Because of your help, the 273 hungry and malnourished prisoners of Anse-à-Veau are being fed a healthy, nutritious meal every day! Today’s plat du jour is a vitamin-rich soup combined with mashed black beans, plantains, mashed sweet potatoes, plantains, potatoes, spinach, cabbage, carrots, and a cow’s shank and hoof for the bone marrow.
The Love A Child staff works all night before preparing the meal for the next day. Before serving, a prayer of thanks is given over the pots of food before serving the anxiously awaiting inmates for their food.
Thank you, Hubert and the Love A Child team. Thank you from the depths of our hearts for continuing to give to help the helpless of Haiti. Love is something you do!
“With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.” Mark 10:27 – I’ve learned a valuable lesson in life following the Lord, we must do everything that is possible and let God do the impossible! Bobby
Dimelia (Dumolia) is still in college in Jamaica and doing well. She has had to adjust to the college life of being in Jamaica and the Jamaican accent! Dimelia was badly burned at an early age. She had fallen into a boiling tub of water and it was hard to get her out! Her chin, neck, and chest areas were very badly burned. Scars formed on her neck so badly she could not turn her neck. Her chest area was also badly scarred. We had to send her to the Shriners Burn Center back and forth for years, and we also had to find a lady to take Dimelia into her home and care for her. This meant “going back and forth from Haiti to the Burn Center for years!” When she was finished with her surgeries, she came back to Haiti. She could speak English… but had a hard time with French! Her Visa to the States was up so we had to find an English-speaking college, and we found one in Jamaica! She will soon start her fall college course in “Administration!” This is a wonderful, sweet, kind, and intelligent young lady! She will go far, she loves people, and she loves the Lord! Thank you, partners!
We just came from one of our Kindergarten classrooms here at Love A Child. Yolanda, the young lady you see, is one of our Love A Child children! She was one of the first two families of four children each, and that’s how we started our orphanage.
Parents are so proud of their little ones! They want their children to have an education! They say that, “Without an education, you are a blind man walking into the darkness.”
Children without an education cannot have a good life in Haiti!
Each morning, they pray and sing songs about Jesus. Education is vital to their lives… as much as food is!
Thank you, partners, for helping us feed Haiti’s children with food, with education, and with the Gospel!
Has anyone ever said that to you? Maybe not in those words but they may have said, “I promise you.” These are very strong words! But, this was spoken after Moses had gone up into the mountain with God. Deuteronomy 34 tells all about Moses going up into the mountain where God had called him, but Moses did not come back this time, because God said, “Moses my servant is dead!!” But their journey was not finished! What a big job had just rested on the shoulders of Joshua!! But God spoke to Joshua and said, “As I was with Moses so shall I be with thee. I will not fail thee nor forsake thee!” This is just what Joshua needed to hear! It gave him the strength to go on.
So today, no matter what you are facing, know that the same God who was with Moses is the same God who is with you! He will never leave you nor forsake you! Have a blessed day!
Mika Georges… What can I say?! She’s 15, loves computers, and wants to learn everything about them! She’s passionate about school and not so much about sports! In her spare time, she is learning piano! Mika loves soccer, but would rather “watch” a soccer game!
Unlike her twin, Mikalange, Mika is quiet. You could find her working anywhere!! She just started school, 10th grade! She is sweet, humble, quiet, and loves to help! I say, “I can always count on Mika!” Let’s see how she uses her life in the future.
Praise the Lord we are home in Haiti! We arrived at about 11 a.m. today, landing in Port-au-Prince. Thanks to a special friend who flew us here by helicopter. Due to the gangs, it’s impossible to travel the roads out here. So happy to see our children!
Thank you, for your prayers. Look what the Lord can do! Thank you to our friend, who he himself, and staff are doing a great work for the Lord in Haiti. Love is something you do!
“And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.” Luke 2:52
“And the child Samuel grew on, and was in favour both with the Lord, and also with men.” 1 Samuel 2:26
I pray and speak the favor of the Lord in your life today! Every morning, without fail, Sherry and I ask the Lord out loud, for His divine favor and favor with men. We never go out the door in the mornings without praying this prayer. We need God’s favor and the favor of men. Why the favor of men? God moves through people!
We are at the airport now traveling to Haiti. We won’t get to Haiti until tomorrow. This “one is a long trip” with long layovers. We can’t wait to see all the children and workers! Haiti gets into your blood!
I had a really bad fall on Thursday. I fractured some ribs. My neck and shoulder hurts. I’m ok… going forward. Pray we will have a safe trip to Haiti. We love you.
We always believe that God knows everything about us: our needs, our problems, everything. But we seem to forget that the Lord “knew us before we were born.”
It is impossible for us to think that God doesn’t love us, or that He doesn’t want us, or that He has forgotten us! He has “tracked us” before we were even a thought! He knows about every worry, every fear, and everything that we will face in the future!
“We just can’t hide anything from Him!”
Now, that “big problem” you have is now “His Big Problem!” He is the “way-maker” and the “problem solver!”
He is telling you today, “Everything’s Gonna Be Alright!”