I’m sitting here in Haiti this Sunday evening, with a sad heart for the people of Haiti. A major city you must go through to come here to Fond Parisien where we live is called “Croix des Bouquet.” Yesterday, the police and the gangs were shooting at each other for most of the day. The Papaya Gang are saying they control the city, it belongs to them. The chief of the Papaya Gang is saying now on Facebook and YouTube, that no one is allowed to travel through Croix des Boquet tomorrow, or they will be shot! They are saying, “We control the city!” They are a very notorious gang. This is only one of the many gangs here in Haiti that control different areas. I had to call Pastor Mark Ostrander and tell him to cancel his flight here tomorrow.
Actually, the gangs are trying to take over the government of Haiti. They tried several days ago. Haiti has no leadership now. The government is in total shambles… kidnapping, shooting, robbing people, and the gangs are fighting each other. The normal Haitian people are not like this… very humble and hard-working, trying to make a living in the midst of all of this. Families and children are suffering unbelievably.
I see on the news, 15,000 Haitians are in Del Rio under the bridge, many having to sleep outside, just laying on the grass because of the masses of people. There is a journey of walking hundreds of miles, facing many dangers. Many lose their life on the way, trying to get into America. I’m so thankful Sherry and I are here at this time in history during Haiti’s struggles. We are letting the light of Jesus shine in the midst of darkness.
This week we have many food distributions in many areas. We pray for God’s protection on our workers. All our projects are going forward. Not slowing down! Soon we will be going into many areas giving our hundreds of tents to the earthquake victims. Getting there may be a problem, but with God’s help we will get there and the mission will be accomplished! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers and financial support. Love is something you do.
Bobby and Sherry Burnette