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Latest Updated Haiti News: 

Someone was telling me last night that the gangs in Haiti are not listed as gangs. For legal reasons, they are classified as terrorists. In Ganthier just 8 miles from us, the terrorists still have the town. None of the 2,000 families that the 400 Mawozo ran from their homes have returned. Ganthier needs to be taken back and given back to the people!

I believe Prime Minister Conille, along with the new police chief of Haiti, are about to take a crushing blow to the gangs. Some new armored tanks just arrived for the Kenyans and the police.

Thank you for your prayers. We have been under a heavy load and a lot of stress here at Love A Child, along with the people of Fond Parisien. With the gangs breathing down our necks, we have strong security to defend Love A Child and Fond Parisien. I know a lot of our friends are worrying about us. The Lord has sent us the best elite Haitian security anyone in Haiti has, plus we have ex-Marines (once a Marine always a Marine) with more coming in ASAP. You will hear more about this later this week. Our police are strong here in town. The community brigade is ready to fight for their town and Love A Child. The community even has a 100-woman brigade with only machetes, but they know how to use them!! Our orphan children are doing good. We are here working for the Lord with a tool in one hand and a sword in our other hand!! Nehemiah 4:6-15

Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

“For I was an hungred, and ye gave Me meat. I was thirsty, and ye gave Me drink. I was a stranger, and ye took Me in: Naked and ye clothed Me. I was sick and ye visited Me. I was in prison, and ye came unto Me.” Matthew 25:35-36

“In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto Me.” Matthew 25:40

Here is why we remember the poor… When we feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, take a stranger in, clothe the naked, and visit the sick and those in prison… we are actually doing this unto Jesus Himself!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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More Photos from the Food Distribution!

We will be posting an important Haiti update post tomorrow around noon. Enjoy more pictures taken by Dieuferly this morning of our food distribution for 500 Ganthier families. Thank you, partners, we all did it together! Love is something you do!

Bobby Burnette

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A Bright Future for Miliana!

We first found Miliana when we were filming a “Love A Child” program. She was from the poor village of Madamn Bauje. We had just finished talking about the poverty, the hunger, and the need to continue to feed this village, when we looked across a ravine and saw a little girl. She had red hair from malnutrition and strange-looking skin! We asked her “mother” if we could take her home and find a doctor.

We had sent Miliana to the States to see a skin specialist. He did all he could, but he told us that she would always have skin that “looked like tree trunks coming out of it!” She has to stay out of the sun and always wear something on her arms and legs. She is tiny!! She has two more years to go to graduate. I’m sure God has a plan for her life, too!

Thank you, partners, for rescuing so many children and changing so many lives!


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Manna from Heaven!!!

This food was like manna from heaven for these 500 families. They are from Ganthier. The gangs ran them out of their homes just 8 miles from us. It was a miracle from God for these sweet people! They received rice, beans, noodles, spaghetti, cornmeal, cooking oil, plus more. This will last each family approximately two weeks. Oh, they were happy, happy! They went away praising the Lord. Thank you to our partners who helped make all this happen. You made a difference!!

Thank you to our Haitian sons who put and organized all of this! Our two girls, Esther and Jolina helped today. Plus, our orphans helped pack the food all week! Our Haitian children have compassion for the poor. Love is something you do!!

Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

“A Continued Feast”

Have you ever been to a “Dinner on the grounds” where the Church ladies bring out their special “creations?”

That’s better than any restaurant! There’s always that “one special dish” that everyone wants to know: “How did you do that?”

You fellowship with people you love and have the best food!! There is nothing better!

Proverbs 15:15 says, “All the days of the afflicted are evil: but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast.”

Don’t hang around grouchy people, negative people, or people who are always complaining! They can make you nervous, give you a heavy heart, and make your good day bad! Pick happy people, and you will have a “continual feast!”


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Important News: 

Misinformation Fake News:

We have been receiving phone calls from people and agencies with good intentions. The rumor/word is that Love A Child must evacuate now with all the children because we are under attack. We are good with no one attacking. All is fine. We have very strong security here and for all of Fond Parisien. Thank you for your prayers.

Tomorrow morning, at 8 a.m., it is a big day here in Fond Parisien for the new 500 families from Ganthier the gangs ran out and lost everything. They will be receiving two weeks of food: rice, beans, corn, corn mill, noodles, spaghetti, cooking oil, plus more! It will be a big day! Everyone will rejoice and PTL! Thank you, partners, for your prayers and support. We are doing this together, making an impact!

Bobby Burnette

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Update on Jackson

We first met Jackson during a Mobile Medical Clinic in the mountains of Haiti. When his uncle brought him to us, his stomach was so swollen that he could hardly walk! He was in agony! We brought him to our Jesus Healing Center, which was a small clinic at the time. He needed dialysis, but there was only one place in Haiti, and it was for adults! Jackson grew worse! Jesse Ostrander, who works with us, found some good doctors in the Dominican Republic. One of our partners sponsored a pediatric dialysis machine, which was portable! It was a life saver for Jackson.

Jackson looks younger than he is. He is 16 years old and will be in 9th grade! He is “very intelligent,” and wants to be a doctor! He is alive today because of God’s grace!


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“Love A Child Kids Working Hard to Feed Others”

These are just some of our Love A Child kids! (We also have quite a few in college in Petionville, Haiti!)

These younger children got up at 5:00 am and were at our depot at 6:00 am, “ready to work!” We had explained to them that the people of Ganthier, up the road about 8 miles from us, had been run out of their homes by gangs!

They all came to Fond Parisien, near where we are, and have been living outdoors, under sheds, near schools, anywhere they could. They had no food.

Two weeks ago, we did a big Food Distribution to give them food to cook for their families. That food lasted two weeks or more, and we are now doing another packing to give them more food!

This week, on the menu is a large sack of rice, macaroni, spaghetti, cornmeal, beans, and sugar!

Our Haitian children worked hard in our large Food Distribution Center, packing all this food. It takes at least five big sacks of food for each family!!

We could not have done this without your help! We all kept thinking, “We wish our partners could be here now!” Nothing here happens without your help! We have the best partners God could ever give us!

Thank you,
Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

“Don’t Just Knock Once!”

I love the story Jesus told in Luke 11 about the man who had guests coming late to his house and he had no bread! It was late, as he went to his friend’s house to knock on the door! But sadly enough, his friend was in bed with the children, and he did not want to get up, open the door, and give his friend bread! In Luke 11:8, the Bible tells us that he did not want to get up, but because of “his importunity he will arise and give him as many as he needeth!”

We live in an orphanage with lots of kids! I hate it when I just get in bed and hear a “banging” on my door!! We try to ignore the knock, but it gets louder and my Rottie starts howling!! I will definitely get up and take care of the problem!!

Don’t ever let anyone tell you “to just ask God once!” When you are desperate, you must have “desperate faith!” Desperate faith will not take “no” for answer!! So, keep on knocking until the door opens!!


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