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Water Fun!

The laughter of the children’s home fills the air. Nothing better than some water fun! Worries fade and the simple pleasures of childhood shine bright. We are reminded of God’s love and everyone’s prayers for safety surrounding these amazing kids and LAC. Together, we are molding lives and creating memories. These children are learning to dream big and trust the Lord! We believe that no matter what it looks like now, Haiti’s future will be bright!

Jesse Ostrander

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Word from the Mission Field

No Place to Hide!

I cannot even imagine trying to hide from God! Jonah thought he could run away from God, and God sent a great whale to swallow him up! Jonah was stubborn and would not do what God wanted him to do.

What does God have to do to get our attention? He loves us so much that we are never far from His sight. In fact, “we have nowhere to hide.”  The Psalmist David said, “If I ascend up into the Heaven, thou art there; if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.” Psalms 139:8

So, aren’t you glad you are serving such a BIG GOD, that He has His eyes on you 24/7! That’s how much He loves you!!! Have a wonderful day!!!


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A Remote Village Called Jiro:

As parents, it is within us to make sure our children eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. Imagine being a mother of three small children under the age of five and waking up in the morning not knowing how and if you’re going to be able to feed them anything. This is the daily experience of Haitian parents in many areas of the south of Haiti where the supply chain for food has been cut off for the last three-plus years.

This week, Hubert and the faithful Love A Child team prepared and fed a hot meal to 89 infant children in the remote village of Jiro. Parents brought children over the mountain on small goat trials when they heard that Love A Child was nearby! Thank you for praying, thank you for giving to help enable us to bring the love of God to the children of Haiti. Love is something you do!

Bobby Burnette

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Dimelia is Working Hard in College!

Dumolia (Dimelia)… Our precious Dumolia has been through a lot in her life. She was brought to us by her father when she was very young. She had previously fallen into a large pot of boiling water when she was a small girl. Her burns were so bad that she could not turn her neck from side to side. She could not lift her arms above her head.

Poor Dumolia… she spent years going back and forth to Shriners Hospital in Boston and having to stay with a lady each time she recovered from surgery. (We found out later that the lady she was staying with was not a Christian and treated her very badly.) Dumolia finished her senior year here in Haiti at an English-speaking school, so when she graduated we had to find an “English-speaking college.” Since we knew so many Christians in Jamaica, we decided to send her there. She is studying accounting, personal development, organizational behavior, customer service management, and introduction to microeconomics. (Sounds complicated to me!)

We always pray that God will open the right doors for her and in His time, give her a wonderful, sweet, Christian husband (like the one I got!!) Please remember Dumolia in your prayers.


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“A New Place to Learn…”

These beautiful children are from a neighboring village that was attacked and burned by the gangs last week. They were forced to vacate their preschool. The area is too unsafe.

Love A Child is now hosting the preschool here on the compound. The preschool is using two rooms in the Love A Child school building as their new place to learn. The kids and staff are happy!

This whole area has been turned upside down by these violent gangs. A terrible situation has become a desperate reality for the people living here. Love A Child is helping in every way we can to help alleviate the suffering. But we need help. This problem is monumental. We need God to make a way!

Thank you for supporting us. Thank you for partnering with us! With God all things are possible!

Jesse Ostrander

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LAC TV Program “Building Haiti’s Future” Begins Saturday!

In this episode, step into the “day in the life” of our extraordinary orphanage, where every day unfolds as a testament to the transformative power of love and compassion. Uncover the story that illuminates the inspiration behind our mission and our steadfast commitment to providing support that extends beyond childhood. We are dedicated to sustaining our assistance throughout the pivotal stages of their lives, offering continuous support as they navigate the challenges of college, marriage, and adulthood. Each child is a cherished part of our extended family, and our dedication knows no bounds.

We want to invite viewers around the world to tune in tomorrow afternoon to Daystar Television Network at 12:30 p.m. (ET) and then throughout the week. You can also watch us on DIRECTV, DISH Network, Christian Television Network, The Word Network, NRB, and many more local television stations. Check out our full schedule for the best way for you to tune in. You can also watch the program online through our Vimeo and YouTube channels or on our website under the “Media” tab.

Together we are changing lives!

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Word from the Mission Field

“The Covenant of Salt…”

In II Chronicles 13, there is a battle raging between Jeroboam, King of Israel, and Abijah, King of Judah. Jeroboam, King of Israel, was serving false gods, in addition to a “golden calf,” and an army of 800,000… not just “soldiers,” but an army of 800,000 valiant men!

