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Word from the Mission Field

Stay on course:

“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith…” 11 Timothy 4:7 – Apostle Paul said these words. I’ve gone too far to turn back now!

It’s important to stay on course, keeping our eyes on Jesus. So many circumstances and people try to pull us off course.

Don’t be discouraged, stay on course! Read verse 8 and look what we will receive!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Thank you, Partners!

We wish to thank our partners who have been sending in dresses and clothing for the girls and boys.

Here, we see Ginyia, Rodna, Mikalange, Fabiola, Nazarene (Rachael), and Zoey. They were so excited to receive these clothes from one of our partners.

Here in Haiti, in most Christian orphanages, we try to keep the girls in “modest clothing.” There are so many children who are not Christians who would try to get them to dress provocatively. This is a problem here in Haiti with so many young girls getting pregnant and losing their education.

We love our children and want them to grow up serving the Lord, getting a college education, and then, God will find them the right husband.

This is a big family to raise and a big responsibility!

We love them all.


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“Bible Proclaimers” for Expecting Moms…

Life in Haiti is so tough right now. The mothers, who take on the big responsibility to feed their children, are now depressed, sad, and discouraged. Many cannot even make it to Church due to the gangs in the streets. So, they have their poor children to think about, and the problem of “not hearing the Word of God in Faith,” on Sundays, is very discouraging to those who cannot go…

Other mothers must walk a long way with the children if they do go to Church because they cannot afford Tap Tap. And, of course, think about the mothers who do not know Jesus, who do not go to Church at all. They MUST hear the Gospel. These Bible Proclaimers are in the Creole language. They take the whole Bible to the people of Haiti through this little asset, which can be charged in the sun!

This is, indeed, a great blessing! These are being given out at our Love A Child Birthing Center, special thanks to Mr. Nixon, our Administrator.

We wish to thank Pastor Gregory Dickow, with Life Changers Church, for sponsoring these Bible Proclaimers and also our friend, Joseph Davis! These Proclaimers were shipped to our office and then, sent to us on one of our containers. God bless you and thank you, Pastor Gregory and Joseph Davis! The Word of God is the best gift you could give at times like these.


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Newest Haiti Update:

Two of the 17 missionaries have been released. They were released due to severe illness. This has been confirmed by the Miami Herald newspaper.

The kidnappers still have the remaining missionaries. Our hearts go out to the missionaries and their families. Please remain in prayer.

We took a much-needed break from Haiti. We spent two days in Tucson and went down by the border of Mexico to see what we could do. It’s really best for visitors to stay away; it could be unsafe, indeed. Church groups in the area are trying to help. Everyone is overwhelmed.

Today, we are in Phoenix, heading to Flagstaff, Arizona, this afternoon.

Tomorrow, we will be meeting our family at the Grand Canyon for Thanksgiving.

Everyone is doing a great job back in Haiti. Before we left, we put up all the Christmas lights and four Christmas trees in our Children’s Home, where we all live. We all had a blast! Playing Christmas music, so much fun! The children were so happy. All their eyes had a little twinkle!

In Haiti, there is no Thanksgiving holiday.

We love you…
Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

“You Just Can’t See Who’s On Your Side!”

“Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit, Saith the Lord of Hosts.” Zechariah 4:6

“He had never held a sword, or served in the army of Israel. In fact, his job was to work in his father’s threshing floor and hide the wheat from the invaders, the Midianites. But, God always chooses the “least likely,” for His most important work.

The Lord sends an Angel to tell Gideon that he is a “mighty man of valor,” and he will save the Israelites from the Midianites and the Amalekites. They were fierce, without number, and the amount of camels were without number. It must have been a terrifying sight for the people of Israel.

Gideon is to form an army but God whittles down the number of men He needs. The Army consists of 300 men, carrying a sword in one hand, and an earthen clay pitcher in the other hand, with a small torch, lit inside. What is that against the great army with the equipment, “that cannot be numbered?”

Read the story… Gideon’s men surrounded the enemy, Gideon blew the trumpet, his men broke their pitchers, allowing the lighted torches to appear in the dark! Then, an Angel of Lord “turned the enemy against one another” and Gideon and his army had the victory!!

Don’t ever look at the enemy’s strength to determine your outcome! God doesn’t care about you “being outnumbered!” You just can’t see “who’s on your side!” You are a winner! Have a great day!


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Ada… She Loves to Cook!!!

Ada was one of three children “dropped off” at Love A Child by their aunt. She told us they were all from Cap Haitian and that their parents drowned in a boat going to the States. But, of course, we have no proof of this. All we know is that we inherited three sweet children… Bianca, Ada, and Raphael. All three are so smart in school! Each of these children are obedient and respectful and we have never had any problems with them.

