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Word from the Mission Field

“He Always Was and Always Will Be God!” Our tiny little minds cannot comprehend God. He is so, so big. And the thing about God is that He always has been God, always is God, and always will be God. He never changes. David said, “Before the mountains were brought forth,[…]

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Betchina… She Loves to “Swing High!!!”

She loves to play with dolls and she loves to draw… but she doesn’t like to play soccer, and never has. Sometimes, she pretends she’s a “teacher!” (She is always threatening to beat some of her “students!” Ha!) Betchina was brought to us after the earthquake. Her parents had completely[…]

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Food for the Village of Old Letant!

It is such a great job to give to the poor! On our end, we get to see and hug the people, and see them walk away with hands in the air, praising God! I just wish you could see this!!! Everyone lives in mud huts, as far as you can[…]

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Update from Haiti

Despite the lack of fuel, the kidnappings, the shootings, and the dangers, we are still going forward! Today, we have a Food Distribution in several villages. For security reasons, we cannot mention “where,” but will give a follow-up later. We have never, never seen hunger, like we see it now…[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

THE CALLING OF GOD “Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall.” 2 Peter 1:10 There is a difference between a desire and the true calling of God. A lot of people have a desire to be a missionary, but when they come here and face loneliness, a[…]

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He’s Already Hired!

Fritzner was just four months old when a mountain pastor, Pastor Justin, brought him to Love A Child, which saved his life. His mother had died of the “child-birth” fever, as it’s called in Haiti. Fritzner is in 6th grade and at the moment, he is studying for some lessons.[…]

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The Story of Mildride Jean…

Someone once said, “The sun rises for everyone, the rich as well as the poor… We are all one, under the love of God.” “A Husband Abandons a Pregnant Wife.” Mrs. Mildride Jean, a poor young woman from the village of Ganthier, is 23 years old. She lives with her[…]

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Haiti News Update

The gangs are still blocking the fuel from leaving the terminal ports. When a little fuel tries to leave the terminal, the gangs steal the fuel to sell it at huge prices and kidnap the driver. Most of Haiti is locked down, almost at a stand-still. Everyone is afraid. I[…]

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“It’s Not a Country… It’s a Calling…”

Each day here in Haiti, the first thing when we wake up and the last thing of the day is always “bad news.” The three major gangs that control Haiti are still at work. One of them has confiscated all the huge fuel trucks. These are the same trucks that[…]

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So Proud of Miliana

Miliana is now 16 years old and in the 8th grade. We found her in the village of Madamn Bauje. We first saw her walking through some scrub bushes in the village. She had a ripped and dirty sweater on and was chewing on the strings. She had strange looking[…]

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