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Word from the Mission Field

“Small Things…” We are living in a day and time when everyone wants to do “a big thing.” I have met wonderful missionaries in Haiti, and when asking about their work they say, “I only have ten children in my orphanage…” Or in the States, a pastor might say, “We[…]

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Miracle Village Update:

Here are more pictures of the bleachers being loaded this morning and they will soon be on their way to Miracle Village, Haiti! Thank you Jesse for all your hard work. Soccer will be great this summer for our youth!!! Please read our post from earlier today. Bobby Burnette

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This morning, Jesse Ostrander helped load the soccer bleachers at the company that made them in Tampa, Florida. They are being shipped today to Love A Child in Fort Myers, Florida. Today, the office in Fort Myers will be loading some MAP International medicines. Thank you, MAP! We will be[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“In Burlap Bags.” A great man of God once said something like this, “God often wraps His gold in burlap bags.” We are so used to looking on the outside, but if that was what God wanted, David would have never been anointed “King!” Jesus was born in a “barn”[…]

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Jackson is feeling a little better. He still could not go to school today. Jackson needs all of our prayers. The Port-Au-Prince Airport opened yesterday after being closed for three months due to the gangs. It’s been unbelievable. Still, the roads are not safe to travel on due to the[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

ARE YOU WILLING TO SACRIFICE AND GO?   “Whom shall I send and who will go for us? Then I said, here am I; send me.” Isaiah 6:8 This is what the Lord spoke to Isaiah the prophet. Do you feel the call of the Lord in your life? The Lord may[…]

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Jonas Alce…

Jonas has always had a dream of becoming a good mechanic. He has come a long way from the mountains of Demesseau, Haiti. His mother died and his father could not care for him. Jonas is always so quiet, but he was always “there when we needed him…” and usually[…]

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Prayer Alert: Jackson

Sherry and I have been with Jackson this morning. The e-mail below came in from Jesse Ostrander. Jackson is under 24-hour watch and takes dialysis 12 hours per night. Please pray for him… (John 14:14) Bobby and Sherry   Jackson is not well. He had seizure activity again around 6:00[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Blessings of the Lord: “The Lord shall increase you more and more, you and your children. Ye are blessed by the Lord who made heaven and earth.” Psalm 115:14-15 Lord, we claim these promises today in Jesus’ Name! Bobby Burnette

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Sweetie Zoey!

Zoey was abandoned on a dirt road not far from us. Apparently, her mother had too many children already. We took Zoey to the Department of Social Services who said, “You found her, you keep her!” Zoey has had to “hang out,” with the older girls because there were no[…]

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