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Word from the Mission Field

God can turn your setback into a “comeback!” Have you ever heard the saying, “two steps forward and three steps back?” Maybe you have worked so hard at something only to find out that it has “backfired.” You had great plans, but now the plans have failed, and you feel[…]

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Roselyne’s Miracle

We are so proud of Roselyne… She came to us when she was a young girl, due to the problem of her legs being crooked. Later as she grew, her legs straightened out! She is now a beautiful and tall girl. She chose to become a doctor. She is finishing[…]

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Amazing work on the Gabion houses!

Little Grandma is praising the Lord for the dump truck of sand coming to make the house, mixed with the cement!!! So exciting… Please look at how the Haitians are making one strain of wire at a time for the cages for the rocks to fit into. Amazing! The rocks[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Do what you can do and let God do the rest…” In 1st Kings, Chapter 17, there is a story we are all familiar with… Elijah and the poor widow woman. Elijah has been at the brook Cherith due to famine. He has been getting water from the brook and the[…]

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The Lord Will Provide!

Early this morning I met with Mr. Nixon of our Birthing Center and Jesus Healing Center Clinic. I said, “You look good Mr. Nixon.” He told me that he was on a cucumber diet. Later I went to our refrigerator wanting a cucumber. I love to eat cucumbers, but we[…]

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Big Day in Villa Hermosa, DR

Saturday was a big day at the Love A Child church in Villa Hermosa, Dominican Republic!! Wow! Wow! This is an area that has mostly poor Haitians and Dominicans. David and Angie George, RL, Vanessa, and your staff, what a great job! Love is something you do… Even Santa Claus[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Scattereth yet increases… “There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. The liberal soul shall be made fat; and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.” Proverbs 11:24 & 25 This is one of God’s formulas in his kingdom[…]

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Update on Jasson (Jackson)

Our sweet little Jasson (Jackson) is doing well. He has his up and downs. Jasson, as you may recall, was one of the children whom we found during a Mobile Clinic. This particular Mobile Clinic was in Savaan Pite, far in the mountains, where we had built a church and[…]

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1st Christian Church, Fond Parisien, Haiti

Today was our church anniversary here at Love A Child! Lovely and some of our children were helping put the program on. Sweet service… the Haitian people love their church services and singing. I remember when our land was first donated. We built a 10 -foot by 10-foot church out[…]

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Please Pray…

On this Sunday, we are praying for all of those who lost so much during the recent tornadoes. Many have not only lost their homes, their place of work, but they have lost loved ones. For many, they are still looking for their loved ones. For Sherry and I, having[…]

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