“Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord when saw we thee an hungered, and fed thee? Or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? Or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25: 37-40
These words are so powerful… when we do these things to someone, we are actually doing it unto Jesus Himself! Love is something you do!
That’s the note we got from our Haitian kids this morning! School is a very important part of their lives! The majority of Haiti’s poor cannot go to school because there is no money for food, and therefore, no money for school. To have the opportunity to go to school is a miracle! Haitian children “love school!” They want their hair to look good and they want to smell good, even if it is a small can of inexpensive body spray! It’s all about looking good, smelling good, and doing good in school! So, thank you, Partners! We love you! Bobby and Sherry
We all love this little guy, Zachary. He always just looks like a “serious little guy!” This is his second year of “Kindergarten” in Haiti! Zachary never says a lot and he always looks like he’s had a bad dream! He is a serious but sweet little guy. He is a miracle child because his “mother had a plan to kill him” when he was a baby! Zachary’s mother was mentally ill. She said that “she could not find some of her children!!!” God just worked a miracle so that we could get him away from his mother!
Zachary is “a man of few words,” but he doesn’t miss a thing! He loves to play with his brothers, the kids, and two dogs. He is a hard worker and a “serious thinker!!” We all love him so much! Sherry
Sherry and I left North Carolina yesterday morning at 6:00 a.m.
We had plans to return to Haiti, but we came by our house here in Florida because it could easily end up being in the path of the hurricane. We ask you for your prayers as we are praying for those in the path of the hurricane now. We are praying for those in NC, SC, and GA. Unbelievable!
We will be returning to Haiti this week as soon as the hurricane passes over. Thank you for your prayers.
Sometimes we are in the valley, sometimes on top of the mountain. Some of you are in the valley and have been there for some time. Others receive criticism… Your family does not understand why you are serving Christ. Others may laugh at you and talk about you. Some of your friends may be against you, jealous of you, but that’s okay. “If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31) The best is yet to come because the Lord is on our side! Bobby Burnette
Here are pictures of some of our orphan children on the first day of school here at Love A Child. Many children in the neighborhood also attend our school.
The first day of school in the life of a Haitian child is the most important day of their life! They “get to go to school!” In Haiti, you must have a uniform and black shoes to go to school, and many poor children cannot afford this. Also, the boys have to have their hair “cut short!” Since there are no barbers here, someone will use a “Gillette” (razor) to cut their hair! (Note: Haitians use the “brand name of things” to call them what they are, i.e. Gillette.)
The gangs are taking over many parts of Haiti. The school children of Haiti are the future of their country, not the gangs! Thank you to our partners who have helped us build several Christian schools.
We thank God for his protection over the people at Love A Child and Fond Parisien. Last night, we received a message from the military installation close by. They shared news of a credible threat that a large attack was imminent. We prayed that God would repel these evildoers.
As the sun comes up over the mountains and begins to shine its light over the Love A Child compound, we thank God for his faithful defense!
Please continue to pray fervently for the protection of Love A Child, the children, and the people of Fond Parisien.
“The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.” Psalm 18:2-3
We all go through “tough times” in our life! We often do see this coming, but tough times do come! God is telling us the same the thing He told Joshua! “Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” Joshua 1:9
The gangs in Haiti have threatened our lives again! But the Lord is our defense! Wherever we go, God goes with us… and wherever you go, God is with “you!” Have a blessed day!
Ti David was the seventh child of a poor family. His parents said that they could not afford to feed another child so when Ti David was a little older, they asked a neighbor to take him. When the neighbor could not feed him, they took him to the Department of Social Services. They called us and asked us to take him in!
Ti David is now 14 years old and will be in the 7th grade. He has not yet decided on what he wants to become, but I would say he wants to be a driver and a mechanic!! He loves playing soccer with his brothers, doing “chores,” and playing dominos! (I can hear the dominos being slammed on the old table right now!)
Ti David “looks tough,” but his spirit is so gentle! He loves to feed the animals and to help in any way he can! He is usually hanging around the older boys to see if there is a chance of “riding in a truck!” I can see this little guy working with “heavy equipment” and loving it! Thank you, Partners, for making a difference in this life!!
This note and photos are from Wilner, who calls me “Big Boss.”
Bobby Burnette
“Dear my Big Boss, we want to show you some pictures of our work from Monday to yesterday. We planted different vegetables, planted 35 banana plants, and have achieved several other tasks. We wanted to take advantage of the rain to plant several plants. Thank you. Wilner Excil, ATC.”