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“Here We Go ‘Round the Mulberry Bush…“

Since the times of this familiar children’s nursery rhyme, Mulberry’s seem to have enjoyed a special place in rural social development. So too in rural Haiti. Today, Wilner gave 5 young Mulberry trees to Pastor Joseph of the Love A Child church in the mud cookie village of Sapaterre. Pastor Joseph says everyone is excited to plant the new trees around the church and community. These trees will grow up to give a welcomed harvest of fruit that will be enjoyed by the whole community – both people and birds. As you have read before, we use the Mulberry trees in our Edible Plant Nursery because of their many benefits: providing a healthy fruit treat, stabilizing the soil, providing a lot of shade and biomass from their leaves, and providing seeds for birds, especially for free-ranging chickens who will happily trade the trees’ seeds for their protein-filled eggs. Mulberry trees can grow very large and often become a comfortable meeting place underneath their ample shade. Mature Mulberry trees often serve as a foundation for communities who appreciate more than just their fruit. We recently also gave Pastor Claude some Mulberry trees for his growing orphanage near Love A Child. I am sure there are many children already singing and playing around these Mulberry bushes. Love A Child’s sustainability projects help Haitians to be able to help themselves. Thank you for your gifts of support for this work. God bless you.

Rad Hazelip, Assistant Executive Director

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LAC TV Program “Withhold Not Good” Begins Friday!

This week Bobby and Sherry head to Old Letant to deliver food. While there, they reflect on one of their more heartbreaking memories and share the harsh realities of growing up in Haiti. These children have never experienced a childhood filled with laughter, snacks, games, and affection; they have only ever known hard work. They walk several miles for water, take care of younger siblings, grind food, build fires, cook, clean, and more. Many will never know what it’s like to have three meals a day, receive an education, or play with a toy. By providing these children with one box of food a month, we lighten their load and give them hope!

We want to invite viewers around the world to tune in on Friday to Daystar Television Network at 6:30 p.m. (ET) and then throughout the week. You can also watch us on DirecTV, DISH Network, Christian Television Network, The Word Network, NRB, and many more local television stations. Check out our full schedule for the best way for you to tune in. You can also watch the program online through our Vimeo and YouTube channels or on our website under the “Media” tab.

Together we are changing lives!

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Word from the Mission Field


“Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” Joshua 1:9

“… I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Be strong and of a good courage…” Joshua 1:5-6

Jesus said, “… I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” (Hebrews 13:5)

“If God be for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31

Oh, what a story in 1 Samuel 30… If you have time, please read the whole chapter this morning. David was greatly distressed, for his own people spoke of stoning him. What did David do? Some of you are passing through the valley today with the enemy all around you. The Lord is saying, “… but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.” (1 Samuel 30:6)

He went out and took back what Satan had stolen, and he won the victory!!
The victory is ours today!!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Latest News

Hi everyone,

Thank you for reading Sherry’s 6:00 p.m. posts about the Love A Child children. She loves doing these posts because she loves the children. Bobby and Sherry will be in Africa from July 13th through July 25th. When they return to Haiti, they will resume the 6:00 p.m. post. Please check back then!

Thank you, and God bless you!

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“Table for 500 Please!”

Have you ever been out to eat with a “large party?” It could take a very long time to be sat down and then even longer to order and actually eat! Well, we just witnessed 500 sweet children fed all at once! Our staff was up early in the morning preparing large pots of rice, beans, and meat for over 500 little hungry mouths. A very loud, rowdy crowd fell silent as spoons shoveled the large plates clean.

Thank you for making large feedings and food distributions like these possible! The many “Thank You’s” expressed today by these children were to “YOU!” You are the hands and feet of Jesus! THANK YOU, PARTNERS!

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Greetings from beautiful Africa!

The country, people, and animals of Africa are amazing!

Today, we are taking off in a small plane to fly to Maasai Mara [National Reserve], and this is where the animal migration is happening! We will be sending you pictures!

