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Praise Report:

Last week, we showed you a picture of the beautiful church in Sapaterre, Haiti. This is in the village where all the people were making those “mud cookies,” you have seen. We started out by feeding the people regularly with the Feed My Starving Children food. Some of you even[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Obedience is better than sacrifice.” We have shared this scripture before… but, this scripture is so important, you can’t talk enough about it. When Bobby and I were on vacation, we were driving through Tucson, Arizona. I stared out the window at the high mountains. They were sharp, pointed mountains, barren.[…]

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Updated News: 

Sherry and I left Haiti yesterday and arrived here in Tucson at 1:30 a.m. Today we drove down near the border of Mexico. It is truly unbelievable what is happening. On the way back, about 40 miles from Tucson on a back road, I looked up and across the whole[…]

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Sweet Mika… a New Fad

We have so many children in our “Children’s Home,” that we sometimes have two children with the same name, i.e. Mika. She is the original Mika, whose sister is Mikalange. We have another Mika… we have Samuels, etc. Mika is the quieter of her twin, Mikalange. She is in junior[…]

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We Work for Food

We see a lot of those signs up nowadays, but people in the states do not fully understand the words, “work for food.” But, these Haitian people and children do. They are under the guidance of their spiritual leader, Pastor Souffrance. He has organized entire hungry villages to come out[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

This is an important message for someone reading this right now, who is in an “impossible situation.” After the ten plagues that the Lord put upon Pharaoh, of Egypt, the last one, killing his son, Pharaoh decides reluctantly to let the Israelites go! – Exodus 14 As they head to[…]

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Yonel the Painter

We first found Yonel during a Mobile Medical Clinic many years ago. His father and mother had died, and he and his sister were left in the hands of their grandmother. She brought Yonel and his sister to us, but his little sister was too far gone. We brought Yonel[…]

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“God’s Little Children…”

Little mountain children in Haiti are so precious. They are “God’s precious little children”… They have a hard life and yet, they manage to smile, even when they are working hard, or hungry. These little sweeties helped their parents “make a road through the mountains,” so that we will be[…]

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A Big Step of Faith: Houses for Earthquake Victims

Thank you… After the earthquake, we’ve passed out tons of food in southern Haiti. Up until today, we have given out 1,700 family tents! In the pictures, you will see a blind lady by the name of Madam Merselia. Her granddaughter saved her life when her house fell on top[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Skating on Thin Ice” I grew up in Pennsylvania… Bobby always says that “if his father ever knew he married a ‘Yankee,’ he would turn over in his grave!” We were a poor family of five children. We lived “in the woods.” It was a small town but in the woods! When it[…]

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