In the Bible, King Uzziah was a great king. He ruled over the land of Judah, “and he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord.” 2 Chronicles 26:4 He sought the Lord, and God made him prosper… so much so that his enemies, the Ammonites, gave gifts to him. He dug...
Florence is the sister of Franceau, Yolanda, and Julia who passed away. Florence flew in from Italy, where she will be finishing up her degree as a radiologist in a couple of months. She was the one chosen to name Julia’s baby. She named the baby “Princeton Nash Braylon.” She said his name should be...
It's hard to believe that the tiny baby girl brought down from the mountains of Savaan Pit is now 21. We did not think she would live. Kristela's mother and grandmother were deeply involved in Voodoo. When we first met Kristela's mother, she had come to one of our Mobile Medical Clinics in the mountains...
"We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord." 2 Corinthians 5:8 This morning and last evening were the funeral, actually a spiritual celebration for Julia. She has been promoted! We all miss her very much. Ever since she was a little girl,...
For us missionaries here in Haiti, this verse has a great meaning, because there are so many gangs in Haiti... and every day we hear of something worse than the day before. But "Whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord; whether we live therefore, or...
Bianca has always been such a quiet and sweet young lady. She is always asking to help, and she loves church and her big family. But she is shy... She has the "voice of an angel," but we have only heard her sing one song by herself, and everyone who was there, stood to their feet! Amazing! Bianca...
Funerals are just as important, or maybe even more important than weddings here in Haiti. Families spend a "lot of money" on the funeral... Julia was not only our Haitian daughter; she was dearly loved by everyone at our Birthing Center, where she worked. We took Julia and her three siblings in when her mother...
In this week’s episode, your heart will break as you witness a defeated mother explain the agony of not being able to provide for her children. A disabled father laments that despite working hard all day long, it is never enough to combat the pains of hunger his family faces. Children labor all day to...
“Blind Faith…” “Oh, just shut up and stop your whining…” That’s what the people told Bartimaeus, who was blind. Jesus and his disciples had come into Jericho and then, they were leaving. A huge crowd followed them making a lot of noise and when Bartimaeus heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to...
You can certainly see the difference in Moses in just four weeks. He has lost weight but very happy to be home. I had sent him with Pastor Souffrance to the mountains of Peyi Pouri. I told Pastor Souffrance he needed a “come to Jesus” experience. He had been gone a month and Pastor Souffrance...