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Dimelia, New Hair!

Dimelia… Note: I recently did a post on Dimelia but wanted you to see her hair, and how gifted these girls are. When Dimelia laughs, she laughs with her whole face! She had been working at our Love A Child Maternity Clinic for a while. She does the “sonograms,” and[…]

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A warm story about Mrs. Ternelie

Mr. Watson from Love A Child sent me this story from Hubert in South Haiti. With your help, we give out meals almost every day to those in need in south Haiti where we are building the Gabion houses. This sweet lady, 80 years old, was on the street trying[…]

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Help! Boys’ Clothes Needed!! 

Many people have asked us what we need the most at our orphanage. The answer is “dress clothes and play clothes,” for the boys. Girls are easier to care for than boys. Girls like to stay clean and cute, but boys like to get dirty! Haitian kids love to go[…]

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Word From the Mission Field

“While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall never cease.” Genesis 8:22 When we plant a seed we can expect the harvest! It’s so amazing how small some seeds are. Look at the mustard seed in the Bible, so[…]

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No one has a smile like Kristela!

She is “always happy,” “always laughing,” and “always up to something.” But if you had seen her the day she was brought to us, you would have thought she would not live. It is a long story but her mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother were heavily involved in Voodoo. While conducting[…]

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Fresh Mangoes and Okra!

I just took these pictures of our Agricultural Training Center (ATC) guys who just brought more fresh fruit to our Children’s Home. Yum!! Fresh mangoes and okra! The children will be happy. Today for lunch I will eat the fried okra with my fingers and have a mango for dessert![…]

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Word From the Mission Field

“How to Handle Your Enemies.” We all have enemies, let’s face it. Most times, it is because of jealousy. David had enemies too; in fact, King Saul was “number one” on the list… all because of jealousy. David prayed this prayer, “Mine enemies would daily swallow me up: for they[…]

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Smiling Jonas!

“He took me from a bad place and put me in a good place.” Just look at little Jonas, lifting those rocks and smiling ear to ear!! He had been working in the yard with our other boys, but no one could smile like Jonas!! This little boy has never[…]

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Kids on the Rock Pile…

During the 2010 earthquake, we were the largest “Field Hospital” in Haiti, and we still have a lot of miscellaneous rocks to deal with. Those in charge of the Field Hospital on our land had ordered a lot of gravel and rocks to be put in the area where the[…]

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Easter Service in Villa Hermosa, DR

David and Angie George along with RL and Vanessa had a wonderful Easter service at our Love A Child church in Villa Hermosa, Dominican Republic. Please read below from David George’s Facebook post. Wow! Plus, we gave each person a nice Easter lunch. David George had a burden from the[…]

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