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Casimi is back in the Saddle!

Last Friday Casimi, our semi, and the container was kidnapped along with three more of our workers. Two of which were security. By the next day, that evening Nelio our LAC director had everyone out safe along with our semi and container!! Love A Child cannot pay a ransom because[…]

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A Young Man Named “Nelio”

When Bobby and I first moved to Haiti we had a Trooper. We loved that machine! It could almost “climb a coconut tree!” But as the years went on, it, like other vehicles, had struggles coping with the rough road conditions of Haiti. Our interpreter back then had a cousin[…]

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ATC Harvest

In a post earlier today, you saw a picture that I took of the ATC (Agricultural Training Center) guys bringing vegetables to the Children’s Home. Wonderful fresh vegetables for the children! Later today, Wilner, the head of the Agricultural Training Center School, sent me this little note with pictures of the vegetables in the[…]

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Zachary Update

We have had Zachary since he was just a couple of months old. At that time, when his mother came to our Clinic with him, we did not know that “five of her children had died,” and that she was planning on killing “this baby.” We got permission to take[…]

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“Fruitful” Partnerships

In Genesis 47:19, the people are saying that they “don’t want to be slaves to Pharaoh,” only using their land to benefit him, but are asking instead, “Give us seed so that we can live and not die, and so that the land won’t become desolate.” There is great freedom[…]

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Mr. Efrane Blanc’s Story…

Efrane Blanc is an old Haitian man, around 80 years old. He lives in the locality of Mokou, in Arnaud, in the area of the recent earthquake. He is a sweet, elderly man who lost one of his eight children in the earthquake — a son he dearly loved. He[…]

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LAC TV Program “Our Biggest Joy” Begins Friday!

The children in Haiti suffer so much; your heart will break as Love A Child brings some of their stories to light. Some of these children are orphans, others take care of their grandparents or siblings; some are punished until they do various backbreaking chores, others do it simply in[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe: come, get you down; for the press is full, the vats overflow…” Joel 3:13 There are many ways we “preach the Gospel” in Haiti. Most of the ways, we do not use words, but we use “love!” Love speaks louder[…]

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On the Way Back With Jackson

We are on the way back to Haiti with little Jackson (Jasson). Tuesday, Philimond and Jackson will be returning to Santo Domingo for more medical tests for Jackson, and Jesse Ostrander will be meeting them there. We are praying for a miracle that Jackson will not need to be in[…]

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