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Please pardon our absence. We have not been able to have contact with Bobby and Sherry due to the phones and internet being down in Haiti. Our Love A Child office in Florida is also closed due to the approaching Hurricane Ian – please pray.

Rad Hazelip, Assistant Executive Director

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Word from the Mission Field

The “sacrifice of praise…”

“By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.” Hebrews 13:15  

We all love to sing that song, “We bring the sacrifice of praise… into the house of the Lord…” But what happens when “praise” becomes the sacrifice? What happens when our eyes run with tears and our body is in pain… can we still “offer the praise?” Job did. The Lord had allowed Satan to take everything he had… his wealth, his seven children, his friends, his good name, his health, and left him “covered with boils, sitting on the ground scraping his wounds.” While going through all of this, he said, “Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” (Job 1:21)

Remember the next time we sing that song… it’s easy to “bring the sacrifice of praise” when things are going well, but when things are “wrong,” when we’re all alone, when we can’t pay our bills, when our body is in pain, and when we go through the worst trial of our life… then “the praise” really becomes the sacrifice. “Lord, help me to praise you, through every trial, through the bad times as well as the good times…” Sherry

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Joseph… Our Next Mechanic

We are so proud of our older children who are going on with their lives and becoming the “next Haitian generation.” We now have 24 older children in College and it is wonderful, but costly, and also dangerous for them due to the gangs.

However, Joseph is a positive! He is learning “mechanics” at Canado Technique. Well, with all of our cars and trucks taking a beating on these roads, we always need a good mechanic!

Joseph and his sister were born in the mountains far, far away. Their mother died in childbirth and both developed a severe form of malnutrition called “kwashiorkor.” This type of malnutrition makes the baby “look fat and healthy,” (Haitians love fat babies), but in reality, they are on a path to death.

Joseph did well, grew up, and loved working on our “junk cars” with the older mechanics! So, he is in his first year at the mechanics college. When he is here, he works with “Joker,” our best mechanic from the Dominican Republic, or Tony, who is Joker’s brother. Joseph is a “kidder…” He loves playing jokes on people and doing funny things! He is “light-hearted!” His favorite sport is of course soccer! We are so proud of Joseph!

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Fabienne… Our Little “Dental Hygienist”

Fabienne has always been such a joy! Her mother began working for us when we were in our first, old orphanage building. She would bring her little daughter to work each day and as she washed clothes, her daughter, Fabienne, would sit on a little wooden chair in the sun. She was about five or six… her mother could not afford to put her in school, and so we did. She eventually moved in with us, when her mother left.

Fabienne is sweet, giggly, shy, and kind to everyone. She is very sensitive and loves little children. Fabienne will be in her last year of dental college. She is “so sweet,” that she has earned the nickname, “ti dous,” or “little sweetie!” I wish I was that sweet! Ha!


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Haiti Update

We still do not have any Internet. I had to go to a different location to find a little Internet. The Digicel tower which controls our phone service and Internet has been completely out of diesel for days. We have another backup service, Natcom, which also went out several days ago. Sherry and I feel like we are cut off from the world, communicating with our friends and giving daily updates. When we are able to have the Internet and are able to read your encouraging words it means more than I can ever explain to you. Thank you again for your encouraging words when you send them.

Haiti is in a crisis; with no fuel, and nothing has been open for days. Gangs are roaming the streets, burning, shooting, and killing people. No one is on the roads. All this week will be huge manifestations, riots with burning down buildings, and gunfire everywhere. Haiti is collapsing from one end to the other end. No banks are open, no gas stations, etc.

People have very little money to buy anything with. Prices are out of sight. Starvation and hunger are rampant. Two people came to me this morning saying, “Bobby, we are dying please help us.” We have many Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) containers in customs but cannot pull them out due to the danger on the road… Besides, customs will be closed all this week. Due to late fees, we owe several thousand dollars. I don’t know what we are going to do. We are trusting the Lord. This is His work, not ours.

Our Jesus Healing Center, Birthing Center, and Malnutrition Center are open every day, along with our other projects. The poor Haiti people are in great need.

Our hearts are broken into many pieces.

You may not hear from us till Wednesday. On Wednesday morning Sherry and I are taking little Jackson over to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, for his monthly dialysis check-up. He is doing well! Jesse Ostrander will meet us there. We will be having Internet there.

