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Grateful for Family

Sherry and I left the beautiful, majestic Grand Canyon yesterday. We had such a wonderful time with our family! We landed this morning in Florida at 1:47 a.m. We will be buying more things for poor schoolchildren and preparing for Christmas with the children at our Love A Child Children’s[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“David hastened, and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine (Goliath, the giant). And David put his hand in his bag, and took thence a stone, and slang it, and smote the Philistine in his forehead, that the stone sunk into his forehead; and he fell upon his face[…]

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God is Good!

Dieubon… It means, “God is good!”  That is certainly true of Dieubon. We found him years ago during a Mobile Medical Clinic near Fond Parisien. His parents were living in a hut with five other children, and Dieubon had severe “club feet.” (Club foot and hydrocephalic children are more common in Haiti.) We[…]

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Building a Wall

We are building a large wall around the back side of Pastor Claude’s Orphanage property. Pastor Claude is a “humble man of God,” that we have known for many years. He is “doing the work,” but we are sponsoring the cost. He is the “fastest builder in Haiti!” He is[…]

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Our Malnutrition Clinic… Saving Lives!

Malnutrition is a very serious problem here in Haiti. It “has been serious” for many years, but now, due to the violence, the gangs, higher prices of basic foods, and the fact that many are not safe on the streets, to sell. Our Malnutrition Clinic is free of charge. Mothers[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“A friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24 Jesus is that friend who sticketh closer than a brother. Jesus will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Hebrews 13:5 We’ve all had friends who have left us, who really weren’t a friend to begin with. A true friend will[…]

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She’s a Pistol!!

Kristela… What can I say? She’s a pistol and full of energy! She is one unusual kid!! Here she is smiling, as always, getting ready to prepare chicken in the kitchen. She loves to cook!! She loves to teach praise dances, and she loves Christian music! It is her job to[…]

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The Story of Dorius Viergine 

For the people of Haiti, living here is a “life risk” every day. At the moment, there are no jobs and more unemployment, hunger, gangs, and sudden death. Haitian people are living with sadness, discouragement, and grief on a daily basis. Madamn Dorius Viergine is 22 years old. She came to our[…]

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Serving the Regions Beyond – Casimi Elismene’s Story

Thousands of people lost their homes in Haiti’s earthquake. The elderly are at a major disadvantage when it comes to rebuilding what they’ve lost; Casimi Elismene is just one of these many stories. Go to and join us as we provide these people with permanent houses.

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Food Distributions Continue – The Village of Nan Gaya

In spite of the lack of fuel, in spite of the gangs on the street, in spite of roadblocks and burning tires, God has made a way for our food distributions to continue, thanks to our container driver, Casimi. The food situation here in Haiti is critical. Just yesterday, two of our employees[…]

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