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From the “Dunghill to a Fashion Designer”

Hannah’s Prayer… “The Lord makes the poor and He makes the rich; He bringeth low and He lifteth up; He raiseth up the poor out of the dust and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set him among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of Glory…”[…]

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A Stronghold in the Day of Trouble…

With many many missionaries leaving Haiti, sometimes we feel “abandoned” or overwhelmed. We always thought that our country, or some other country, or even the UN would send in a strong “force” with “overwhelming power” to combat these gangs and these evil people here. They are “demonic,” and nothing can[…]

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Ginyia is just like any other little girl… She loves to play with dolls, but she is also a hard worker. Here she is, just finishing up washing dishes. (She also hand washes a lot of her own laundry!) Ginyia loves “girly things,” dolls, hair-do’s, fingernail polish, etc. She loves[…]

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A Story from our Malnutrition Center

Little Chwenly Carelus is a one-year-old little baby boy who lives with his mother Similia and two other children. His father abandoned his wife and children and never came back. Unemployed with three small children, and without a decent roof on their junk house, their mother didn’t know what to[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; what is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?” (Psalm 8: 3-4) Oh, what a mighty God we serve! I took this[…]

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Planning for the future!

Pastor Mark and his construction team have been working hard on our future housing for teams. This morning I was telling the guys what a great job they are doing. We are building in the middle of all the gangs, shooting, kidnapping, etc. We want to be ready when this[…]

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LAC TV Program “Loaves and Fishes” Begins Friday!

Love A Child traveled up the isolated mountains to the village of Bwa Pen and found many suffering families and starving children. Mothers toil all day, planting food, selling goods, and searching for scraps to feed their families; their children still suffer through the pains of hunger. Their children don’t[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Je-ho-vah- Ji-reh…” My Provider. I am re-reading, again and again, the story of Abraham and Isaac, the son of “promise” and “the child born of a man 100 years old!” The child was the “miracle baby” of Abraham and Sarah. But yet, God wanted to “test” Abraham by seeing if[…]

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Update on Joseph

Joseph and his sister Sarah came from the mountains of Covant… very, very far away and a strenuous walk or mule ride! Both children had severe Kwashiorkor malnutrition. I didn’t think they would live, but God had a bigger plan. Joseph is in a college called Canado Technique to learn[…]

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Saving Lives…

Although our Birthing Center is not a Hospital, it provides valuable, good and safe care to poor Haitian mothers, who otherwise would have their baby “on the ground,” and in a mud hut using a “tin can lid” or a piece of sharp glass or knife to cut the cord.[…]

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