Ada loves to cook! She is learning all of the Haitian recipes and making some of her own. She just “adores” working in the kitchen. Ada (also called Jessica) just turned 15 years old. She is still thinking about what she wants to be in life. Ada is shy but funny. All of the kids love her! She is easy-going and quiet, unlike most of the rest. Ha!

I have told you before that the orphanage kids give each other nicknames and that sometimes the nickname doesn’t fit the kid… But, oh well, they don’t care and never get offended. Her nickname is “bef” (cow). They never get upset because each one of them has a nickname, but to me, Ada is just plain “sweet!!!” Yes, we love her! We can’t wait to see what direction her life will take!!


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Updated News from Christian Aid Ministries

Hello Friends!

We have some good news from Christian Aid Ministries concerning the group of Missionaries who were kidnapped in Haiti. Praise God for this and let’s continue to pray, Bobby and Sherry

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Praise Report:

Last week, we showed you a picture of the beautiful church in Sapaterre, Haiti. This is in the village where all the people were making those “mud cookies,” you have seen. We started out by feeding the people regularly with the Feed My Starving Children food. Some of you even sponsored some of the ladies to start a job in the area, selling items. This was all a way to help the poor in this area.

Soon we had a big crusade there, and many people gave their hearts to the Lord… even the local witch doctor! We had a vision to build a church right there in the village. This was sponsored by the Click Family Foundation. Joseph, one of our workers, was ordained as the Pastor, and Peter, who also works for us, worked as Evangelist. The church has been growing but had no musical instruments, no P.A. System, nothing for music or crusades. They were really wanting to have a huge crusade at the church in January, but desperately needed the sound system, etc. All this cost $2,500.

When we posted it, the Click family saw the need and sent in $3,000 to cover everything. Then, they told us, “Bobby, if you had not posted about the need, we would have never known.”

We are so thankful for the beautiful church in Sapaterre and also to all those who have helped it get started with “one box of food,” with helping mothers get jobs, with building a beautiful church, and now, musical instruments, sound system, etc., to start the “New Year” off!!! They are so excited!!! Thank you and God bless you, Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

“Obedience is better than sacrifice.

We have shared this scripture before… but, this scripture is so important, you can’t talk enough about it. When Bobby and I were on vacation, we were driving through Tucson, Arizona. I stared out the window at the high mountains. They were sharp, pointed mountains, barren. The Lord reminded me of Abraham and what God told him to do.

“Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains, which I shall tell thee of.” Genesis 22:2

As I gazed out the window, at the tall, barren mountains, I thought of Abraham, taking his son, “his only son,” along with a servant, going up that mountain… a three-day climb. He brought a donkey, laden with wood and in his hands, were a knife and firewood. Each step he took, brought his son, “closer to death.” But, Abraham never looked back. Abraham did not tell Sarah, nor anyone. His heart was too grieved. As he climbed that high mountain, it was hot, the path was rocky, and each step he took brought him closer to the death of his son. Finally, as he was almost there, he told his servant to “wait here, and I and the lad will come again.” At that point, he knew that if he had to slay his son, God was able to bring him back to life…

You know the “rest of the story,” and how that Abraham built the altar, bound his son, and laid him on the wood. Then, he lifted the knife and at that split second, the Angel spoke to him, and told him, “Abraham, lay not thy hand upon the lad.” And then, showed him the “ram in the bush,” which he sacrificed. The Angel then told Abraham that his son, would have seed “as the stars of the heaven.”

Abraham’s ACT OF OBEDIENCE was greater than the SACRIFICE OF HIS SON! This brings me to tears… No matter what the Lord tells us to do, it would be a small thing, in comparison to what He told Abraham to do. Our obedience to the Lord, is greater than anything else… And though this obedience, comes great blessings!! Have a great day, Sherry

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Updated News: 

Sherry and I left Haiti yesterday and arrived here in Tucson at 1:30 a.m. Today we drove down near the border of Mexico. It is truly unbelievable what is happening.

On the way back, about 40 miles from Tucson on a back road, I looked up and across the whole road it said, “Border of Mexico.” We saw Border Patrol people all across the road. I asked Sherry, “Isn’t our GPS working? We don’t want to enter Mexico… just get back to our hacienda! How did we get this lost?” Come to find out they were there looking for illegals trying to come into Tucson.

Tomorrow, we will drive to Phoenix, then the next day drive and meet our children and grandchildren at the beautiful Grand Canyon for Thanksgiving. Our children and grandchildren have sacrificed sharing us with the children of Haiti and its people for many years.

We miss Haiti with all of its problems, terribly. We miss our Haitian children and the life of “helping someone every day.” We are so excited about building houses now for the earthquake victims who lost everything. Another step of Faith!

Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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