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At Peace

In the middle of turmoil here, Love A Child is a refuge and a stronghold, not only for the people, but for the animals! This is a peaceful place, especially on Saturdays. The people and wildlife are at peace. They are at rest. The donkeys, horses, dogs, cats, turkeys, and other birds are enjoying their Saturday without stressing about the situation surrounding them. This reminds me of the safety and rest we can be sure of in God’s arms. We could learn from these animals. Rest in Him today!

Jesse Ostrander

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Word from the Mission Field

“Perfect Peace.”

We are living in a day and time when it is sometimes hard to find “perfect peace.” When we listen to the news, there is never “good news” anymore. There are wars and threats of wars… the price of everything is going up. There is such an “ungodly” spirit in the world, especially in our own country.

I don’t know about you, but I want “perfect peace,” the kind that passes all understanding. But, no matter what kind of storm is brewing, we can still have perfect peace… “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace; whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusted in thee.” Isaiah 26:3

The Prophet Isaiah is not just talking about a little bit of peace, but “perfect peace.” Let the storms come! Let the waters rock the boat! Let the dark clouds come… We will have “perfect peace!!!”

Have a great day!


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Detailed Explanation of the Current Situation:

We have been getting asked many questions about the current situation here in Fond Parisien. One of the main questions asked is, “If the gangs are so dangerous and situation is so chaotic, how is Love A Child continuing to operate?”

We are open. We are providing meals to thousands. The Clinic, Birthing Center, Malnutrition Center, schools, churches, Agricultural Training Center (ATC), and every other aspects of Love A Child remains functioning. We are continuing the work of the ministry. But how? How is Love A Child able to do all this when at the same time the nearby gangs are raping, burning, pillaging, stealing, shooting, and murdering?

Love A Child is located in the eastern part of Haiti, very close to the Dominican border. The gangs control the territory to the west. They have taken over large parts of Port-au-Prince, all of Croix-des-Bouquets, and now the nearest town to the west of us, Ganthier. They also control the main road. The only way to get from Port-au-Prince to Love A Child is to pass through this 22-mile gauntlet of violent gangs who steal, kidnap, rape, and murder. It is a lawless zone. They do what they want, whenever they want, without consequence.

But some people risk the drive. Their livelihoods depend on it. The gangs stop every single vehicle at multiple checkpoints along the route 24-hours a day. The only way for a vehicle to pass, is to pay the huge fees assessed by the gangs. If the driver and passengers are lucky, they will pay and gain passage. If not, they could lose whatever cargo they are carrying. They could lose the vehicle, or worse, be killed. These thugs have become very efficient at making huge amounts of cash. It is one of the ways they fund their insatiable appetite for control, death, and destruction. They repay the local population in the currency of constant fear. They are truly terrorists.

The local population in the Fond Parisien area has adapted. There are far fewer trucks willing to attempt to pass to the west. This means fewer opportunities for the gangs to take advantage of them. But the gangs are insatiable and need more money! So, they are advancing systematically toward the east, toward Love A Child. They have been raiding the poor lakeside villages between Ganthier and Love A Child, raping, and murdering people as they go.

When the gangs took Ganthier a few weeks ago, they came from the west, from the direction of Port-au-Prince. About 30,000 people ran for their lives. They ran the only direction they could, toward us. They had to run east. There was no choice. The gangs were behind them indiscriminately, shooting everyone. An enormous lake boxed them in on the north, a massive mountain range on the south. So, they ran east. With no possessions, no food, no help, they ran. The sick, the young, the old, and the ones that could not run are now dead. The stench of death still fills the air to our west.

The gangs keep trying to advance. But this area has shown resolve. They are defending their zone. The people are fighting. They are holding their ground. They must. Love A Child must. The only place to run now is to the Dominican Republic to the east. But the border is shut tight. A massive border wall with razor wire and armed military ensures that no Haitians will pass. So, we are pinched in. We have to hold the line. We must defend.

There are local militia known as the Brigade, a local police force, border police, and some Haitian military, that fight day and night. I cannot give you operational details for security reasons. But they are unified. The area of Fond Parisien is unified.

But these forces are cut off from Port-au-Prince. The gangs control the supply lines from the west. The police outpost on the defensive line receives no aid, no backup. The Brigade valiantly fights without resources. They are the locals. A loss here means everything. Those resisting the gangs are not getting any help from the Haitian government. The Port-au-Prince power brokers have convinced the decision-makers to commit battle resources to other areas. So, we do what we must. We are all they have. Love A Child helps feed them, fuel their vehicles, provides communication, and assists in any way we can. This is our home too.

Love A Child is still functioning because we must. Thousands depend on it. Most of our ministry takes place at the compound here in Fond Parisien, but we also have churches, schools, and feeding programs way up in the mountains directly to the south and east of us. We have not stopped. We are continuing to feed thousands. Moms are birthing babies in our Birthing Center, the Clinic is binding up wounds and ministering to the sick, the ATC is cranking out the produce and teaching the locals how to do the same, malnourished babies on the brink of death are being nursed to health. Life here goes on. The need here did not disappear because the gangs showed up. So, we keep moving. It is all by faith.

Even with the threat of mayhem and death at our Western doorstep, we continue to do what God has called us to do. Love A Child is a source of hope, a city on a hill. The defense efforts require large amounts of diesel. We do not have the funds to continue to fill their tanks. The indescribable need here has always been great, the situation desperate. But now things are at a fever pitch. We are in the thick of it. We are committed. The Bible tells us, “…having done all to stand, stand therefore.” Know this, Love A Child will stand. God gave us this ground. Hell cannot have it.

