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Dieuferly, Jackson, Philimond, and Joker…

Yesterday morning, Dieuferly, Jackson, Philimond, and Joker traveled to take the boys to their doctors appointments in Santo Domingo for today and tomorrow. The border was closed due to trouble from the 400 Mawozo Gangs the day before. God gave Philimond favor to get through the closed border yesterday. One[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“We have here but five loaves, and two fishes.” Jesus said, “Bring them hither to me.” (Matthew 14:17-18) Jesus prayed and blessed the five loaves and two fishes, and then began to pass out the loaves and fishes to the multitude. “And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside[…]

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Ezekiel… our “Prodigal Son”

If you have an orphanage in Haiti of over 85 children you will, undoubtedly, have a “prodigal son or daughter.” These children come from different parents… if a mother dies and the father is cruel or doesn’t want the children, this can mean that the child, especially if they are[…]

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Love A Child

Trouble at the Border!

This morning when Philimond arrived at the border with Jackson and Dieuferly it was closed! The customs and border agents were protesting against the 400 Mawozo Gang (Papaya Gang) who shot up their bus with them all inside to rob them yesterday. They closed the border down traveling into the[…]

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Latest Haiti Update

This morning (about 30 minutes ago) we got Dieuferly and Jackson off to Santo Domingo for their doctors appointments. Jackson will be seeing his kidney specialist and Dieuferly will be seeing his doctor to set up his next operation on his other foot. Please pray that they all go well.[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Impossible to Lie.” Have you ever been around someone who lies constantly? Maybe he or she could even be your friend, but you know that when they open their mouth, they are lying. You cannot trust anyone who lies… In fact, when people lie to you, it makes you feel[…]

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Update on Jasson

Jasson (Jackson) is such a sweet young guy, but he has serious medical problems caused by his severe “Kwashiorkor Malnutrition.” When we found him in the mountains of Savaan Pit, Haiti, his stomach was so swollen and so full of water, that if you tried to pick him up, he felt[…]

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Let’s Eat!

Saturday, we had a food distribution at our Kingdom Connection Food Distribution Center here at Love A Child. We have 100 organizations who come monthly for food (providing the food gets to us). It takes us two containers of Feed My Starving Children food to give everyone one pallet of[…]

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Praying for Divine Wisdom

This morning, we have been trying to make a lot of important decisions. Sherry and I are supposed to leave for the Feed My Starving Children Conference tomorrow, returning on Saturday. Due to the gangs, kidnappings, and violence, trying to get to the Port-au-Prince airport is very difficult. We are[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe: come, get you down; for the press is full, the vats overflow…” Joel 3:13 There are many ways we “preach the Gospel” in Haiti. Most of the ways, we do not use words, but we use “love!” Love speaks louder[…]

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