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Sarah has Talent!

When I first saw Sarah and her brother, Joseph, I knew they were both fighting a battle with malnutrition… very serious Kwashiorkor Malnutrition. Kwashiorkor Malnutrition can kill children. When a child has Kwashiorkor Malnutrition they have dry hair that falls out, a swollen stomach, loss of muscle tissue, and swollen hands and feet. It is very serious. It means they have been eating, but not the right foods for toddlers. It took a long time for their swollen faces and bellies, hands, and feet to be normal.

I did have some issues with Sarah when she was a teen. She is “large-boned,” and always tried to wear her smaller sister’s clothes! When you have 85 kids to raise in Haiti, it takes a lot of wisdom and prayer, and a firm hand! Ha! But, after she finished high school she found her “gift” doing hairstyles, braids, and doing fancy nails!! She went to college in Haiti and will graduate next month! Whew!!

We pray that the Lord will provide everything she needs to start “Sarah’s Hair and Nails Boutique” here in Fond Parisien!! Sarah loves the Lord and knows that “He only can lift up the beggar.” I Samuel 2:8-10

Look at what God can do!!! We love Sarah and we are so proud of her.


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Food Distribution in Fond Parisien

A special day in Fond Parisien yesterday!  

Another “500 families from Ganthier,” were given an abundance of food yesterday, enough to last for two weeks in Fond Parisien. 2,000 families had to flee the town of “Ganthier,” leaving all behind. We have been feeding the families the best we can with your help. They received rice, beans, noodles, spaghetti, cornmeal, fish, and spices. They had to have help to carry all their food! They all were hungry and in desperate need of food for their family. It was a joyful day!!

The gangs still are in Ganthier. No one else is there. It’s time that the 400 Mawozo gang departs Ganthier and lets the families have their houses and life back!! School starts in October.

Thank you to everyone who gave, prayed, and took part in our food distribution. Thank you to our Haitian sons who distributed food and all our orphan children who worked very hard packing all the food in bags. Love is something you do!

Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

God will restore!

God is the God of restoration. Many of you have been through a lot and lost many things in your life. God is preparing to restore!!!

“And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed.” Joel 2:25-26

God will restore! Be ready for a miracle!

Bobby Burnette

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Thoma Food Distribution

Pictures of 500 families from Ganthier receiving food in Fond Parisien.

It was a great day up the mountain at Thoma for other Ganthier families that fled from the gangs. Our Haitian sons took the people 32,400 meals along with Farmer John, bringing meat from his butcher shop at the market. Oh, it was a great day! These people were starving from hunger. One young man died there this week from hunger. People cried and were very thankful for the Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) food and the meat from Farmer John. Love is something you do!

Thank you for being part of this. You are making an impact! Thank you for your prayers and support.

Bobby Burnette

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Dimelia Will Go Far in Life!

Update on Dimelia…

Dimelia (Dumolia), is such an unusual young girl. Her father brought her to us when she was a very young, little girl. She had fallen into a large tub of boiling water when her mother was cooking. She was about four at that time. She had burns from the boiling water from her neck to her stomach. She could not “turn her neck,” due to scars, and she could not raise her arms above her head, due to the scar tissue.

For years, we sent her back and forth to the Shriners Hospital Burn Center in Boston. We found a lady in the Boston area to care for her. Dumolia was sent back and forth for years of surgeries! She quickly learned English, so when college started in Haiti, she could not attend because her French wasn’t good enough, so we had to find a college that spoke English. Her U.S. Visa had expired, so that was another reason to find an English-speaking college. We chose Jamaica. She is attending the University of Technology and is doing very well. She is taking administration and she will be good at it! Dumolia works in a wonderful Jamaican church, and loves college, but misses her Haitian family. She will go far, because God’s hand is upon her! We love her and miss her so much.


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Latest Update Haiti:

This morning, our Love A Child team brought food to the 500 families in Fond Parisien. The 400 Mawozo gang ran 2,000 families from their homes in Ganthier. The stories are heartbreaking! We brought rice, beans, spaghetti, noodles, cooking oil, spices, corn meal, and fish, which will last them for two weeks.