Abijah was outnumbered, but he stood up on Mt. Zemaraim and yelled and reminded Jeroboam of the “covenant of salt.” That God had given a “covenant of salt” to Israel, through David, and this “covenant stood ever.” I did not fully understand the “salt covenant,” so I did some research… sure enough, “salt” was used when God made a “covenant” with Israel… “it is a covenant of salt for ever before the Lord unto thee and to thy seed with thee.” (Numbers 18:19)

Salt is a preservative and has a purifying effect. Newborn babies were to be “dusted with salt.” God used the “salt covenant” to show that “no matter how bad the circumstance,” or “no matter how you may feel,” or “even if you are outnumbered,” God’s covenant still works. His Word for us is still true.

The “rest of the story…”  King Jeroboam caused an ambushment to come before and behind Judah; Judah was in a “trap!” (Ever feel as though you are caught in a trap? We all do, at one time.) But Jeroboam did not realize that even though he “outnumbered Judah,” and even though “he fixed an ambushment” all around Judah, that there was still a “salt covenant,” back generations, that could not be broken! Ha! “God smote Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah.” (II Chronicles 13:15)

God is a “covenant keeping God.” Every promise He has made to us, through His Word, He will keep! Always remember that you have a “ram in the bush,” the “covenant of salt,” the Word of God! Sherry

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Mackenson… “Fortunate to be Alive!”

I first met Mackenson in one of our Mobile Clinics in the mountains of Covant. We were conducting a Mobile Clinic where there were no doctors, pharmacies, or clinics. We were so far in the mountains that there were no healthcare areas or even a local nurse! An old man arrived carrying a “toddler” in very bad condition. Mackenson’s arms, legs, and face were horribly swollen. I began by asking the name of the child and how old he was. I was shocked when his father told me his age! Mackenson was much older than a toddler! He was in his teens! He was swollen horribly with “Kwashiorkor Malnutrition!”

We found out that since he was a baby, he had been eating “sugar crackers and junk food…” no milk, or anything nutritious. He was spiraling down. He was headed towards a slow painful death of “kidney failure.” We brought him to Love A Child and after about a year, he was doing well. But when he was in fourth grade, he had a “stroke.” It took a lot of therapy and he still walks with a limp. Mackenson dreams of being a geography teacher! Mackenson is fortunate to be alive!


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Word from the Mission Field

“When the brook dries up…”

Elijah, the prophet of God, had just finished prophesying to King Ahab that God was going to send a drought for three years in Israel. Then, the Lord told the prophet to “get out of town, head east toward the brook Cherith, and hide.” God had already commanded the ravens to bring Elijah bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening… So, when the great famine hit, Elijah had plenty of food and water for a while…

“And it came to pass after a while (maybe several years), that the brook dried up, because there had been no rain in the land.” 1 Kings 17:7

Then God spoke to him again, “Get thee to Zarephath […] I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee.” 1 Kings 17:9

What? A poor widow woman? In the time of famine? That doesn’t make sense at all…

Sometimes the only way God can get us “to move” is to dry up our brook! We may get so comfortable on a job, in a location, or with someone, that we don’t want to leave. Perhaps we have been in a neighborhood, or on a job, or with someone, and God needs to “send us on.” We won’t move because we have become “comfortable.” So, what does He do? He dries up your brook! Now, you have “to move on.”

But it only means that your greatest blessings are ahead. And not only for you, but the Lord may need to use you to be a blessing to someone else! So, don’t fret “when your brook dries up!” There’s something better “just around the corner!” Sherry

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Dorissant… Wow, this Kid is Going to be Very Tall!

I don’t understand how these kids can be a small toddler one day, and the next day they are “taller than me!” Ha! I “look up at them” and smile a “mom’s smile” and say, “You’ll never be too tall that I can’t kick your butt!”

Dorissant, commonly called “Dori,” is now 12 “going on 16!” Dorissant has made good grades, and gets up early in the morning to clean and water the plants… it won’t be long before he jumps in a truck and learns to drive!

We have had Dorissant since he was very small. He loves school, soccer, and riding bicycles! One of our partners sent some bicycles to us here in Haiti! Each afternoon Camy, the big guy who is over the boys, lets the girls ride for a while and then the boys! Everyone understands the system and is happy with it! Dorissant looks forward to school starting because his little brothers “drive him nuts!” Ha! We are “one big family!”


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