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Betchina… She Loves to “Swing High!!!”

She loves to play with dolls and she loves to draw… but she doesn’t like to play soccer, and never has. Sometimes, she pretends she’s a “teacher!” (She is always threatening to beat some of her “students!” Ha!)

Betchina was brought to us after the earthquake. Her parents had completely abandoned her! She knows nothing about siblings and never asks. Social Services brought her to us… We just took her right in and we became her “mother and father.” She never had any problems adapting to her new family.

Betchina wants to become a teacher… She is now 11 years old and in the 5th grade. She loves “playing school” and taking care of smaller children, helping the ladies in the laundry, learning to cook, and learning to do a new “hair-do!” She is always “up to something!” The kids call her “monkey” as her nickname… but she doesn’t care. Everyone has a nickname… They probably call her this because she loves to “swing high,” and get up on the bars! She is not afraid of heights!!! I never have any trouble with Betchina! She is a real sweetie!  Sherry

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Food for the Village of Old Letant!

It is such a great job to give to the poor! On our end, we get to see and hug the people, and see them walk away with hands in the air, praising God! I just wish you could see this!!! Everyone lives in mud huts, as far as you can see, and each hut has a dirt floor!

These parents cannot make enough money to feed their families… All they have is just some sticks and straw for the roofs of their mud-and-straw huts. The children in this village never eat three times a day… they are fortunate if they eat once a day. This food is here “because of you.” This comes from Feed My Starving Children all the way to Haiti.

This is the first time we have had any “really good security.” Some soldiers near the Border offered to give us some protection… We gave them a “huge tank truck of water,” and they gave us “security!”

We just want to thank each and every one of you who gives “large or small,” or the “widow’s mite!” When we all give “what we can,” God does the rest!!! Sherry

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Update from Haiti

Despite the lack of fuel, the kidnappings, the shootings, and the dangers, we are still going forward!

Today, we have a Food Distribution in several villages. For security reasons, we cannot mention “where,” but will give a follow-up later.

We have never, never seen hunger, like we see it now… every day. Everyone is afraid to go out on the streets. Pray for a safe trip for us and for our Haitian team.

God bless you, Sherry.

More Later!

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Word from the Mission Field


“Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall.” 2 Peter 1:10

There is a difference between a desire and the true calling of God. A lot of people have a desire to be a missionary, but when they come here and face loneliness, a different culture of people, the heat, lack of finances, and of course now the gangs and no fuel… everyone is afraid. Many people never leave their house. Just yesterday, two people who live here in Fond Parisien were kidnapped.

I’ve seen many people come and go here in Haiti. Many realized they were not truly called of God. Yet God used this experience in their lives.

The true calling of God means, “All the demons in Hell cannot stop you!” You may be a missionary to Africa, South America, China, or Haiti. You know the calling of God is in your life.

Many people ask me, “How can you and Sherry ever live in Haiti?” I always tell them this… “It’s not a sacrifice, but a joy to say yes to Jesus!”

Is the Lord calling you to go into the regions beyond for him? “Yes, Lord, here am I, use me.”

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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He’s Already Hired!

Fritzner was just four months old when a mountain pastor, Pastor Justin, brought him to Love A Child, which saved his life. His mother had died of the “child-birth” fever, as it’s called in Haiti. Fritzner is in 6th grade and at the moment, he is studying for some lessons. He is sweet, quiet, and gentle… He is one of our sweetest boys! He loves to help the moms in the kitchen… in case there is any extra food! Ha! Fritzner is a good worker and gets along with everyone… I wish all the boys were like him! He will always do anything that is asked of him!!! He wants to be a teacher at our Love A Child School! “He’s already hired!” Sherry

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The Story of Mildride Jean…

Someone once said, “The sun rises for everyone, the rich as well as the poor… We are all one, under the love of God.”

“A Husband Abandons a Pregnant Wife.”
Mrs. Mildride Jean, a poor young woman from the village of Ganthier, is 23 years old. She lives with her mother because she has no place else to go. Her husband, Ronald, abandoned her when she was about a month pregnant. She had no other choice and no place to go but her mother’s.

“Gangs on the Street and No Money.”
She was worried about finding a Maternity Center because she had no money. At this time in Haiti, it is hard to find a Maternity place because there are so many gangs on the street and the journey to a clinic or hospital is very difficult and dangerous, and they charge a lot of money. Mildride didn’t have one “gourde” (penny) but someone told her that “even though she had no money and is facing difficulties, the Love A Child Birthing Center stays open to help pregnant women, 24/7. It never closes.”

