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Haiti Updates

We have been looking so forward to traveling to Jeremie, taking the folks up in the interior 500 tents, tarps, and earthquake emergency supplies. With much sadness, Sherry and I have decided to cancel our trip until the danger dies down. More kidnappings are happening every day. I know some[…]

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“One of the least of these my brethren…”

For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me on: Naked and ye clothed me: I was sick and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. “In as[…]

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Update from Haiti

The 17 missionaries are still being held captive by the 400 Mawozo Gang (Papaya Gang). They are the most notorious gang in Haiti. The mother and her eight-month-old baby have not been let go. This shows you what type of gang this is. We’ve dealt with them for two and a half years[…]

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Daniel… A Clean & Quiet Kid!

Daniel, and his twin sister, Daniella, are now 17 years old. It seems like yesterday when one of our employees drove up with two tiny twin babies in his arms. Their mother had just died in childbirth, along with baby number three. Daniel was the smaller of the two babies[…]

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More on Jasson (Jackson)

This just came from Jesse Ostrander, who is with little Jasson in Santo Domingo: “We just finished with 1 vaccination appointment. We have 7 more doctors visits today. Viva the Dominican Republic! Appointments are just arbitrary numbers. WE WAIT EVERYWHERE, which will put us LATE EVERYWHERE. BUT WE WILL GET[…]

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An Update on Jasson (Jackson)

Dear Friends, On Tuesday, Philemond, our driver, and Joker, our mechanic, took Dieuferly and Jasson (Jackson) to the Dominican Republic for checkups. They took Dieuferly first; he is the one who had surgery done on his club foot; both his feet were bad from botched surgeries here in Haiti. Dieuferly[…]

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LAC TV Program “One Thousand Families” Begins Friday!

Watch this week as Love A Child provides hope to one thousand families scattered across the mountains in Haiti. Here, they rely on the land to survive, but relentless droughts have depleted their resources; their crops have withered to dust, there is no rainwater to drink, their livestock is starving[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Give God Something Hard to Do” In II Kings, three kings went off to battle… The king of Israel, the king of Judah, and the king of Edom. They had gone about a seven-day journey to fight the enemy, and they went with all their soldiers and their animals. But after[…]

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Ti Mika’s Story… “A Poor Grandma and a Tiny Baby”

We were doing a television program in the village of Madamn Bauje years ago. We had been there to do a Food Distribution, and to talk about the need for food and how so many children in Haiti were hungry… how they had red, straw-like hair from malnutrition and that[…]

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Food Distribution at Gwo Maché Mirak

We just returned from doing a Food Distribution at Gwo Maché Mirak. We felt so blessed to be able to share food with these vendors, and the women who sell at the market for their little families. We are in a gas and fuel crisis now. The gangs have taken[…]

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