This week on Love A Child TV, you will see the heartbreaking reality of hunger and destitution in the story of a little girl and her family in our newest show, “Heart of the Giver.” Little Lovena has never been to school, and until Bobby and Sherry, and the LAC team arrive with a hot nutritious meal to feed the village children, she had never eaten a full bowl of food in her life.
Word from the Mission Field
“With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.” Mark 10:27
“Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?” Jeremiah 32:27
Are you in an impossible situation today? The Lord specializes in the impossible!! I really feel this is for several people today who may be in an impossible situation. The Lord will move for you! This is his Word…
We should do everything possible, but let God do the impossible. God has more miracles than we have needs!
Missionary Bobby Burnette
Celebrating Jesus in the DR!
I’m sorry for the delay of this post from our church in Villa Hermosa, Dominican Republic. I just had to share this with you. Look at all the people standing up front that gave their heart to Jesus last Sunday.
David George World Ministries wanted Love A Child to build an independent church for the very poor Haitians and Dominicans in this area. David and Angie gave the money and look what the Lord is doing! RL and Vanessa are doing a great job. PTL! RL and Vanessa sang and preached. Last Sunday was Father’s Day in the Dominican Republic. David and Angie bought presents for the fathers, and they had a lot of pizza brought in!
Thank you, David and Angie, for your huge hearts of love. Love is something you do!
Bobby Burnette
Nathalie is “All Girl!”
Nathalie is another child whose mother died due to childbirth complications. Her father tried to raise the new baby, but she developed severe malnutrition. We took her into our old malnutrition clinic, but we could not find her father after a while. He abandoned her.
Nathalie has been a joy to raise. She is “all girl.” She is sweet and “prissy!” She loves cleaning her room, helping to iron clothes, helping to cook, and looking after our little ones. She makes top grades in school and loves to be on the “Praise Dance Team!”
Nathalie is kind and obedient and would do anything that is asked of her. She will be going into 6th grade in the fall. She is usually cleaning her closet or making beds, or even playing jump rope! We all love Nathalie!
She’s “all girl!”
The Story of Jonel Jorès…
Months ago, a poor father walked into our Jesus Healing Center. The baby’s name was Jonel Jorès, age 17 months old. Unfortunately, the condition of this baby meant “take him straight to the ER!” Our doctor told his father that his baby was suffering from “acute malnutrition,” at 6.4 kilos. He also had a skin condition called sarcoptosis. His father took that news very hard. Even though Mr. Jorès had been working from “sun up to sun down,” it wasn’t enough to take care of his other children, along with Jonel.
Soon, Jonel was also suffering from scabies, vomiting, swollen throat, dehydration, head and body sores, and much more. Jonel was not caught up in his weight yet. He was not growing hair, not sitting well, and not walking!
After being in our Malnutrition Clinic for a short time, he is up to 7.9 kilos! He is not vomiting and does not have a skin condition anymore. And, he has grown “two front teeth” in the meantime!! So, in a short time, Jonel will be able to go home and continue with the special milk formula and the special peanut butter, etc.
What a special treat for a child or toddler who has been dealt bad things all his life until a Christian clinic came along! Our staff will give Jonel’s mother cleaning items for her house and a “cake mix box” that she can share with the other children!
Thank you so much for changing the life of another child forever!!
Bobby and Sherry
For more information about Love A Child and how you can help, visit our website at:
Happy Anniversary Mark and Evie!
Today is Mark and Evie Ostrander’s 48th anniversary, and yet, here is Mark, working hard for the people of Haiti. Bobby took this single picture of Mark this morning. He has made over 600 trips to Haiti. Evie, Mark’s wife, handles everything in the States for Mark.
Mark is the Pastor of “The Mission Church” in Palm Bay, Florida. He and Evie and their son, Jesse, have been working with us and helping us here in Haiti for many years. He is the head of the construction projects you see here at Love A Child. Mark never misses a Sunday church service in his church. Evie, Sherry’s best friend, helps her in Mobile Clinics and has for years. Evie is one of the most gracious and sweetest people we have ever met. They have blessed us all through the years!