The reality is we need your help! We need your support! There is no one underwriting these new mammoth expenses. We operate by faith. Please continue to pray. Please continue to give. We serve a big God. He is our Protector. He is our Provider. Thank you for standing with us! Without you, this would not be possible.

Jesse Ostrander


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Semi Surgeon

I bumped into Kenson this morning. He is one of the orphans who is a skilled heavy machine operator.

He is especially good at operating the loader. Kenson was performing maintenance on the semi so it could go to the border today to pick up a container of much-needed medicine. But he was wearing a surgical gown. I’m not sure where he got it from, but I guess he is being resourceful. He does not want to get his nice clothes greasy.

God bless Kenson, the Semi Surgeon; he is doing a great job!


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LAC TV Program “The Children of Haiti” Begins Saturday!

Life in Haiti is brutal, and every member of the family must work to survive. Your heart will break as you watch children walk barefoot across rocky terrain looking for something to eat, while other children crush a handful of food, meant to feed themselves and their siblings for the day, in a pilon. They work so hard for scraps of food, on an empty stomach, with ripped and threadbare clothing. Parents are overwhelmed with helplessness as they watch on, unable to change anything. Your continued gifts of charity allow them to work towards a better future with a belly full of food.

We want to invite viewers around the world to tune in tomorrow afternoon to Daystar Television Network at 12:30 p.m. (ET) and then throughout the week. You can also watch us on DIRECTV, DISH Network, Christian Television Network, The Word Network, NRB, and many more local television stations. Check out our full schedule for the best way for you to tune in. You can also watch the program online through our Vimeo and YouTube channels or on our website under the “Media” tab.

Together we are changing lives!

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Word from the Mission Field

“With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

Nothing is impossible with God! “When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade,” wrote Norman Vincent Peale, who published his best-known book, The Power of Positive Thinking, in 1952. It stayed on the New York Times Best Seller list for 186 consecutive weeks! When I was very young, I read his book several times. He inspired me…

When I came to Jesus Christ and asked Him into my heart, He set me on fire!! “With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” No matter what you may be facing today; sickness, marital problems, financial problems, problems with your children or business… God is greater! I will not be negative today but positive, living and walking in the Word of God.

If someone gives you a lemon today, make some lemonade! God has more miracles than we have needs!

Bobby Burnette

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Zoey… A Sweet, Lovable Doll!

Look at this cute, chunky little girl with the “biggest smile anyone could have!”

She is surrounded by her “sisters,” who are also getting their school backpacks! The first day of school is very important, and usually, all the Haitian churches will have a big “prayer service ” for all the children before they go to school!

We found “baby Zoey” abandoned on the road to “New Letant!” We did not want to take in more children to our orphanage. We called the Social Services Department so that we could bring her in, but they had no more room! So, we took her back to our orphanage.

Zoey was the youngest girl who grew up with older girls, so she “acted older!” When she was about three, she was on the Praise Dance Team with her sisters. She loves school, Barbie dolls, and chocolate!!

She is a sweet, lovable “doll!”


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Perks of the Job…

The employees here at Love A Child have some perks to the job. Today all of the workers received a box of food. In addition to receiving regular food allotments for their families, we feed our employees breakfast, lunch, and dinner for those who live here on the compound.

In the midst of all this turmoil and stress caused by the gangs, our employees have a safe, beautiful place to work. They have found a way to keep Love A Child moving forward despite the chaos just outside these walls. The employees work hard to continue the work of the ministry.

Thank you for supporting these beautiful people. Thank you for holding up this ministry. Thank you for giving to those in need. We know that without you it would not be possible to continue to spread the love of God here. The workers here thank you!

Jesse Ostrander

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Word from the Mission Field

“Man Up!”

We are living in a generation of Christians, many of whom are always complaining, doubting, and whining even though the Lord has sent us “ the “Comforter,” the Holy Spirit. It is not hard to live for Jesus, even if we are “made fun of,” or “treated unfairly.” That’s part of “taking up the cross” and following the Jesus who died for us!

Jesus said, “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” Matthew 16:24

For the disciples to follow Jesus, it cost them their lives. I read a book a long time ago, and I think it was called “Foxe’s Book of Martyrs.”

I believe it was Peter who was to be hung on the cross and requested he be hung upside down because he was not worthy to be crucified the same as Jesus. The disciples all paid a great price for following Jesus.

I don’t like to hear Christians “complaining” because they are tired of waiting on God. They just need to “man up” and start praising God for what He has done already and what He will be doing!

“Thank you,” are two words that God loves to hear.


“If we started today thanking the Lord for what He has done already,” we could never finish.

“Thank you, Lord! We don’t even have the words to say thank You for everything You have done for us since the day we were born!”

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Horror on the Road

We received word from security personnel at the main road that a young lady was being driven our way for emergency medical care. Thank God in the middle of all this gang violence, the Love A Child Clinic is still open. This morning she was on her way to this area on a motorcycle. Her driver was stopped, and the gangs let him go. She was not so fortunate. They held her at gunpoint as many men took turns raping her all morning long. For hours she endured the onslaught of these animals. She is broken in body and spirit. Dr. Barthelemy and the clinic staff tried to examine her, but she was too beat up physically and emotionally to even allow someone to touch her. We have arranged a passage to the hospital on the border. She is en route now. I cannot imagine the horrors this woman has been through. These gangs are not human. They rape, murder, and pillage with no regard for life. Please pray for supernatural healing for this young lady!

Jesse Ostrander

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