Thank you for your prayers and support. Please, we need your support financially and prayers more than we’ve ever needed them in our life.

We love you and thank you.

Bobby and Sherry Burnette
Founders of Love A Child

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Word from the Mission Field

“Who Can You Really Trust?”

Have you ever had your trust and confidence broken? Have you ever told someone your deepest feelings, only to have them throw it to the wind?

Once you place your confidence in someone, and it is broken, it can almost wipe you out. You feel you can’t trust anyone again… I think we have all been through this at some time.

That is why David, the Psalmist said, “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in princes.” Psalm 118:8-9

You can take your problems, your cares, your troubles, your deepest secret, your most intense pain to the Lord, and leave it there. You can tell Him the hidden things of your heart, and He tells no one. And, if He makes a promise to you, He will never break it. “He,” is your Best Friend!


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Word from the Mission Field

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

We must realize that even “bad things” can work out to be good, a marriage that went wrong, a heartbreak, a job loss, something that we looked forward to, and plans that were “changed.” We must always rely on our Heavenly Father, who loves us more than anyone or anything. Remember, you are the “apple of His eye.” This thing that you are going through is just a single piece “of the big puzzle.” One day, it will all make sense.

Have a great day! God loves you and so do we!

Bobby and Sherry

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Internet is Down in Haiti

Bobby and Sherry have no internet connection in Haiti. There is no fuel in any of the cell towers which provide phone and internet service, and they don’t know when there will be. Things are so bad that “they can’t even get a smoke signal out.” Please pray!

Rad Hazelip, Assistant Executive Director

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Our Birthing Center… 24/7 We Never Stop!

“Babies Don’t Stop and Neither Do We!”

Our Love A Child Birthing Center was a dream come true… We used to see pregnant women coming to our old “Jesus Healing Center Clinic,” and many times, the mother would give birth right in the yard, while waiting on her turn to see the “doctor.” This happened many times, and this is why Bobby had a heartfelt call to build the Birthing Center. This is a great sacrifice on the part of all who work there… they work holidays, weekends, Christmas day and night to give pregnant women a good, safe, clean, delivery with a healthy baby.

Outside the Birthing Center, nervous fathers, mothers, and relatives wait and rock in “rocking chairs,” on the front porch, with Christian music playing. Our midwives, “called Saj Fans,” in Haiti, are trained and attend a two-year college course. They love seeing a mother give birth in a clean, sanitary room, with professionals at her side, and then, the mother and baby will be transferred to a beautifully clean, recovery room. Food will be sent to the mother and a picture taken with the mother and baby, for her to keep.

This is far better than having a baby born in the dark, on a dirt floor, in a mud hut, with a local lady delivering the baby, using a “rusty razor blade,” or a “tin can lid,” to cut the cord! This is “First Class Care,” for the Lord!! We give all the Glory to the Lord and we are so thankful for this beautiful Birthing Center that our partners helped build! “Babies don’t stop and neither do we!” God bless you, Sherry

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“God Can Make the Impossible… Possible”

If ever we needed a miracle as missionaries… we need it now. There in nothing on the news at all about the violence which has permeated Haiti… nothing on CNN, nothing on Fox News… It’s as if “Haiti didn’t exist.” Only the few missionaries who are left, and the “good Haitian people,” know what is happening.

We are almost completely out of fuel (gas and oil) in the country, and it is now $10 U.S. on the “black market.” Gangs control nearly every area of Haiti… There are only a few large towns that have not been taken over.

The Police are virtually non-existent because they do not have the same ammunition the gangs have. The Prime Minister is in charge of the country and he is “just the same as the gangs.” Ever since President Jovenel was killed last year, the county is upside down. We have heard that OAS, the Organization of American States, would come to help us “if” the United States would join them. However, this is not happening. So we, the Haitian people, and a small number of missionaries, are at the mercy of God…

But the “good news” is this… “The things which are impossible with men, are possible with God.” Luke 18:27

So, today from Haiti we want to encourage you, who need a miracle in your life, don’t be discouraged. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever! He loves you, and will come to your rescue if you only believe… He is the God that makes the “impossible… possible!” So, no matter what you are facing, we want you to know that God is still on the throne, and ready to make the impossible… possible! We are believing that too for the country of Haiti!


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