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Green Onions!!!

Here they are called “pwa-wo.” So sweet and delicious! The Agricultural Training Center (ATC) brought some this morning to our Children’s Home and then distributed some to the Clinic, Birthing Center, and to our areas where we provide meals to our workers. I’m so proud of Wilner and all the[…]

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“Only the Shoes Know if the Socks Have Holes…”

Someone said, “the social-economic situation” in Haiti is deteriorating day by day. The majority of the population lives on less than $2 a day. Unemployment affects a large percentage of the population. Extreme poverty is more evident in rural areas, where there are no jobs, and the people depend on[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“None Before Me… None After Me” I feel sorry for anyone who cannot believe that God is real. If we look at the stars in the sky at night and how the sun comes up each morning and the moon each night, who could have created this? Our God! God says, “… that[…]

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Dorissant… Waiting for Pizza

Dorissant’s problem in life was like many, many other children. His mother died and his father abandoned him. When the neighbors found him “wandering around” the family’s hut, with no one to take care of him, they brought him to us. He has no one, no family except Love A[…]

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Waiting for Food…

Early this morning, gangs shot and killed two people from Miracle Village. The third man, they believe he was a Pastor, was shot and treated at our Jesus Healing Center, and had to be sent via our ambulance to a hospital for surgery. We pray that he lives. If any[…]

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The Living Word of God

We often share items we receive with the mothers who come to our Birthing Center and the men and women who come to our Jesus Healing Center. The greatest gift we can give is the Bible in their Creole language. These are New Testament Bibles. These Bibles were sponsored by[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

WHO LENDETH UNTO THE LORD? “He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.” Proverbs 19: 17 This is a powerful verse from the word of God. When we give unto the poor, we are lending unto the Lord.[…]

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Update on Joseph

Joseph… It is not uncommon for a father in Haiti to abandon his children when his wife dies. It happens all the time. Who will go to the market to sell? Who will wash the clothes at the river? Such was the case with Joseph (and his sister, Sarah). When[…]

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Joshua and Kenzy’s Graduation!!

If a Haitian parent is fortunate enough to have their child go to school, it’s a miracle. Most children don’t have the opportunity to go to school. Here at Love A Child, we want the children to love, serve God, and have an education. You are looking at the “future[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Better Than a GPS.” We used to have a friend who frequently traveled to Haiti with us. She has now gone to be with the Lord. She was a good person, and loved the Lord, but she drove us nuts! She said she would have to wait until the Lord[…]

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