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She’s Dainty and All Girl… but She is Tough!

Rodna’s mother died when she was very young. Her father, a poor man, had to borrow money for the funeral. The man from whom he borrowed this money got angry when Rodna’s father could not pay him back. He took all the children and held them for ransom. Sadly, the[…]

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It All Happens at our Front Gate

Early in the morning, a driver came through our gate trying to rush a woman to our Birthing Center. He was driving one of those small open bed trucks and he was “headed to our Birthing Center.” We did not know that a young, 18-year-old girl had given birth, but[…]

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A Sure and Bountiful Harvest

As it is said, “you will reap what you sow,” and look at this morning’s bountiful harvest for the kitchens at the Children’s Home from the gardens at Love A Child village and the Agricultural Training Center (ATC). Look at these happy gardeners who are so proud of their results,[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Leftovers…” Giving is a very serious thing to the Lord, and it should be to us. The amount of the gift is not the thing that is important, but God wants your best. In the Bible, Luke 21:1-4 tells the sweet story of the little widow who went to the Temple. Jesus was standing there[…]

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A New Chance for Miliana

It is so hard to believe that Miliana is 17 this month! She is in the 8th grade, and she is so small for her age! The first time we saw her was when we were filming for television. She was just “wandering around” the briars and thorn trees, and[…]

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Girls Day at the “Beauty Shop!”

Girls are girls, and Haitian girls love to look good! I just walked into one of their bedrooms and saw an entire “beauty shop” in one of the girls’ bedrooms! Here, we have Dumolia and Jovanie braiding Sarah’s hair. This is the same hairstyle that many young African American girls[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

We are surrounded by His love. “As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the Lord is round about his people from henceforth even for ever.” Psalms 125: 2 The Lord is protecting you and me! We are surrounded by His love! These pictures were taken yesterday from our children’s[…]

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George, You’re Going to do What???

Well, as I told you, Franceau, one of the first four children we took in, is getting married in our Love A Child Church on February 5th. Franceau is still working on getting his house built but he will rent a small place until then. Meanwhile, we got another shocker[…]

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Our Biggest Job in Haiti

“We’re Not An Orphanage… We Are a Family!” People have asked us, “what is your biggest job in Haiti,” or “which project requires more of your time?” Our Love A Child “Children’s Home,” started out to be another orphanage in Haiti… We started with four orphaned children, whose fathers and[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Behold, a sower went forth to sow; And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the wayside, and the fowls came and devoured them up: some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth: And when the[…]

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