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Anna a/k/a Hannah

What a sweetie! She was born in the mountains of Demesseau, Haiti. Pastor Emmanuel (who has gone to be with the Lord) brought her to us. She had poor health and severe malnutrition. Her mother died when she was just a couple of months old, and nothing is known of her[…]

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Update on Jackson

We are on our way back across the border to Haiti. Jesse Ostrander is with Jackson at our apartment we rented in the Dominican Republic for Jackson’s training on the Dialysis Machine. The training will actually start on Wednesday because they are waiting for another one of our nurses to[…]

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Update on Jackson (Jasson)

Yesterday we called and got to talk to Jackson. As many of you know, we brought Jackson out of the mountains of Savaan Pit, Haiti. He had a HUGE belly full of water, caused by Kwashiorkor Malnutrition. Even though he no longer has this huge belly to carry around, he[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Until You See the Giants.” It’s amazing how a lot of Bible scholars talk about faith. Many of them, “do have,” the gift of faith, and they are great men and women of God, because their faith has gone through the fire. But, many people write books about faith, but[…]

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Noah is a Keeper!

It was about four years ago that we received a call from the guys at our front gate, here at Love A Child. They said that “someone had left a baby” in the weeds and disappeared. We came quickly and found this little boy dropped off in the weeds, whimpering.[…]

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More Food For Hungry Families with Children in South Haiti

More food was just recently purchased in South Haiti for the victims who are still suffering from a lack of food, due to the last earthquake. Because it is so dangerous to transport it past gangs, we had to purchase all this food in an area near the earthquake victims[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“If God Can’t Do It, It Can’t Be Done!” You may be facing a problem, that looks “impossible,” today. You may be climbing a mountain, that seems too high and you may be looking at “Jordan River, trying to figure out how to get across.” You know what I’m talking[…]

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Update on Samuel

Samuel is maturing into a sweet, honest, and hardworking young man. He never gets angry or raises his voice; he is kind and obedient. He loves to play the drums at the nightly service at our Love A Child Children’s home! Samuel also has the talent to draw. He helps[…]

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News and Haiti Update: 

On Thursday, we had a wonderful Love A Child Board Meeting in Fort Myers, Florida. We meet 4 times per year. We have men and women on the board who have wisdom and love for the Haitian people. We are thankful to the Lord and our friends… who are strong and the Lord is[…]

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Giving Joy in the Middle of Danger

“For some time now, Haitians have been living in fear, despair, and grief around a single issue: insecurity. To walk on the streets of Haiti, you have to be very careful not to be kidnapped, you have to be careful not to get shot. Many Haitians say that if they[…]

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