Bobby and I made our first trip to Haiti in 1971. We knew that He had called us, but called us to do what? We began with what we knew to do... “preach the Gospel.” After all, that’s what we had been doing… preaching on street corners, in churches, under Gospel tents, pastoring a church....
"In the Presence of our Enemies" (Part One) I may have shared this story before, but I cannot share it enough. It is a story of how God can "prepare a table before us in the presence of our enemies." I used to think that everyone loved us, because we loved everyone, and we didn't realize we had...
Kenzy…the kids call him "Di Di," and everyone loves him! This is Kenzy in his "church clothes!" All Haitian children love to dress up for church. (If Kenzy had a tuxedo, he would wear it!) Kenzy is four now. His father died before he was born, and his mother died immediately after he was born. A Haitian Pastor brought him to...
Update: The Haitian construction guys are working hard to finish the medical staff dorm! We are hoping the staff can move in by September 1st. Here they are enlarging a back room where the 49 staff members can eat, fellowship, and praise the Lord! Next week, we will paint some more, put in all the...
Yesterday, we shared photos of the poor Haitian mountain people (and children) working so hard to make a road through the mountains. This area is in Badji; it is one of the villages around Peyi Pouri. After the heavy rains, the mountain roads washed out. There is no government help when this happens. Normally, the...
Love is something you do! The Lord put this within my heart several years ago. Actually, the whole thought that the Lord gave me was this… Faith is not something you just talk about, but faith is something you do. Love is not something you talk about, but love is something you do! “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so...
We are so proud of all our Haitian children. They are "following their dreams." Dumolia is one of our children who had a rough life and whom God has blessed. As you may know, she was badly burned when she was small. When she was brought to us by her father, she had fallen into...
Each day, we receive pictures and notes from many missionary organizations we are helping with food. This morning, we shared some pictures and wonderful faces of the poor mountain peasants who struggle hard to feed their families. They have been working hard to build a road not far from Peyi Pouri, near a little village...
Look at these precious poor farmers and their wives holding picks and hoes while working on the road near Peyi Pouri! All of the people in the area have been begging us to come and hold a Mobile Medical Clinic up there, but the roads have been washed out due to heavy rains. There are no...
Our newest Love A Child television program, “Mud Cookies 2020,” begins airing tomorrow night on Daystar Television Network at 6:30 p.m. (ET) and will continue throughout the week. Join the Love A Child camera crew as they travel to Sapaterre, Haiti, and capture a first-hand view of villagers of all ages making thousands of cookies...