“Smiles All Over Her Face!”
She was so happy to come! She followed all the information the Mid-Wives gave her. Today, she gave birth to her first child at 5:00 AM, a little boy who weighed 2.8 kilos. She smiled “all over her face.” She was happy because the Birthing Center took good care of her. Even though her husband abandoned her, the Lord had already prepared a beautiful place for her to have her baby, with no cost!

God bless our wonderful partners. Sherry

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Haiti News Update

The gangs are still blocking the fuel from leaving the terminal ports. When a little fuel tries to leave the terminal, the gangs steal the fuel to sell it at huge prices and kidnap the driver.

Most of Haiti is locked down, almost at a stand-still. Everyone is afraid. I don’t know why some country doesn’t come in here and disperse these gangs?

I guess if Haiti were an oil-rich country or had other valuable assets, these problems would have been eliminated a long time ago. So many people have died and suffered because they are poor. It looks like the world has turned its back on Haiti… on this poor country because Haiti has nothing to offer. Please forgive me; I just had to vent this morning.

The rich young ruler asked Jesus “and WHO is my neighbor”? – Luke 10:29

The 17 missionaries are still being held by the 400 Mawozo gang.

It seems like not much is in the news about them. The news may forget them, but the Lord hasn’t… Please continue to pray for the missionaries.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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“It’s Not a Country… It’s a Calling…”

Each day here in Haiti, the first thing when we wake up and the last thing of the day is always “bad news.” The three major gangs that control Haiti are still at work. One of them has confiscated all the huge fuel trucks. These are the same trucks that bring fuel to us here at Love A Child, for all our projects. We run on “diesel fuel” because Haitian electricity is not something we can count on… so, we have big generators. They run our Clinic, our Orphanage, our Birthing Center, our Malnutrition Clinic, and all the housing for our Haitian employees. But now, there are no more diesel trucks coming!

We used to be able to go to a grocery store on Sunday after Church and eat in a restaurant. (A little small thing to get away from the pressures of the week.) But now, we cannot go there due to the gangs, and of course, no fuel. We can no longer bring in missionary teams to help us. We used to be able to go much further into Haiti to do Food Distributions ourselves… but now, we have to stay back and let our Haitian teams go. Tomorrow, we have a small village to go to, and there are some military guys with guns that will go with us. But they don’t have much fuel, and cannot assist us in other areas.

We used to be able to take all our Haitian children to the beach on a weekend, and have a picnic. But we cannot do that anymore… Now, we pray over all our older children who are going to college, that God will take care of them and not let them get kidnapped!

People have asked us, “Why don’t you just leave Haiti and go back to the States for good?” The answer is found in God’s Word… Jesus said, “No man, having put his ‘hand to the plough and looking back,’ is fit for the Kingdom of Heaven.” Luke 9:62

“Haiti is not a country… it is a Calling.” Everything happens in the timing of God… so for now, we have our “hands on the plough,” and eyes on the Lord… Thank you for your prayers, that cover us day and night, here in Haiti. Sherry

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So Proud of Miliana

Miliana is now 16 years old and in the 8th grade. We found her in the village of Madamn Bauje. We first saw her walking through some scrub bushes in the village. She had a ripped and dirty sweater on and was chewing on the strings. She had strange looking growths all over her body and damage to one side of her face.
We brought her back with us to our orphanage and discovered she had strange looking growths on her body, similar to what we would call “tree trunk” syndrome. We have an appointment with a very good dermatologist, who said he can remove them and they will never grow back, but we cannot get a Visa for her now because our U.S. Embassy is closed.
Miliana doesn’t know yet what she wants to be, but her favorite subject is English!! She speaks excellent English and this is also something she is so proud of. We love her very much!
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A Busy Clinic…

There are no gas stations open in Haiti now. The gangs have confiscated all fuel trucks so all these patients either walked a long way or hitched a ride on a truck, etc.  Our Jesus Healing Clinic is a caring clinic! We have the best doctors, nurses, and staff possible!

This little one had to put an oxygen mask on, but all day long there are different kinds of cases.

Everyone comes because our doctors don’t rush them “in and out.” They take time with the patients. We have our own lab, which means that patients don’t have to travel a long way to get lab work done and bring it back to our doctor. Everything is here… lab and a pharmacy, everything.

We also have a full-time Pastor praying for those who need the Lord!

We are thankful to Hand of Hope – Joyce Meyer Ministries for sponsoring the monthly operating cost so that the poorest of the poor can be treated with great care!

Thank you, partners, for your prayers and love!

Bobby and Sherry

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