We have four other containers which are not food containers and one fire truck for Miracle Village....
All the many vendors at the market we built, were very happy yesterday! Since the economy is so bad now in Haiti, they make very little money. We gave out 43,200 meals to them! Happy and thankful, they were!! Mr. Bellevue and Mr. Dixon are the managers. Thank you for doing a great job. Gwo...
JESUS SAID: “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25: 40 (KJV) When we feed the hungry, give to those who are thirsty, help a stranger, naked, and clothed them, or help those who are sick or in prison… Jesus...
Widlene is my helper! She’s like my “personal secretary!” She had gone to college to become a “professional cook,” but had to come home after one year, due to gangs. But, that doesn’t stop her. She plans menus for the orphanage each week, helps with the cooking, goes to the market when we are short...
Nan Plezi Village. Nan Plezi is one of the four villages our workers went to, to deliver Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) meals yesterday. Joy was in the village!! They were very hungry. Their children had not had one full meal in days! More villages will receive meals today, with many more villages next week....
I shall not be afraid! “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 The Lord is with us in the midst of the battle. I will not be afraid! The Lord has given us his power and love to overcome all...