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Ka Tibi Food Distribution

HOW FAR WOULD YOU WALK FOR FOOD? VERY TOUCHING STORY.   Ka Tibi in the south of Haiti, is so far in the mountains that many families there have received nothing to eat from the outside, for a very long time. Hubert and the Love A Child team drove the[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

In Mark 10:17, we see the story of the rich young ruler who came to Jesus asking, “Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” The Bible said, “Then Jesus beholding him loved him.” There was something about him that “Jesus loved.” And when the rich young ruler finished[…]

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When Sarah and her brother were brought to us, both had severe Kwashiorkor Malnutrition. Their mother had died, and their father could not care for them. They were eating, but they were eating “the wrong kinds of food.” Both were horribly swollen by the time they were brought to us.[…]

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Love A Child

Pray for Haiti This Week!

Looks like this coming week could be the week when Kenya and the multinational police/troops may come in to dismantle the gangs and bring order to Haiti. A lot of Air Force jet cargo planes have been landing at the Port-au-Prince airport to bring in supplies, etc. We have been[…]

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Pray for Haiti This Week!

Looks like this coming week could be the week when Kenya and the multinational police/troops may come in to dismantle the gangs and bring order to Haiti. A lot of Air Force jet cargo planes have been landing at the Port-au-Prince airport to bring in supplies, etc. We have been[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“God Knows More…” Sometimes, when we think of our modern technology we are amazed at what our doctors know about the human body. Science has made remarkable advancements in studying the human body. We think they know a lot, but God knows more… If you want to know “how much[…]

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It is not uncommon in Haiti for a father to abandon his children when his wife dies. Another problem is that “who will care for the children while the father is out looking for a way to make food?” Both Joseph and his sister came from far in the mountains.[…]

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Good News for Miracle Village!

Soccer is big here in Haiti. Mid-June starts soccer season here. Different communities and schools will be playing each other for the championship. In Miracle Village, we have a large soccer field. When a hot team is playing, hundreds attend. They always stand or sit on the ground. I felt[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

It doesn’t take a whole lot… “… If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.” Matthew 17:20 Jesus also used the mustard seed as a short parable in the Bible. “… The kingdom[…]

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All of our Haitian children have great talent. Many of them love doing mechanic work. Some can sing so beautifully, and some have the talent to play drums, bass guitar, piano, etc, and others can really cook! That’s Widelene. She has a tender heart, always finds the good in people,[…]

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