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A Harsh Reality – Chenayda’s Story

A Harsh Reality – Chenayda’s Story

Responsibility does not wait for children to reach adulthood in Haiti, in fact, they rarely experience a childhood. For their family to survive they must sacrifice playtime and education and take on chores. Chenayda’s story is no different…
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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

"I Can't Even Walk Without Holding His Hand" Have you ever slipped and almost fell, but someone caught you by the hand? It's happened to me. I'm sure it has happened to everyone at some time. The mountains of Haiti are so steep. It is hard to climb "up," but walking down is even harder....
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Update on Djonsly’s Trip to the U.S.

Update on Djonsly’s Trip to the U.S.

Many of you already know Djonsly's story, about the cancer behind his eyes, and the fact that he has had several operations in the States, and needs several more... It has taken us almost a year of "jumping through hoops," filling out many forms, getting a Congressman to help, and getting an attorney, in order...
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LAC TV Program “All Things Are Possible” Begins Friday!

LAC TV Program “All Things Are Possible” Begins Friday!

The August 14, 2021 earthquake came quickly and without warning. In moments of chaos and panic, children and grandchildren, neighbors and friends, stepped up as heroes to rescue those trapped in crumbling homes. Your heart will be touched as you hear stories of valiant courage and steadfast faith. The Love A Child team distributed thousands...
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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

"Open your hand wide…" Bobby always says, "There's nothing worse than a stingy Christian." We have been abundantly blessed, and no matter how small a thing we have in our hand, we must "open our hand wide" to the poor. Deuteronomy 15:7-8 declares, "If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any of...
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Beautiful Clothing for Haitian Children

Beautiful Clothing for Haitian Children

Precious Haitian children don't have a lot of new clothes. If they are fortunate enough to go to school, they may have one uniform for all year. If they have one dress for Church or one pair of pants, they are “very” fortunate. Some of our partners have helped by making new clothes for the...
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Esther… Guess What She Wants to Be?

Esther… Guess What She Wants to Be?

Esther... She is the “baby sister” of Widlene. Their mother, Madamn Jesula, works for us at our orphanage. Madamn Jesula came to us when we lived up in the mountains of Haiti. This mother came to our gate and was weak and sick... she thought she was dying. She wanted someone to take care of...
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Village of “La Source 11” Food Distribution

Village of “La Source 11” Food Distribution

Happy smiling faces! Food is a crisis here in Haiti -- in the middle of the political, economic, gangs, blocking commerce, roads, etc. Our friends were so happy to receive their monthly food from Love A Child. We only have the women come to stand in the line with our food card they have. One...
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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

"I'll make you an offer you can't refuse…" One day, Jesus, the son of God, was walking by the Sea of Galilee. There, He saw some fishermen casting their nets into the sea. Two of the men were Simon and Peter, and Andrew his brother. Jesus knew the best soul winners would be fishermen, because they "knew what kind...
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Raphael… “A Starving Artist?”

Raphael… “A Starving Artist?”

Raphael has been with us since he was a little boy. He and his siblings are from the Cap-Haïtien area. One day, his aunt brought Raphael and his sisters to us, begging us to take these three children because they had lost their parents. We thought about it and took them in. Raphael is 13...
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