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Lucson… Looking Like a Little Professor!

Little Lucson is now nine and still small for his age. He is in 5th grade and “super smart!” He too was from that high mountain that we started working in, called “Belle Fontaine.”

When his mother died of “childbirth fever,” his father knew he could not care for him. All mountain babies are breastfed and since the majority of mothers are frail and not in good health, it is difficult for a father to find another woman to breastfeed a baby. His father had his hands full with four other children.

Lucson, the kids call him “Zorey” (ears!) He is a hard worker! In this picture, he’s picking up trash on our property. Lucson wants to be a doctor!! We love him, Sherry

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Guess Who Won the Big Puzzle Contest!!

You guessed it! Those crazy girls just finished their 1,000-piece puzzle!! They were yelling, screaming, and dancing all the way downstairs to show the boys “ the winners!” I’m sure you could have heard them, even from where you are!!

Meanwhile, the boys were trailing badly! But, they are still determined to finish! These kids are great kids! They love each other but they also like to be winners!! Well, when the pizza restaurant opens in Gwo Maché Mirak, you can bet the girls will be dressed and ready to go the night before!! Ha!

I’ll have to find more difficult puzzles because these kids love a challenge!! Having a large Love A Child Children’s home in Haiti is challenging! It’s hard to stay a step ahead of these kids! They are smart, hardworking, and so much fun! We love them!!


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The Big Puzzle Contest!

I started a contest between the boys and the girls here at our Love A Child Children’s home. I bought a 1,000-piece puzzle for the girls and one for the boys. I tried to find a 5,000-piece set but maybe they don’t make those anymore.

The group that wins and finishes their puzzle first gets to go to the new pizza restaurant that will be opening up soon (hopefully) at Gwo Maché Mirak, (within walking distance to our place).

The girls are so aggressive when it comes to a contest, especially if food is involved, and especially if it is pizza!!! The boys are upset because the girls got up early and got a head start, but I told the boys that they have some smart kids on their side, especially Jasson, and that he may be the “horse that comes from behind!!” Ha! We will let you know about the winners!

The pizza restaurant has not opened yet, due to gangs in the street, but we hope it will open soon. Everyone needs a little something to look forward to!


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“Praise Him in the Dance…” – PS 150:4

These sweet girls are our Love A Child girls. They do beautiful praise dances in church or at special occasions, or even at home! When I came home the other day, they did a special “praise dance” as I came into the orphanage because they wanted to give me this “gift” for my Birthday! It brought tears to my eyes…

There is a story of King David in II Samuel 6:14. The people of God had just finished bringing the “Ark of the Lord” back to the “City of David.” And, King David could not contain his joy! The Bible says that when the ark came into the city, every 27 feet, King David stopped and sacrificed oxen to the Lord. Then the Bible says that King David “danced before the Lord with all his might!” I imagine he ran and jumped and twirled and could not stop dancing for joy! There are many scriptures in the Bible about “dancing before the Lord.” Some churches believe in this and some do not. I think there is a time and a place when the Lord does something so great in our life, or that we are so so thankful for all He has done, that we might “do a little dance unto Him,” even if it is in the privacy of our home.

Bobby had a speech impediment and could not talk until the age of 16 – when the Lord instantly healed him one night at a church service. When I began dating Bobby at the age of 17, (he was 18), he told me that when the Lord healed him, he would go into his room, lock the door, and dance before the Lord to thank Him and praise Him! (Of course, his step-mother looked into the “keyhole,” saw him dancing with no one, and had him taken before the judge to declare him insane. The judge reversed the decision and said, “I wish the whole world had what this young man has! Case dismissed!”)

Whatever way you have of “thanking the Lord” and “praising the Lord” in your way, let’s just do it! The Lord has already done so much for us, that even if we “danced until the Lord took us home,” it would not be enough praise for what He has done! So, whatever way you have of letting the Lord know how much you love Him, just do it! God looks on your heart!


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Our Betina…

Betina Carla Pierre is now 12 years old and in 5th grade. She does well in school. The kids call her “Deep Eyes,” because she has big eyes. She was born after the earthquake in a rough area called “Cite Soleil,” or city of the sun. As she grew older her parents didn’t have enough to feed her so they abandoned her. A Social Worker found her and brought her to us. She loves to do Praise Dances but doesn’t like any other kind of dance. She is not “into sports,” but would rather color or draw. She loves cleaning her room, telling jokes, and she loves dolls. She wants to be a nurse, but we will see… Betina is a young and pretty girl, and she is very sweet!!! Betina is a smart little girl, and she can be anything she wants to be, but let’s wait and see… She may surprise us!!! We all love Betina!


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Another 40-Foot Container of 272,000 meals!

Casimi made it today with another container of 272,000 life-saving meals from Feed My Starving Children. How he made it only God knows. The gangs are out of control, and the roads are much too dangerous to be on coming out this way. I read this morning that thousands of Haitians are having to leave their homes in Port-Au-Prince. Things are not good here, Haiti is still at Level 4, the highest you can go due to kidnappings, shootings, robbings, manifestations, and gang activity.