The birds here are gorgeous! There are so many types, you can’t count them!

We leave Kenya on Sunday, the 24th, for Haiti! While we are gone, Jesse and Kim Ostrander are doing a great job! Be sure to read their posts every day.

We miss Haiti, the people, and our children!

If you ever have a chance to come to Africa, we would encourage you to come!

God bless you,
Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

“A testimony from the king with eagle feathers and bird claws…”
King Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon, had a heart full of pride, was bound by sin and never helped the poor. Because of this, God drove him from his Kingdom, and he actually became an animal. He ate grass with the other animals. His body was wet with the dew from heaven, and his hair grew long like “eagle feathers,” and his nails became “bird claws.” God made him like this for a long period of time, but Nebuchadnezzar repented, and began to praise God. “And I blessed the most High, and I praised and honored Him that liveth forever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom is from generation to generation.” Daniel 4:34 – What a revelation for a crazy man to have! God can forgive and His mercy is greater than we can understand! Blessings! Sherry

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Latest News

Hi everyone,

Thank you for reading Sherry’s 6:00 p.m. posts about the Love A Child children. She loves doing these posts because she loves the children. Bobby and Sherry will be in Africa from July 13th through July 25th. When they return to Haiti, they will resume the 6:00 p.m. post. Please check back then!

Thank you, and God bless you!

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John the Tracker! – “Follow the Poop!”

We decided to go on a “safari hike.” In order to go on this “safari hike,” it required us to listen to our guide first. We had to take a “walking stick,” carry a bottle of water, and remain behind “John the Tracker!” I would be in the middle and Bobby behind me. They were very specific! The Land Rover would be behind us “just in case.”

It was cold and windy, and they insisted on us carrying a walking stick. John the Tracker carried a huge gun, just in case a wild animal got out of control. We noticed John looked side to side, (for which we were thankful), but every time he spotted animal “poop,” John would stop! (He definitely knows the animal poop and the animal footprints!!!) He would carefully inspect everything. He could tell if it was White Rhino, Black Rhino, Zebra, or if it was a female! Bobby and I kept looking from side to side for some animal to come charging out of the bushes… and he kept his eyes on the “poop!”

After one hour of cold “Arctic-like” wind blowing us, carrying a walking stick, and listening to the “poop” stories, we were exhausted. We were so glad when the Land Rover picked us up! But, we loved John and we especially loved “John’s gun!” In fact, with the dangerous problems in Haiti, I wished we could have packed John and his gun and brought them to Haiti! Tomorrow, we are going to follow the poop and the footprints of a cheetah!

Note: Be sure to read Jesse Ostrander’s post! He is doing a great job in South Haiti. They are there right now, working on our Gabion House Project and also giving out food to poor families who greatly suffered after the earthquake. We are so thankful to Nelio, our Haitian Director, and all our Love A Child Staff for doing a great job while we are gone! PTL!!!

PS: I’m sorry we cannot reply to questions on Facebook. We have a laptop problem which should be fixed when we get back.
The Papaya Gang and the other gangs have been letting our Food Containers come through to Love A Child! They know everyone needs food!

I’m sorry that anyone who asked a question on Facebook did not get a reply. It is due to a problem, (or adjustment), on our laptop! It should be fixed soon! We will be back in Haiti on the 25th! Thank you!

Bobby and Sherry

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Updates from the Mission Field

There may not be an EPA here in Haiti, but we are doing our best to reuse and recycle. We cannot purchase pressure-treated lumber here. So in our Gabion houses, we treat the wood with used motor oil. This process helps keep the spent oil out of the soil while protecting the wood from rot. The black wood you see here has been treated with the used oil.

We are building many Gabion houses here in the mountains of south Haiti. The logistics are complex. We are hiring local labor, using local materials, and using techniques like the used motor oil to help protect the wood and the beautiful Haitian landscape. Please pray for this effort. It is a big undertaking.

Jesse Ostrander

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