This week Love A Child TV takes you into the devastating reality of living among garbage, flies, and filth beyond our imagination in Truttier, Haiti. Your heart will be moved as you hear the story of the Tisson family whose circumstances have forced them to live in filth; despite their situation, the father’s smile radiates...
"Don't just sit there! Do something!" In 2 Kings 7:3 is the great story of the lepers who were outside the gate of Samaria. There was a famine in the land and people were dying of starvation. But the lepers knew that their time was about up, too, because they were lepers. They came to...
This little sweetie, Jonas, has only been with us for a little while. He was found in the mountains when we were doing a feeding program. One of our workers did a little interview with him because they saw this little boy working in the hot sun, along with all the older men. He said...
There are many poor villages all around us. These mothers struggle so hard to sell little items in order to buy food to feed their families. They get up at 1:30 or 2:00 am to start working. With their own family and “extended families,” it is hard to find enough food. We receive this good...
All this week our guys are out delivering Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) meals to many different areas. The fellow in the blue shirt is Barry, one of our Haitian sons who always helps. Note: Each box of food weighs 33 pounds and will last a family for a month. I just loaded a vehicle...
“Heads or Tails?” Are you tired of being the tail? God said that he can make us the head! “And the Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the Lord thy God…” Deuteronomy 28:13 Missionary Bobby...
He's in the 5th grade and a very smart young man! His name is Stephano. His father abandoned him when he was born. His mother was in prison and had been released but could not take care of her son due to mental problems. Stephano's father must have been Dominican because he is very light...
Bobby and I are still amazed at the miracle of the 12 remaining missionaries who escaped their captives! Everyone had been praying! But, these missionaries kept on singing, kept on praying, and kept on praising the Lord, even during their captivity. Like Paul and Silas, God gave them a plan to "open the door for...
This morning our food trucks left with more Feed My Starving Children meals to distribute for the next three days to different villages and communities. They will not let me go along because of the danger on the roads. We have been overwhelmed with families needing and begging for food. It has been very heartbreaking...
“What is that in thine hand?” He had been the child of a Hebrew slave… his mother had made a weaved basket, placed him into it, and put him in the river at the age of three months. He was found by the daughter of Pharaoh of Egypt, who took him in as her own...