On another note, before Mark began to do the construction work here at Love A Child, he was our cameraman! On one trip, way into the mountains of Covant, we all had to ride mules. We were on a tiny narrow path with steep drop-offs on both sides of the mountain! Little did we know that Mark was following us on his mule, with one hand holding the mule’s reins, and with the other hand, he was balancing the TV camera.
When we saw the footage, we saw the ears of the mule bouncing up and down as Mark made that mule trip with the camera on his shoulder!! We have wonderful memories together, serving the Lord! Happy anniversary to you, Mark, and Evie!!!
We all love you,
Bobby and Sherry
Word from the Mission Field
“Burn Those Bridges…”
Sometimes, we take too much time looking back and wondering, “what if?” George Washington was a great general. Once when he and his troops had just crossed over a bridge, one of his officers asked him, “Should we burn the bridge?” George Washington replied, “Burn the bridge! It’s victory or death!”
Lot and his family had just received a warning from the angel of God that God was about to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah; Lot and his family lived in Sodom. An angel was sent to escort Lot and his family out of town but told them not to even “look back,” and anyone who did would be turned into a pillar of salt. Lot’s wife could not “burn that bridge.” She did not want to leave the sinful and wicked city she called home. She could not “burn the bridge,” and she paid the price.
That is why the Lord led the children of Israel through the Red Sea. God was going to “close up the Red Sea behind them.” He wanted them to “leave Egypt behind” because He had something better for them!
Today, are you struggling about “burning that bridge behind you?” That job you’re working with the bad atmosphere but yet, you are making good money…burn that bridge! You may be that young woman who has suffered abuse from that man for a long time, but you keep thinking, “He’ll get better.” No, he won’t! Burn that bridge!! Walkout and don’t look back.
God cannot move on your behalf while you stay in the same place, the same condition He wants to deliver you from, but you are afraid that God won’t give you something better! Don’t be afraid to burn that bridge and walk away! Don’t look back!!
“No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”- Luke 9:62
Rachael…Nazalie is Doing Well!
Nazalie’s mother died in childbirth, leaving four children for their father to raise. Haitian fathers don’t want to keep a newborn if their wife dies because the babies are breastfed, and when they lose a wife, there is no one to feed the baby. So that is why they try to find a home for that baby.
Nazalie is a sweet little girl. She loves the “praise dances” and loves her dolls. But she had a very bad head infection. We sent her to a dermatologist, but all he did was take our money.
I made a mixture of lard and yellow sulfur. Some of you suggested things to add to the mix, i.e., triple antibiotics and cortisone for itching. I added one more item, and we scrubbed her head twice a day with soap and betadine. We put the mixture on at night and washed it off in the morning. It worked!
She is doing well now. You can see her picture and know “she just took her bath!” (Haitian kids are told to put powder on their neck after a bath so that everyone will know they are “fresh!”) 😁
We love Nazalie!!
She is a keeper!
At the Hospital in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Here is a picture of Dieuferly, RL, and Vanessa around 2:30 PM today at the hospital in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, waiting to see the doctor. Dieuferly is doing great and has no pain. After the doctor’s appointment, Dieuferly, RL, and Vanessa will be traveling to our mission house in Punta Cana. He will be there for one month, see the doctor again, and after he will return to Haiti.
Emmanuel will be taking care of Dieuferly while in Punta Cana. Thank you for all your prayers Dieuferly is recovering speedily from this major operation. PTL!
Love is something you do!
Bobby and Sherry Burnette
900,000 Feed My Starving Children Meals Going Out
Thank you! 900,000 Feed My Starving Children meals are going out this morning from our Kingdom Connection Food Distribution Center. Around 100 organizations are coming, over half have of them orphan homes. Food is a crisis here.
Some of these people come from a great distance. Some from the other side of Haiti! Our Haitian children are helping load boxes. Our girls serve all of our guests with a smile and a nice breakfast and homemade chocolate cake! No charge for the breakfast or the FMSC meals.
Later we’ll have more pictures and will thank certain people.
Love is something you do!
Thank you, we love you.