PTL!! We are very happy. This just came in from Rad at the office. “Two donations have come in that together will cover the $6,200 cost for Dieuferly’s surgery. Praise God.” The funds have come in for Dieuferly’s surgery! On Sunday, July 11th, we all will travel over to Santo Domingo. On Monday, July 12th,...
Poor little Jackson (Jasson in Creole). He is in a hospital here in Haiti waiting for dialysis. He has been having kidney problems for quite a while. The sad thing is that the hospital where he is, is in a dangerous place, and we cannot go to him. Our hearts are so sad. We have...
“The Widow’s Mite…” “For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.” (John 12:43) This is what John said about the people who believed in Jesus, but did not want to confess him… they were afraid they would be “kicked out of the temple,” because they wanted the “praise of men”...
We are thankful that we received our diesel this morning at our Love A Child compound. By late this afternoon, we would have been completely out of diesel. We have no gas. This morning, we received half the amount we needed. They were coming back this afternoon with our other half of diesel. Stanley, who is over our diesel, just came in...
The workers (dream team), along with Mark and Jesse, are priming the walls, painting, putting up trim, plus much more. On Monday, the tile layers will come in to lay tile in the whole building. PTL! Things are going faster than expected. Soon the medical staff will have a safe, comfortable place to stay during...
Praise the Lord! Our diesel came in this morning. Out here at our Love A Child compound, all of our electricity comes from our two big 200,000 kWh generators. They suck the fuel. We have been praying because, as of 4:00 PM today, we would have been completely out of diesel. We would not have...
This week on Love A Child TV, join Bobby and Sherry Burnette as they feed hungry children in poor, remote mountain villages in our newest episode, “Waiting for God.” Your heart will be broken as you witness the tragic story of two mothers whose only desires are to feed their children and give them a...
"He Found Me in a Low Place" Jesus always has and always will be looking for those “in a low place.” He didn’t come for the righteous or the rich but for those no one else wanted. In John Chapter 4, Jesus left Judea en route to Galilee. But He made a detour. (He will...
“Is this that little slave boy that was working in the fields, beside the grown men? Is this that same little boy who had never slept in a bed, never had a toy, never held a pencil in his hand? Is this that little boy who was beaten because he wasn’t working hard enough? Is...
As many of you know, Dieuferly has suffered tremendously with his club feet since he was a little child. He suffered through several “botched surgeries,” and his feet are so bad he stays in constant pain. Yet, he never complains but just tries to do his work here. We sent him to the Dominican Republic...