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Zoey… A Sweet, Lovable Doll!

Look at this cute, chunky little girl with the “biggest smile anyone could have!”

She is surrounded by her “sisters,” who are also getting their school backpacks! The first day of school is very important, and usually, all the Haitian churches will have a big “prayer service ” for all the children before they go to school!

We found “baby Zoey” abandoned on the road to “New Letant!” We did not want to take in more children to our orphanage. We called the Social Services Department so that we could bring her in, but they had no more room! So, we took her back to our orphanage.

Zoey was the youngest girl who grew up with older girls, so she “acted older!” When she was about three, she was on the Praise Dance Team with her sisters. She loves school, Barbie dolls, and chocolate!!

She is a sweet, lovable “doll!”


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Perks of the Job…

The employees here at Love A Child have some perks to the job. Today all of the workers received a box of food. In addition to receiving regular food allotments for their families, we feed our employees breakfast, lunch, and dinner for those who live here on the compound.

In the midst of all this turmoil and stress caused by the gangs, our employees have a safe, beautiful place to work. They have found a way to keep Love A Child moving forward despite the chaos just outside these walls. The employees work hard to continue the work of the ministry.

Thank you for supporting these beautiful people. Thank you for holding up this ministry. Thank you for giving to those in need. We know that without you it would not be possible to continue to spread the love of God here. The workers here thank you!

Jesse Ostrander

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Word from the Mission Field

“Man Up!”

We are living in a generation of Christians, many of whom are always complaining, doubting, and whining even though the Lord has sent us “ the “Comforter,” the Holy Spirit. It is not hard to live for Jesus, even if we are “made fun of,” or “treated unfairly.” That’s part of “taking up the cross” and following the Jesus who died for us!

Jesus said, “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” Matthew 16:24

For the disciples to follow Jesus, it cost them their lives. I read a book a long time ago, and I think it was called “Foxe’s Book of Martyrs.”

I believe it was Peter who was to be hung on the cross and requested he be hung upside down because he was not worthy to be crucified the same as Jesus. The disciples all paid a great price for following Jesus.

I don’t like to hear Christians “complaining” because they are tired of waiting on God. They just need to “man up” and start praising God for what He has done already and what He will be doing!

“Thank you,” are two words that God loves to hear.


“If we started today thanking the Lord for what He has done already,” we could never finish.

“Thank you, Lord! We don’t even have the words to say thank You for everything You have done for us since the day we were born!”

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Horror on the Road

We received word from security personnel at the main road that a young lady was being driven our way for emergency medical care. Thank God in the middle of all this gang violence, the Love A Child Clinic is still open. This morning she was on her way to this area on a motorcycle. Her driver was stopped, and the gangs let him go. She was not so fortunate. They held her at gunpoint as many men took turns raping her all morning long. For hours she endured the onslaught of these animals. She is broken in body and spirit. Dr. Barthelemy and the clinic staff tried to examine her, but she was too beat up physically and emotionally to even allow someone to touch her. We have arranged a passage to the hospital on the border. She is en route now. I cannot imagine the horrors this woman has been through. These gangs are not human. They rape, murder, and pillage with no regard for life. Please pray for supernatural healing for this young lady!

Jesse Ostrander

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Feeding The Hungry… Love A Child Kids, Working Hard!!  

We have some great pictures for you today! Our photographer, Dieuferly,  grabbed some pictures of our Haitian children from our orphanage, who were working hard! It is “super hot” in the warehouse, packing this amount of food! This will be the “third food distribution” for Ganthier families.

This food is going to “2,000 hungry families” who fled the town of Ganthier, just about 11 miles up the road from us. They all fled to Fond Parisien and have been “sleeping under trees,” in the “road paths,” in school buildings, and anywhere they can find.

The main problem has been hunger!

The people from Fond Parisien have just enough food to barely feed their families… So, this is the third feeding for the families from Ganthier, who have been run out of their homes by the gangs.

