One day of favor from the Lord! “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” Luke: 2:52 One day of favor is worth a thousand days of labor. I pray this week the Lord will give you favor with God and man. God moves through man to bless you and me. Have...
We were having a Mobile Clinic in Fond Parisien, and just returned from another trip to the mountains. Dr. Chester Falterman was with us. He has always been part of our life. As Dieubon's mother brought him to us, we noticed that he was walking with "club feet." This is usually a problem caused in...
Today, while you are going to church, and enjoying the praise service, the beautiful music, etc., poor Haitians are going to church, too... but, they must go through gang-related areas, and take the chance that they will be kidnapped, robbed, or killed. They have even kidnapped pastors, "while they were preaching"! But, the Christian Haitians...
“Crazy Faith!” An old man of God preached a sermon one time on, “How Bad Do You Want It?” Most Christians ask the Lord for something and then whine around when they don’t get it immediately, but “faith without works is dead… dead faith.” Jesus had been wearied with preaching and praying for the sick....
We first met Pistache (Wilner), when we were doing a Mobile Clinic. His father had brought him. Pistache was so small and “boney,” I had to pick him up and sit him on my lap. I asked his father, “How old is Pistache?” I thought that maybe he was six or seven. His poor father...
In the past two weeks, we have seen an increase in cases of malnutrition in children under two (2) years old. Some of them have Kwashiorkor malnutrition and others have Marasmus malnutrition. Hunger is becoming commonplace in Haiti. It is like a "vulture encircling Haiti!” Today's story is about one of those many children: a...
How many would give "their right arm" to have perfect peace? They have troubled lives and do not know that the Lord is King of "perfect peace." People have asked us lately, "How can you live in Haiti with gangs all around you, and have 'perfect peace?'" We will all have storms in our lives,...
Little Carlos was about 15 months old when his mother, Jan, came to the gate of our old orphanage. At that time, we already had about 30 kids and could not take in anymore. Carlos’ mother had been sleeping in the streets with him and, she told us, “Sometimes in a cemetery.” She needed food...
The children of Haiti will steal your heart ❤️ These children are getting their morning water in buckets in a village which we put in a well and a hand pump for fresh water. Thank you, partners and friends, who helped make this possible. Love is something you do!! Missionary Bobby Burnette
Praise the Lord at all times! Let's praise Him when we are in the valley, on the mountain top, poor, rich, sick, or even dying, and when your friends or loved ones don't understand you. “I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvelous works. I will...