"Backed Into A Corner." We've all been there in one way or another... with the "dogs on our heels." There was a great king in the Bible named Jehoshaphat, king of Judah. But one day, the king of Moab and the king of Ammon decided to come against Jehoshaphat and, they were "not a few." One of...
More than half of the children here at our "Children's Home," came to us because their mother died during or right after birth. Such is the case with our sweet Ericka. When she was brought to us, she had a horrible, horrible skin infection and scratched constantly. It took a while to get this under...
This past week has been a week of hospital care for our kids. Dieuferly is recovering from his club-foot surgery and doing well... but Jackson had a setback. Even with the great care of the room mothers here, he developed an infection and high fever with the central catheter in his neck. They watched it for a...
"The Whirlwind Can Make You Miss the Whisper." I have said time and time again, one of the highlights of my life was going to a Kathryn Kuhlman meeting. She was a "different kind" of minister. While some preachers are loud, funny, and boisterous (we love them too), she was quiet and often spoke in...
We are home safe! When we got to the Dominican border side they were closed! They did not know the Haiti border side said they would open today. What do you do? Pray and let the Lord work! The Spanish folks helped us through. When we got to the Haitian side, nobody was in sight. We drove home and all the...
We shared about Mika and Mikalange, Daniel and Daniella, and this is David and Davidson (Jonathan). “Whew!” Raising a large family of Haitian children can be rewarding but stressful at times. We have not only the normal teenage things, but also have seven children with major health problems. David and Davidson Noel almost died when they...
We heard the border just opened. We are on the road now traveling back to Haiti. Dieuferly is back in Santo Domingo waiting for his doctor’s appointment on Tuesday. He had no pain last night and really is doing good! PTL! Thank you for your prayers. Bobby and Sherry
“I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.” Psalms 118: 17 The Lord laid this scripture so heavy upon my heart today. You may be near death’s door, but the Lord is not done with you yet! I remember when I had melanoma cancer and the doctor said I had maybe around three months to live. I remember when the...
Dieuferly was released from the hospital late yesterday afternoon. He had no pain, but during the night he had some bad pain. PTL! All day today he had no pain. These pictures were taken this evening. He has his next doctor's appointment on Tuesday. Then he will return to our Love A Child mission house...
I mentioned yesterday that we have three sets of twins at the Love A Child Children's Home. Yesterday, you heard about Mika and Mikalange. Today, you will see Daniel and Daniella. This particular set of twins should have died in childbirth. They were supposed to be "triplets." But, at the time of their birth, there were...