Today is the funeral of President Jovenel Moïse in Cap Haitian. It is a sad day for Haiti. After he was elected President on February 7th, he came to our (Gwo Mache Mirak) on February 10th and gave his first public speech at the Marketplace. He believed in sustainability and the creation of jobs for the...
“Feeding hungry children” is what we are about. Yes, we have Christian schools, a Children’s Home, the Jesus Healing Center clinic, the Birthing Center, and much more, but the food is a crisis in Haiti, especially now. Most of our feeding areas are in the mountains, where the poorest of the poor live, and many...
“And we will not forsake the house of our God.” Nehemiah 10:39 How would you feel if your church was destroyed or burned to the ground by the enemy? It is devastating. The “hope” comes in rebuilding. In Nehemiah, it is so touching to see how all the people had a mind to give and...
You may be one of those parents who have a set of twins. Well, we have “three sets of twins” at our Children’s Home. As you know, twins look alike and think alike, but they are different. This is Mika and Mikalange. (In Haiti, all twins must have similar names, i.e., Mika and Mikalange. Even...
They tell us that after some x-rays this afternoon, Dieuferly can leave the hospital. He was in bad pain all night. This morning when we came in, he was still in bad pain. However, this afternoon when we returned after lunch, he was so happy. He had no pain! Thank you for your prayers. Bobby...
In Haiti, a lack of jobs means a lack of food and a lack of medical care. For the poor farmers in remote areas, the soil is poor, and a lack of rain means crops don't grow. So each day is a struggle to survive for food, let alone medical care. This is why the...
This week on Love A Child TV, follow the heartbreaking story of one man and his family as he desperately tries to use what little he has to feed his eight children. Let your heart be moved as you witness the tears of misery and hunger he sheds as he tells of his life. You...
How much is wisdom worth? Over the many years of ministry, starting at the "bottom," and being involved in many types of ministries, we have grown to know one thing, and this one thing is more "valuable than rubies..." It is called "wisdom." Some people try all of their life to build a fortune, but the Bible says,...
Ada was one of three children "dropped off" at Love A Child by their aunt. She told us they were all from Cap Haitian and that their parents drowned in a boat going to the States. But, of course, we have no proof of this. All we know is that we inherited three sweet children... Bianca, Ada,...
Thank you for your prayers for Dieuferly! He is doing much better today. He will probably have about five bad days with pain, but pain medicine helps. He is doing “very well!” His surgery on his bad clubfoot was yesterday. The doctors are doing the worst foot first. As soon as this one heals, they...