Blanket is a small village between a “rocky road in the mountains” and a “rocky riverbed.” There are no beautiful gardens in this area… there is no good soil to grow gardens. What little land people have has been handed down from generation to generation. There are no jobs in this area and the only...
"Keep on Knocking!" Back in the 1970's and 1980's, a Bible teaching was sweeping across the States. Not to be critical, because many who were teaching this were men of God. However, I could never wrap my brain around it. They were preaching that "you only had to ask God once," because if you asked...
Living here in Haiti has broken our hearts more than you can imagine. Each day that goes by brings another story of a hungry child, a poor mother left to survive with her children, a village that needs food, or medical care… not to mention the challenges of raising [children in] a large Haitian orphanage,...
I can remember the day we found Yonel like it was yesterday. We had been doing a Mobile Clinic in the mountains and a poor, elderly grandma brought Yonel and his sister to us. His sister was too far gone to save and we were not sure Yonel would live. He was like a skeleton!...
We want to thank the Lord for the "good report" that Jasson (Jackson) got today! Tuesday, our driver Philimond drove Jasson across the border of Haiti into the Dominican Republic for some more tests. As many of you know, Jasson had developed severe "Kwashiorkor Malnutrition" when we found him in the mountains of Savaan Pit,...
In Haiti, the sun is almost always blazing bright and hot. It is “too much of a good thing” for tender little vegetable plants to get a start against the intense sunlight. When we started our Agricultural Training Center (ATC), years ago, to teach and demonstrate sustainable gardening in Haiti, a wonderful group of guys...
The gangs in Haiti are disrupting the whole country; even in Old Letant, away from the physical chaos, they feel the effects. People can no longer go to the market to sell their goods because of the violence, and children can’t go to schools in different towns because it crosses into gang territory. The turmoil...
None of these things move me… The Apostle Paul wrote these words... “But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.” (Acts 20:24) We are living...
Joshua was another "abandoned baby," here at the front gate of Love A Child. He was about 11 months old but he could not sit or crawl. We sent him to our Jesus Healing Center and from there, he was sent to the children's hospital. He was there for three weeks and then, the Department...
Tomorrow, we will be going up in the mountains and then way down into the riverbed, to a little village called "Blanket." As many of you know, Haiti is in a Food Crisis, as never before. When the gangs kidnap, block the roads, kill, and steal, it is much more difficult for mothers to find...