FOOD IS LIFE: The supply chain to south Haiti where we are building the Gabion houses has been shut off for some time now by gangs blocking all the roads, which has caused extreme hunger for many of the people in our area. Over 140 needy women representing their families came from far away to...
EVEN SO, LORD JESUS, COME QUICKLY... “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall raise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and...
All over Haiti, hunger is taking its toll on children, especially small children like 4-year-old Joachim. He and his brothers and sisters, five children in all, come from an area called, "Morne Horeb." His mother has no job, and his father is a farmer. His father is always looking for food in his garden but finds...
A Child Dies... Even though some of the main "Papaya Gang" leaders have been captured, the rest of the large number of gang members still commit crimes. Our Jesus Healing Center just a day ago received several cases as a result of the Papaya Gangs! This happened when the gangs blocked the road. Anoise Franky,...
“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10 Sometimes, we miss what the Lord wants to say to us because we are too busy to “listen to the still small voice.” There is a time to be happy and dance, or sing aloud, but there is a time to “shut up and listen...
As you know, the leader of the Mawozo 400 Gang (Papaya Gang) was extradited on Tuesday by the FBI to America. Three of the main Mawozo 400 Gang guys that played a great part in kidnapping the 17 missionaries have been arrested. The good news is that they will all start talking to shorten their...
Florence has been with us since she was about one year old. I used to take care of her mother and her medicine when we lived in the mountains of Mt Noire, Haiti. But when her mother died, her father was not able to take care of Florence, her sister Julia, her other sister Yolande,...
I will let you know more this evening. Some good things are happening for Haiti, and it looks like things may be turning around! Keep praying! We do believe our containers of food will be rolling out of customs tomorrow. I'm optimistic and believing the Lord for the best... Look for my update this evening...
Yesterday afternoon I posted the story of the Vilmond Lundiçois family receiving the 24th house, but it was left out somehow. Please read below this touching warm story. This family is huge! I know we will build them one more house or two as the Lord provides. Missionary Bobby Burnette Vilmond Lundiçois along with...
Several months have passed since the last earthquake, but people in the Nippes region are still homeless, starving, and struggling. Your heart will break as you hear about the loss and devastation these people experienced in the August 2021 earthquake, and the hunger they’re still experiencing. Our team visited a prison to share the love...