"A Still Small Voice" Have you ever prayed and prayed and asked the Lord for a miracle, or asked Him what direction you should go? When I was young and in church, the pastor would tell us many times that God would give us a sign. Sometimes, the Lord did, but that was rare... I often thought that...
This is our Dumolia. She has been working on getting into a special medical college in Jamaica! She could not get into college in Haiti because she does not speak a lot of French. (She spent much of her time in the States due to burns that she had when she was small.) It was...
Here we are at the Barahona Airport in the Dominican Republic. Flight time should be 2 hours and 45 minutes to Kingston. Dumolia will be attending the University Of Technology in Kingston. Pray that we will have a safe flight. In the picture with us is our pilot Russ Craig, who operates Hope From Above...
Here are some of the workers from our “Agricultural Training Center” planting cabbage! They plant “so many kinds of vegetables!" They send this food to our Children’s Home, and to feed the workers at our Jesus Healing Center Clinic, our Birthing Center, our Malnutrition Center, and even our Construction Team. Each person you see who...
Even though the roads are dangerous, and even though the gangs are growing worse each day, children still have to have “hope!” There are a few private schools that started early, but most other schools will start in a few weeks. The food that a child can get at school, if they are lucky enough,...
"Hands on the Plough" Haiti is a country with many, many needs. First of all, it needs a good, "honest," caring President! Secondly, it needs a "hand up" to get rid of the gangs and begin again. After the assignation of President Jovenel, things went from "bad to worse." Jobs are more scarce... the poor...
His name is Daniel "Burnette," but everyone calls him by his nickname "Daniello." He is originally from the poor "mud-hut" village of Old Letant. Once when we were visiting there, the people of the village showed us a baby whose parents had both died. They were "trying to feed him anything they could" to keep...
We just crossed the border into the Dominican Republic. We cannot fly out from Port-Au-Prince as it is too dangerous. Tomorrow we fly to Jamaica. Dumolia will be starting a new life. We took her in when she was a little girl who was severely burned all over her body. After several operations at Shriners...
Madamn Jonise lived in the village of Ti Source, which is located about 45 kilometers (about 28 miles) from our Birthing Center. The gangs have left this neighborhood "looking like a ghost town!" This is where the gangs have settled... In this small village, several mothers have lost their lives after childbirth, and newborns have...
Our "watered down Gospel." Have you noticed changes in our churches nowadays? We are in the times of the "new religion," where we no longer preach again sin, but rather, make sure that everyone is happy with a short, "boring" sermon. We live in Haiti, but some of the stuff we see on TV, and...