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On Tuesday, we started feeding 273 hungry prisoners daily in Anse-a-Veau. Our outstanding Love A Child team in the south of Haiti prepared and served them a nutritious, hot meal.

Because of the lack of government intervention combined with supply routes being cut off by gangs in Port-au-Prince, these and many other prisons have prisoners dying of starvation. It is heavy on our hearts to do everything we can to provide a hot, nutritious meal to these prisoners every day. Each Sunday, they will receive a special Sunday meal!! Delicious!

Thank you, Hubert, for your and your team’s hard work. You purchase the food, rice, vegetables, beans, meat, etc. Your team cooks and prepares all the meals, then serves each prisoner personally, sharing the love of Christ.

Thank you to every one of you who has given financially to make all this possible. Because of you, we are able to do this in the middle of this great crisis in Haiti. Plus, you are helping to supply jobs!

Love is something you do!

Bobby Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

“Our God of the second chance…”

Ever feel discouraged about “something you missed” in life? Have you thought about things that did not go as well as you expected? That marriage, that job, that college career? Your health? Maybe it was a “hidden sin” in your life, or something you really messed up?

Let’s look at a few of “God’s people” who messed up or needed a “second chance…” King Hezekiah was dying, and he “turned his face to the wall” and God added fifteen years to his life. (Isaiah 38:2) King David sinned against God with his act of adultery with Bathsheba and had her husband sent to the front lines of the battle to be killed. David had repented, and God had given him “another chance…” All through the Bible, God talks about giving Israel another chance “for my servant David’s sake.”

Eve sinned against God, and as a result of her sin one of her sons, Cain, killed his brother, Abel. But, God gave Eve another chance… “And Adam knew his wife again; she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, she said, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.” (Genesis 4:25) God gave her “another chance.”

And everyone knows the story of Samson. The “secret of his strength was in his hair.” He was never, never to cut his hair… And yet, he gave away the secret of his strength to Delila, who called in the Philistines and cut his hair. He ended up captured and blinded by the Philistines, and then was brought into the arena, so that he would “grind” with the big wheel and all his enemies could make fun of him! But, God “gave him another chance,” and let his hair grow back! He killed more enemies in his death than he had in his life!

Joel 2:25 declares, “And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten…” God is the “God of the second chance.” No matter how much you may have messed up or passed up that one good thing, God wants to give you “a second chance!” Take it and have a great day! Sherry

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She Loves Birthday Parties!

Rodna is 14 years old! Her mother died when she was just a toddler. Her father had to borrow money for her mother’s funeral. When her father could not pay, the man he borrowed from kidnapped the older children. We sent one of our workers to pay the ransom, but the kidnapper never returned with the rest of the children. We never found out what happened to them. We managed to bring Rodna into our orphanage. She is now 14 and will be going into the 9th grade! She works hard in the laundry room, helping the workers. She loves church, praise dances, and “birthday parties!” And we all love her! Sherry

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This morning, we left at 6:30 a.m. to take 43,200 Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) meals into the regions beyond. These people, especially the children, are isolated and hungry. Afterward, we’ll feed about 200 children a hot, delicious meal! FMSC meals have rice, soy, carrots, peas, and onions, plus they are packed with vitamins and nutrients.

Each box of food we give this morning has 216 meals inside.

We need your prayers today. In the area of the mountains we are in today, gangs have been seen there. I canceled our last trip there for Sherry and me two months ago. I hear the area is better now.

The Apostle Paul said, “I must go and preach in the regions beyond.” 1 Corinthians 10:16

Be looking for pictures and the story later on this evening.

Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

Years ago, we were invited to visit a church in California. We knew the pastor quite well. He had knowledge of the Word of God like we had never known. We visited on Saturday, so we expected no one would be there. We walked in and saw people singing and praising the Lord and cleaning the pulpit area! They shined all the musical instruments! They looked at us and said, “We are ministering unto the Lord!” We walked down the hall, and someone was singing and cleaning the room for the toddlers! They said, “This is my ministry! I’m cleaning the house of the Lord and I Iove it!” He had taught his people this…  “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.” (Colossians 3:23) Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all do this unto the Lord! Have a blessed day. Sherry

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The Middle of Nowhere!  

Location Haiti: The Middle of Nowhere!  

These are the forgotten ones, off the beaten path in the “middle of nowhere!” We only saw one hut in the whole area! I told Sherry that when we arrived, “no one is here waiting for their food like all the many other locations!” After about five minutes, we looked up and “there came a lot of people singing and praising the lord!” Wow! People came from all over and some started walking at 1:00 this morning!

We gave out 32,400 meals and fed many children a hot delicious meal! Yum! Oh, what a day to see the children eating! We want to thank our staff, Pastor Souffrance, and five of our Haitian sons for working hard lining all this up. Thank you to our partners for your support in helping make all this possible! We did this together for the Lord today. “Love is something you do…”

Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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Our Mikael…

Mikael’s mother died when he was very young, and his father Marcel Antoine could not care for him and his brother. They were in poor health from malnutrition. Mikael was a good child and obedient, but his brother was a problem! We had to send his brother to another family but we paid his way through high school. Mikael has always been sweet, kind, hard-working and obedient! He is now 17 and growing up fast! He is always helping us in our big “Food Distribution Depot.” This young man wants to be a Civil Engineer! Mikael loves to play soccer and he “loves to eat!” (He also loves to tease his sisters!) Everyone loves Mikael!


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Food for the Forgotten Mountain People Today:

This morning, we left early for the interior up in the mountains to bring “Feed My Starving Children” (FMSC) meals! This will be the first time we’ve ever been to this area. The people are very hungry. We will be giving out 32,400 meals! After we give the meals to the people, we will feed 200 children a hot, delicious meal of rice, soy, carrots, peas, onions, and so much more packed with vitamins and nutrients. The big pots are cooking on the fire right now!

When we return today, we will be sending pictures and the story. Love is something you do!

Bobby and Sherry Burnette

P.S. Thank you for your prayers and support. It means a lot to Sherry and me. We’re “doing it together!” You are such a great part of everything we do in Haiti!

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Word from the Mission Field

“God can hear your prayer anywhere!”

The story of Jonah being swallowed by a whale is a remarkable story of God’s forgiveness. God had called Jonah to go to Nineveh to preach repentance to this sin filled city. But Jonah ran and caught a ride in a boat to “flee from the presence of the Lord!” I don’t have to tell you the story because you know that Jonah was “swallowed up by a whale!” As he lay there in the stinking belly of the whale, surrounded by fish guts, he cried out to the Lord! And God heard his prayer! God will hear your prayer any day, any time, and in any circumstance!


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