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The Church in Sapaterre… A Miracle in the Middle of “No-Where”

Years ago, we discovered the village of “Sapaterre,” Haiti. (Sa-pa-terre means “That’s not dirt!”) We had sent in Peter and Joseph, who had helped us in our Mobile Clinics, in the prayer area. Peter and Joseph had discovered this village of Sapaterre, one of the villages responsible for making those[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

AN EVENT THAT CHANGED MY LIFE FOREVER: When we first started working in Haiti, we would have large open-air crusades. During one evening crusade in Carrefour, Haiti, I had around 10,000 people in attendance. I will never forget a lady right up front, a lady that held her baby high above her head and[…]

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Girls Will Be Girls…

There may be all kinds of problems outside, but the girls have to have something “to think about,” other than gangs on the streets. This is Dumolia, one of our older girls, who was badly burned when she was very young, but now, since she has had many surgeries in[…]

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UPDATE: We have finished 30 houses up to this date and the families have moved in. We have started on the next 30 houses by faith! Madamn Cassamajor Manitha will be receiving house number 31! Missionary Bobby Burnette Below is a message I received yesterday about this…   —–Original Message—–[…]

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The Story of Mackenson Jean – Malnutrition Center

“Mackenson… This baby began losing weight, but his mother thought it was due to a curse.” Little Mackenson Jean often cried himself to sleep due to hunger. He was just a baby, not even a year old. Little Mackenson is from the village of Belle Fontaine, high in the mountains[…]

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LAC TV Program “The Widow’s Mite” Begins Friday!

This week, stories of the marginalized and suffering in Haiti are brought to Bobby and Sherry’s attention. One mother has witnessed her children’s bellies swell and hair turn red with malnutrition; they fight to survive, but you can’t outrun starvation in a fourth-world country. A teenage boy knows what it[…]

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Make Your Enemies, Your Friends…

Every one of us has an enemy… maybe we don’t even realize it. It could even be someone who is “jealous” of you. You can feel that “bad spirit” when you are around them… but God wants us to make our enemies, our friends… The other day when I was[…]

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Everyone Loves Her…

Daniella and her brother Daniel are twins. Nothing is known of their father, so maybe he left before the children were born, but their mother didn’t know she was about to have triplets! She took a tap-tap ride to the General Hospital (hospital for the poor), and there had been[…]

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Old Letant – Feeding

Our Love A Child schools serve over 8,000 children. These children get a Christian education, medical care when necessary, and a meal every school day! Without that meal, many of the children we serve would not eat for days at a time. The meals you donate serve so many throughout[…]

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Wilner Exil sent me this e-mail yesterday. I’m so excited the ATC guys are planting coconut and fruit trees all over our Love A Child (LAC) compound! Coconuts are healthy and delicious. Please read below what Wilner (the head of our ATC) wrote me. I love his English. Missionary Bobby[…]

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