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The Most Shocking Day of My Life

As many of you know, Haiti has been in political turmoil for the last two years. There is no “law and order,” because either the police are outnumbered, or they are part of the gangs! Each day we are here, it is like playing “Russian Roulette” to see if we[…]

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Latest News

Thank you… every day we deliver Feed My Starving Children food to many villages. “Sou Moulen” was one of these villages. 30,240 meals were delivered here. Our workers have been taking meals to at least 4 to 6 areas per day, bringing food. The little children’s eyes light up when[…]

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First on his Christmas List… “Two Front Teeth!”

Samuel is an “easy-going” kid! He is now six! His mother brought him to Social Services because his father died and she did not want to be burdened with him. Samuel doesn’t like to go to sleep. He tries to stay up all night. He loves to sing, but he[…]

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ATC Hope Seeds

We are so proud of Wilner and all the Agricultural Training Center workers. They train other Haitians how to grow and produce better crops. Sustainability… teaching Haitians how to help themselves. Can you tell me what crops you see in these pictures? We are very thankful to “Hope Seeds” for[…]

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More Tent Distribution Updates

More tents, 140, went out yesterday up in the mountains above the area of Anse a Veau. This is a forgotten area, difficult to get to. More tents are going into the interior today and tomorrow. We cannot tell you how thankful all the families are who lost all in[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

The Lord told King Jehoshaphat, “… Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” (2 Chronicles 20:15) This morning, I feel within my heart that many of you are facing a battle in your life. The battle may be great, but God is greater! Today, a multitude may be[…]

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Noah Has Come A Long Way!

Wow! I live with him and can’t believe that this is Noah!! Noah is in the first grade! It seems like yesterday that he was abandoned in front of our gate, beaten, malnourished, and afraid. Who would do that to any child? It took a long time for Noah to[…]

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Tent Distribution in Petit Rivier

140 tents were given out at Petit Rivier in southern Haiti. The people are beyond happy and thankful… The families can now get out of the rain! Thank you, Hubert, for all your hard work. More tents are going into the interior tomorrow. Next week Sherry and I are hoping to distribute 600[…]

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Nan Gaya Food Distribution

Yesterday, our workers and some of our Haitian sons went to six different locations to deliver meals. One of the locations was Nan Gaya. In each Feed My Starving Children box is 216 meals, made with rice, carrots, peas, vegetables, soy, minerals, vitamins, plus much more. A lot of things[…]

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LAC TV Program “Face to Face” Begins Friday!

This week your heart will be moved as Love A Child TV takes you to the village of Tifon, Haiti, where two women toil strenuously with no reward. A grandmother, after losing her daughter, takes on the responsibility of providing for her grandchildren; her young granddaughter is often left responsible[…]

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