We have many containers backed up in customs at $70 per day per container. We have a donor couple who wants to take care of this expense. Please, if you can help, please do because I don’t what our partner to share the whole load. I feel so bad… besides each container costs us around $10,000 plus more to be shipped in. More containers are on the ocean heading this way.

With the stress of the financial load, gangs, kidnappings, not being safe at times, facing hungry children every day, and seeing Haitian families suffer when they have nothing to do with any of this… is all very difficult. The Lord has given us peace, and we trust in Him. There could never be a better time to be a missionary here than now. Thank you for your prayers and financial support, it’s needed more than ever.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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The Church in Sapaterre… A Miracle in the Middle of “No-Where”

Years ago, we discovered the village of “Sapaterre,” Haiti. (Sa-pa-terre means “That’s not dirt!”) We had sent in Peter and Joseph, who had helped us in our Mobile Clinics, in the prayer area. Peter and Joseph had discovered this village of Sapaterre, one of the villages responsible for making those “mud cookies” in Haiti.

The people don’t let anyone come in and look around or take pictures, but God gave these young men grace. When we came and saw the children and adults sitting in the mud and making “mud cookies” for the hungry children to eat, it made us cry. The mud comes from a deep cave. The ladies and children sit and stir the mud and make these “mud cookies.” When the children eat these mud cookies and drink water the mud expands in their stomachs, making them feel “full.”

We began feeding the families here regularly with Feed My Starving Children food. Then, we had “Mobile Clinics…” Then, we had an outdoor crusade! People got saved, (even a witch doctor), and then we needed to buy land to build a church! Our evangelist, Joseph, was ordained a Pastor, and he was over the new “flock.”

This Church in Sapaterre was sponsored by the Click Foundation, and they also received musical instruments and a PA System to “make a joyful noise unto the Lord.” We soon found out that we needed a wall to go around the church due to the gangs in the area, again, we thank the Click Foundation for this miracle!

The main thing we want to say is this… “It all started with a box of food!” When we do “one small thing” in the name of Jesus, great things happen! Maybe that one box of food started with a little widow woman who only had enough to sponsor “one box of food,” but see what God can do with a little when given in His name!

Thank you, all of our wonderful partners, and team members who joined hands with us to make this happen! We love you all.

Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field


When we first started working in Haiti, we would have large open-air crusades. During one evening crusade in Carrefour, Haiti, I had around 10,000 people in attendance. I will never forget a lady right up front, a lady that held her baby high above her head and said with a loud voice, “If God is so good, why is my baby starving to death?” She changed our lives forever! I knew then that I would have to do more than just preach and tell everyone how good God is. This is all true, but love is something you do!

The Lord has given us so many scriptures on feeding the hungry and helping the poor. Open your Bibles this morning and read such powerful scriptures from the very words of Jesus himself.

“For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.” (Matthew 25:35-36)

Jesus said, “… as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matthew 25:40)

God has made a promise to us… “He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack…” (Proverbs 28:27)

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Girls Will Be Girls…

There may be all kinds of problems outside, but the girls have to have something “to think about,” other than gangs on the streets. This is Dumolia, one of our older girls, who was badly burned when she was very young, but now, since she has had many surgeries in the States, she is doing much better. Dumolia is now working (volunteering) in our Maternity Clinic at Love A Child, and she does the “ultra-sounds” on pregnant moms.

The kids call her “Dlo,” (or water), because she adapts to any situation, like water. You can put her anywhere, and she is adaptable. She is also extremely intelligent and has a great personality! And we all depend on her… the best thing about her is that she is our own personal “manicurist!” Ha!

Little Daphline is a sweetie, too. She is tall and also beautiful. It doesn’t seem possible she is 14, because we have had her and her cousin since they were babies. She comes from the mountains of Savaan Roche, far, far into the mountains. She and her cousin, Jolina, came to us at the same time. There were tragedies in their family that caused a Haitian Pastor to bring two little babies a long distance over the mountains to us. We have both cousins now!

Daphline is a little “peace-maker,” should there ever be an argument between two children. (Rare.) Our girls here, love to look pretty, do their hair, get their nails done, and do the Praise Dances! God could not have given us any better children!!! We love all of our children here in Haiti “so much!”


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We have finished 30 houses up to this date and the families have moved in. We have started on the next 30 houses by faith! Madamn Cassamajor Manitha will be receiving house number 31!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

Below is a message I received yesterday about this…


—–Original Message—–

To: Bobby Burnette
Sent: Wed, May 25, 2022 5:26 am
Subject: House #31

In the remote area of the south by the name of Kawouk, Madam CASSAMAJOR Manitha had lost her house and has been living in a makeshift bungalow since the earthquake of 2021. Manitha is praising God to see her new house being provided by Love A Child breaking ground this week. Love A Child has finished thirty houses for thirty families already, this house will be number thirty-one! Praise God for His faithfulness!

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