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Caring for Malnourished Children

A Spoonful of Rice… Poor families from the mountains with children to feed, have to figure out a way to feed everyone with “just a tiny little bit.” They will cook their little bit of rice or soup and take a spoon and pass a spoonful of food around to[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

GOD HAS A REMNANT! The world is changing. The church is changing. Seems like the standard of rightness is changing. Some are preaching an anemic gospel. I heard one well-known minister say (concerning sin), “No rules, just love God.” I have made up my mind. I will not go the way of[…]

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Fabiola, Always Looking for Work!

She is about 12 now… It is sad to know that her mother died when she was very young. Her father had the responsibility of caring for her and her brother, Wiggins (Jacque), but that did not last long. There were other children in the family, and her father could[…]

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Remembering the Widows and Orphans…

We love this sweet organization, “The Widows and Orphans.” These widows and children receive food from us each month. They live in the mountains not far from us and they are beautiful people. These are the ones Apostle James wrote about, “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Out, By a Strong Hand!” The Lord has delivered Bobby and me from many hard and difficult situations, especially here in Haiti. There were many times when we thought that God had forgotten about us, but “He was there all the time.” The Book of Exodus is an amazing story[…]

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Update on Esther

It was many years ago that a poor woman, Madamn Jesula, came to the gate of our home in the mountains of Haiti. She knocked on the gate and had a little girl about four years old, and a baby in her arms. She said, “I’m sick and I’m going[…]

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Update on Djonsly

Djonsly and his mother are “two peas in a pod!” His mother was the one who had faith that God would lead her to the right Hospital or Clinic to find help for her son. About two years ago or more, Djonsly’s right eye pushed itself out of its socket.[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Facing the Hard Stuff.” We all have to do it. Not everything will go easy every day, no matter how we pray, or give, or go or do. This is real life. We all love to do the nice things… visit the sick, take food to the hungry, comfort or pray[…]

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Latest News

Thank you for your prayers for safe travel. We made it safe here to Punta Cana, the Dominican Republic with little Jackson (Jasson). Thank you, Philimond our driver, and Joker our Dominican mechanic for coming with us from here down to Santo Domingo for more blood work for Jackson. We[…]

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Update on Lionel

Lionel… This young boy is now 14 and in 7th grade. His story is sad because when he was young, maybe 8 or 9, his father got angry with him and held his hand in boiling water. A burn from boiling water is more serious than a charcoal burn. We[…]

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