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Nelson… Unafraid

On that “very hot day,” in the village of Old Letant, Haiti, God was about to do another supernatural thing. He was going to change the life of this little boy and “lift up the beggar from the dunghill.” We had a team from “Feed My Starving Children,” with us. These[…]

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As you know, we came from Haiti to Kennesaw, GA, so I could perform the marriage of Jennifer Loudermilk, our friend since she was 4 years old. Well, Jennifer and Luis are happily married now. I mean, they are happy! One year ago, I made a reservation for our vacation[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“God already has the problem worked out.” Whether it’s a “ram in the bush” or “oil in a cruise” or “a few loaves and fishes,” God already has your problem worked out! In Genesis 22:13, God tested Abraham to see if he would obey. How many times has God “put your[…]

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Julianne… From a “Mud Hut” to New York

“He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of Glory…” 1 Samuel 2:8 Julianne was one of the first four children we rescued from a poor village when her[…]

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Jackson Heading to Santo Domingo

Right now, Philimond, our driver has crossed the Dominican Border with Jackson and his nurse, taking him to the Santo Domingo hospital for more tests and updates. Thankfully, Jackson is doing a little better. Please pray for Jackson every day. He must have dialysis for 12 hours per night. Jesse[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“God Lifts Up, God Brings Down.” Sometimes, we Christians don’t understand how God can bless someone, “that we don’t think needs to be blessed!” How many times have you heard someone in church say, “I can’t believe they did that and now, they’re coming to church as if nothing ever[…]

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Sandraline Loves to Cook and Jump Rope

Sandraline’s father was a “bicycle repairman.” He made very little money and when Sandraline’s mother died, he was overwhelmed! He brought her to our orphanage and asked if we could take her in. She had sores all over her body and was constantly crying. She was a “mess!” But, I[…]

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Love is in the Air

Bobby and I left Haiti and flew to Kennesaw, Georgia. Jennifer Loudermilk’s father was Jim Loudermilk. He was one of Bobby’s best friends but died almost 25 years ago. Jim would have loved to see his daughter get married, so Jennifer asked Bobby if he would perform the wedding ceremony,[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“The Cry of the Poor.” When we first moved to Haiti and saw the poor, especially the children, we began to ask God, “Why are so many children hungry?” After praying, we felt the Lord had said, “I put you there to feed them.” The Bible says, “But whoso hath[…]

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Fabiola… A Future Pediatrician!

When Fabiola’s mother died, her stepfather did not want to care for her, or her brother Wilguens (Jacque). Oftentimes, he left the small children by themselves with no food. Both children became malnourished and that’s when he took them to Social Services, who brought the children to Love A Child.[…]

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