Now, our team will be heading to Thoma up in the mountains. Our team, along with Farmer John, will bring meat from his butcher shop at the market, and our big boys will bring “Feed My Starving Children meals.” These families ran from their homes in Fond Parisien and Ganthier. They are starving to death. I’ve heard unbelievable stories. This evening, I will bring you the stories and pictures. Thank you! We are doing this together! Love is something you do!

Bobby and Sherry

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“Leaving a Little Behind…”

God has always made provisions for the poor and the hungry, “no matter where they are.” God’s provision began in the Old Testament, where there are many scriptures about the poor. Leviticus 19:9-10 says (and this was the “Direct Voice” of the Lord) “And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not wholly reap the corners of thy field, neither shalt thou gather the gleanings of harvest. And thou shalt not glean thy vineyard, either shalt thou gather every grape of thy vineyard; thou shalt leave them for the poor and stranger: I am the Lord your God.”

We want to thank our previous partners, who help us continue to feed the poor! Thank you for always “leaving the corner of your fields” for the poor and strangers! God has also made provisions for you, in Psalms 41:1-3 and “the Seven Promises to those of you who feed the poor!” We love you!


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“Love is Something You Do!”

Dieuferly… His name means, “God made it.” His poor mother, who lived in the mountains of Covant, was distressed to see that the baby she had just delivered “in the middle of nowhere” had club feet! Madamn D’or had eight children (two sets of twins) when her husband left her! I cannot imagine how afraid she was. After all, how could she support this big family in “the middle of nowhere” with no husband to help?

We decided to take the tiny boy “down the mountain, and on a mule” with us! At that time, the U.S. Military was in Haiti. They offered to do “free surgeries,” but what we didn’t know was that the surgeon was not a professional “club foot surgeon,” but he did his best. He sent the toddler home after that horrific surgery with “Baby Tylenol!” I walked the floor with him each night! His feet still always hurt him until Jesse Ostrander found a surgeon in the D.R. to do some additional surgeries on Dieuferly’s feet. It helped so much!

Today, Dieuferly has a great talent for photography and he operates the “drone shots” for TV, and also helps us with many other projects for our television program! He and some of his brothers also operate the Fresh Food Restaurant in Fond Parisien, but his greatest achievement is his love for “extremely poor children!” He wraps his arms around them, just like Jesus “wrapped His arms” around Dieuferly! Bobby says, “Love is Something You Do!”


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Off to the Races…

Do you remember racing bikes as a kid? Whether it was your friend or your brother or sister, you peddled with all your might to defeat your opponent. Now imagine if you had 50+ brothers and sisters competing all at once, all sharing the only three bikes worthy of riding.

I happened upon the most epic bike race I had ever seen in my life. The kids at the Children’s Home were all competing with reckless abandon to claim the right to be called champion. Even the girls were laying it all on the line, risking life and limb. On the long gravel course, there were many lead changes and brutal wipeouts. But they were all laughing and cheering each other on. No joke, it was one of the most exciting races I have ever witnessed.

These kids love each other. They fight for each other. They have fun together! Thank you for continuing to support these precious bike racers. They are the future of Haiti!

Jesse Ostrander

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Starvation Stalks Haiti….

Like an evil spirit, starvation and death stalks Haiti. Although we do not know all the details of hunger, we are receiving news that up in the mountains of Thoma, a young boy has died of starvation.

It is hard to know sometimes which area is in need of food the most because gangs block the roads, and communication in Haiti is difficult, especially in the mountains. We just received word about the plight of starvation in this area and already plans are being made to take food to 100 families in Thoma today! PTL! And, we just received word that Farmer John is adding meat with each box of food!

Thanks to you, our partners, tomorrow morning in Fond Parisien we will be giving 500 hungry families sacks of food containing rice, beans, cooking oil, cornmeal, sugar, spices, spaghetti, and noodles… enough for two weeks!!! (These families are from Ganthier, who have all lost their homes to the gangs!)

Our Haitian sons from our orphanage, Dieuferly, George, Mikael, and our other Haitian sons, all have a burden to feed the poor. We are so proud of them and we are so proud of you… our partners!

Bobby and Sherry

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