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Word from the Mission Field

“EXCEEDING ABUNDANTLY ABOVE” Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon were written while Paul was in prison… Yet he said in prison under the anointing of the Lord these words, “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us…” (Ephesians 3:20) God[…]

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Our First Four Orphanage Children… Berry’s Story

We used to do a lot of medical clinics in the area of L’Artibonite when we first moved to Haiti. Back then, it had small huts and looked a lot like “Old Letant.” At that time, we had no orphanage and never thought about an orphanage… We thought about schools[…]

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The Big Birthday Bash!

We have a Birthday Party each month now for all kids who have their birthdays in that month! This party was for February kids (because we were late)… We have Jovanie, Samuel, Daphline, the twins (Daniella and Daniel), and Stanley. We had ice cream cones and cake and cold drinks;[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Inside Out and Upside Down.” Never before have we been living in such a time as this! What you were taught as a child, “was wrong,” and “sinful,” is no longer “wrong and sinful.” What we have been taught as a child, “to respect those in authority,” including parents and[…]

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From the Outhouse to the Big House!

Yes! This is Moses, growing up! He is now in 9th grade. He is on the “short and stalky” side, while the other boys are “as tall as a coconut tree!” He is now 16! Moses said his favorite subject is French!! He loves soccer and he loves to sing![…]

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A Great Need for Love A Child’s Children

For many months now, Jesse Ostrander has been helping us with many children’s medical needs in the Dominican Republic. Most of you know Jackson (Jasson), the young boy from the mountains of Savaan Pit. He had Kwashiorkor Malnutrition. This kind of malnutrition affects the kidneys, as it has been doing.[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“If God Be For Us.” We have all read that scripture… “If God be for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31 God always wants to be the “Captain” of his host! He wants us to lean on Him and Him only… not on what we think we know, or[…]

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Follow Your Dream

I wanted to bring you up to date on this wonderful, sweet, and mindful young man, Jean Edwouard. We first laid eyes on him when we were with a team from “Feed My Starving Children.” We were feeding children and giving out food to the people in Old Letant. It is[…]

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All Things Are Possible! Update on the Gabion Houses in Nippes

More Gabion houses are being built in the Nippes area, south Haiti, for the earthquake victims. These houses have started for these families. Mr. Watson sent a note to Sherry and me (below). We have the money for 49 Gabion houses! I have signed a contract for 100 Gabion houses to be[…]

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