Each time we do a “food giveaway,” it is always for at least 500 families (each family can have from four people to ten people in a family, but they may have extended family members).

This will be the third “food giveaway.” Our Love A Child children have worked hard in the depot, packing food supplies in plastic bags.

Each family receives lots of spaghetti, noodles, rice, fish, spices, beans, corn meal, sugar, beans, and several other items. It is enough to fill two large sacks!!

We buy the food items locally here in Fond Parisien, which has cost us $40,000 U.S. each time to give these large food sacks to the poor. It is enough food to last for two weeks.

The sad thing is that there will be 500 more families who are still waiting on a “food ticket!”

This would be the last feeding for Ganthier. To buy all this food for each “set of 500 families” costs us $40,000. If you would like to help in continuing our food programs into the future, please contact our office at 239-210-6107 or give online by clicking this link: If your gift is small, God will multiply it!!

Thank you, everyone, for your love, your prayers, and your support for the poor in Haiti.



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Word from the Mission Field

Don’t pass by on the other side…

I love the story in the Bible that speaks of loving your neighbor and the Good Samaritan. You know the story…

“A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead. And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. And likewise a Levite, when he was at that place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side. But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, and went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.” (Luke 10:30-34) The Samaritan paid the bill and told the innkeeper that whatever you spend I will pay you when I come back by.

The good Samaritan knew who his neighbor was. He had compassion. It’s easy when we see someone in need to pass by on the other side. Let’s not pass by on the other side today… Love is something you do!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Bianca… Doing Well!

I can remember the day her aunt brought her and two other siblings to our Love A Child Orphanage here in Haiti. Their aunt explained that their parents had died when their small boat capsized while trying to get to the United States. We have had Bianca and her siblings ever since. Bianca has always loved “helping those who have emotional problems.” She is in college in Port-au-Prince, (in a safe area), and she is studying psychology so she can help those who have stress and have little hope! We are so proud of Bianca!


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Preparing to Feed 500 Refugee Families

The kids are hard at work once again preparing for a large food distribution on Saturday. The food will feed 500 refugee families that fled the gangs when they raided Ganthier.

These beautiful workers are very efficient. They have their own system of separating the rice, beans, and oil. They work with joy in their hearts and are having fun.

Thank you for making this possible! Without our partners, this would be impossible!


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Word from the Mission Field

“What’s a Mountain to an Eagle?”

Are you facing something “overwhelming” in your life today? We have been through many things, too. Bobby and I have found ourselves with our backs against the wall. We have faced death. We have been “beyond broke,” with bill collectors calling and some trying to repossess our truck while we were preaching in church. We’ve faced the death of a loved one and had other insurmountable obstacles. We, too, here in Haiti, have often worried about our children, friends, and loved ones. Every one of us “faces a mountain” in our lifetime. But when I began to study eagles, it helped me… Eagles can fly and still “carry a heavy weight.” They are equipped with a wingspan of about eight feet long! They can dive at speeds of 85-100 mph! And, the best thing is they can fly up to 10,000 feet!!! The Word of God says that “you” are an eagle! “They that wait upon the Lord shall… mount up with wings as eagles.” Isaiah 40:31

That’s you! So, “what’s a mountain to an eagle like you?” Yes, you are facing a mountain, but God will bear you up on the “wings of an eagle!” Have a good day, and remember, “God’s got this!”


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Hannah… She Does Any Job Well!!

Hannah Jean Jules is another young lady whom we took into our orphanage when she was very small. Hannah is quiet and intelligent! She just passed her Philo grade (the 13th year). This is very difficult to pass!! We are so proud of her!

Hannah helps with the tremendous laundry load!! She will do anything asked of her! For a long time, she wanted to be a doctor, but now she wants to be a professional cook! We love her because “no job is too big for her!” She will jump right in and do her job well! Please remember our older Love A Child kids who want to go to college. They won’t be able to go and “follow their dream, while the gangs are still on the streets!!” We really need a giant miracle from God! God bless every one of our partners!


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