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Hundreds of Trucks Waiting to Cross the Border to Get Fuel

Philimond and Ezekiel have been in line for hours in our semi trying to cross the border into the Dominican Republic to buy cheaper diesel fuel… not the “black market fuel.” Looks like it is not possible today. There are hundreds of trucks in line trying to find fuel just[…]

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“Hope Makes Us Live” (A Haitian Proverb)

But, What if We “Lose Our Hope?” Haitians live by proverbs… One proverb is “Espwa Fe Viv,” or “Hope Makes Us Live.” Many of you know some of what is going on in Haiti, and if you do not, read the Miami Herald, or look up “Gangs in Haiti,” and[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Is it time for a spiritual check up? The Bible says, “There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.” 1 Corinthians 15:44 – Once a year, Sherry and I go see the doctor for a physical check up. It’s also important in our lives to have a spiritual check up.[…]

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All Things Are Possible!

Lionel is a very sweet young teenager. He just turned 14 years old. Lionel gets up early in the morning and helps wash the car, helps with the plants and yard work, helps feed the horses, and chases down the donkeys to feed them too! He is kind and obedient!! He will be[…]

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Pastor Mark Ostrander Visits Haiti

We welcome Pastor Mark Ostrander to Haiti, who came in yesterday. He and our Haitian construction crew will be working on future housing for our future teams. This makes Pastor Mark about 600 trips to Haiti! He is a hero of the faith for the poor. We have not been[…]

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“Throw That Stuff Overboard!”

It’s amazing how much “stuff” we carry around with us all our lives. We can carry around “unforgiveness,” “self pity,” “fear,” and I could go on and on. As long as we have these “heavy weights,” we cannot ride the storms that will come into our lives. Apostle Paul, as[…]

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Starving Prisoners in Anse-à-Veau Prison

As a result of violent gangs taking over the country of Haiti, many people are starving. In the jail of Anse-à-Veau, some have gone days and sometimes weeks without a meal. Today our faithful Hubert Severin took cooking bananas and root plants and served a soup with the little he[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“There is that maketh himself rich, yet hath nothing: there is that maketh himself poor, yet hath great riches.” Proverbs 13:7 This is a strange proverb and difficult to understand without the knowledge of the laws of sowing and reaping according to God’s Word. Even a poor man will become rich[…]

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The Story of Madamn Eveline

Note: Our Birthing Center is open seven days a week, 24 hours a day, and we never close! We want to thank all our workers, our midwives, doctors, cleaners, those who prepare the food, and those who pray for the mothers and babies. Because of your faithful work, lives are[…]

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