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Our Lovely…

Lovely has grown into a beautiful young woman. One of her relatives, Madamn Cheap Cheap, used to sell us tickets and Haitian items that we bought for our partners back home in the States. She explained that Lovely’s mother had a serious illness which she passed on to Lovely. We[…]

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Mikenson… Here is what he looks like now, wow!

Many of you have read the story of Mikenson, and his mother’s plight to keep him alive. This is what is happening here in Haiti, due to the gangs on the streets, and due to the stress of no jobs being available. Children are starving to death… by a miracle,[…]

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House number 36 is under construction!

Another warm story… A few weeks ago, during a food distribution to the poor earthquake survivors of the remote area of Kwelan, I preached a message of encouragement to those that were given food. Madamn Guerline Guerier came forward and expressed how she and her two children were sleeping outside[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Ye Shall Henceforth Return No More That Way.” Deuteronomy 17:16 Are you looking for a “Word from the Lord,” today? Perhaps you are wondering “which way to go?” Maybe it is something you have been thinking about… This is a very unusual scripture and it is dealing with the bondage[…]

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“Moomoon” is a Sweetie!

Bianca is one of the sweetest young girls we have! She is quiet, intelligent, and “always studying!” She is in High School and preparing to graduate and go on to College. She loves to do research on difficult things… alone. She will spend all day in her room, reading, and[…]

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Thank You World Vision!

What a tremendous blessing we received from our friends at World Vision! We are so thankful for the “pallets of rolls of material” that we were recently given. We shared many of these rolls of materials with other missionaries, and some went to Pastor Claude, who was “beside himself” with[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” Galatians 5:14 Just think, all the law is fulfilled in this…“love your neighbor as much as you love yourself.” Wow! That’s a lot of love. Try it today! Do something kind[…]

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Mackenson… a Miracle from God!

When I first saw this poor father from the mountains coming to our Mobile Clinic, he had a baby in his arms. This child had malnutrition so badly, that his arms and legs were swollen so badly that the skin was ripping open. The child looked like he was about[…]

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324 Fed in Petite Rivier

Thank you for your financial support and prayers! We had a big cookout for 324 children in South Haiti in an area called Petite Rivier. The children came dressed in their best for the feast. Yum!!! Thank you, Hubert, and all his team for putting this together. We love you…[…]

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