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God is Good to Yonel

Yonel…  He was nothing but a skeleton when we found him in the mountains, during a Mobile Clinic. He was skin and bones. Both he and his small sister were brought by their grandmother to our clinic. We knew his sister was near death, but we thought we had a[…]

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Update on Jackson

Dear friends, this is an updated report on Jackson beginning his dialysis in the apartment we rented in the Dominican Republic. With Jesse are Jovanie, RN, one of our Love A Child kids, Phanise, our RN who works at the Jesus Healing Center, Philemond our driver, and the trainer, doctors,[…]

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field

GOD’S HAND IS OUTSTRETCHED TO YOU! “Behold the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear.” Isaiah 59:1 God has a miracle for you! Be encouraged… Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Update on Kenson…

Kenson Edmond was born in Port-au-Prince. Both his mother, Manitha Jeran Louis, and his father, Nixon Edmound, died and he and his brother were brought to our orphanage. Kenson is quiet and studious. Even though he loves soccer, he is a serious kid. When he was younger, we let him[…]

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“Who’s Driving Us Crazy?”

When the older kids are out of school, they all have work to do. But once in a while, “Poppie Bobby” gives a few of the girls a “driving lesson” in my old Cruiser. They don’t leave the property but they have a great time! Sometimes, they hit a bush[…]

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Children’s Home – Fond Parisien

All of the 85 children raised in our Children’s Home came from backgrounds of indescribable poverty, ill health, abandonment, or abuse. But with God’s love and faithfulness and our generous partners, they now have stories of hope! We may be the hands, but without you, none of this is possible![…]

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The Gabion Houses are Going Up Fast!

The first picture is the Gabion house being built in front of the tarp the family was living under! By some time next week, 15 more Gabion houses will be finished with the families moving in. We have a total of 30 houses finished with 15 more to be finished[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“One Thing You Lack” There is a sad story in Mark 10 of a rich young ruler. It is sad, because the Bible says, “Then Jesus beholding him loved him…” The rich young ruler came to Jesus to ask him what he should do to have eternal life. Jesus told him to[…]

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Davidson… Another Great Photographer

I have taught the children here at our Children’s Home this, “If you want to know what kind of job you should pursue, find what makes you happy and you will find your job. If love doing this, it’s not just a job; it is your passion.” Davidson (Jonathan) is[…]

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The Story of Madamn Thelusma… a Hopeless Situation

What kind of medical care could Madamn Thelusma receive in the mountains with her infected leg? Warning: Graphic Pictures Ahead… Shilove Thelusma was just 22, and the mother of one child. She, like many other women, struggled to feed her child when her husband abandoned her. She was pregnant, and[…]

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