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We are Bought with a Price…

For us missionaries here in Haiti, this verse has a great meaning, because there are so many gangs in Haiti… and every day we hear of something worse than the day before. But “Whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord;[…]

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The Voice of an Angel

Bianca has always been such a quiet and sweet young lady. She is always asking to help, and she loves church and her big family. But she is shy… She has the “voice of an angel,” but we have only heard her sing one song by herself, and everyone who was there,[…]

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Preparing for Julia’s Funeral

Funerals are just as important, or maybe even more important than weddings here in Haiti. Families spend a “lot of money” on the funeral… Julia was not only our Haitian daughter; she was dearly loved by everyone at our Birthing Center, where she worked. We took Julia and her three[…]

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LAC TV Program “In the Riverbed” Begins Friday!

In this week’s episode, your heart will break as you witness a defeated mother explain the agony of not being able to provide for her children. A disabled father laments that despite working hard all day long, it is never enough to combat the pains of hunger his family faces.[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Blind Faith…” “Oh, just shut up and stop your whining…” That’s what the people told Bartimaeus, who was blind. Jesus and his disciples had come into Jericho and then, they were leaving. A huge crowd followed them making a lot of noise and when Bartimaeus heard that it was Jesus[…]

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Moses Part Two: “The Rock in the Sun…”

You can certainly see the difference in Moses in just four weeks. He has lost weight but very happy to be home. I had sent him with Pastor Souffrance to the mountains of Peyi Pouri. I told Pastor Souffrance he needed a “come to Jesus” experience. He had been gone[…]

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Prayers for Jackson

Jackson, Philemond, and Phanise, Jackson’s nurse, are now on the road to Santo Domingo to meet with Jesse Ostrander. This evening Jackson will have a blood test then tomorrow four more doctor appointments. Jackson is doing very well. He told us this morning he feels great and has plenty of[…]

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Have you ever felt that way? Being unable to pay your bills is bad enough, but what happens when you get “bad news” on top of that? Maybe you just found out that your loved one was only given 6 months to live, needs an operation and you have no[…]

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Moses and the “Rock in the Water…”

Life Lesson Part One: Many of you know the story of Moses and how his pregnant mother decided she did not want another child. So when she began to give birth, she went to a Haitian outhouse. She dropped her baby down into the filthy hole and left. A poor[…]

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Prayers for Jackson

Jackson will be traveling tomorrow with his nurse Phanise and his driver Philimond to Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic. On Thursday Jackson has 4 doctor appointments and one appointment on Friday. He will be meeting with the kidney dialysis specialist among others. When they leave tomorrow for our Children’s[…]

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