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Word from the Mission Field

“Je-ho-vah- Ji-reh…” My Provider. I am re-reading, again and again, the story of Abraham and Isaac, the son of “promise” and “the child born of a man 100 years old!” The child was the “miracle baby” of Abraham and Sarah. But yet, God wanted to “test” Abraham by seeing if[…]

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From Ashes to Beauty…

Today was the Dedication of our new Jesus Healing Center Clinic. There was an anxious crowd waiting to come in! We prayed, “cut the ribbon,” and then the crowd came in!!! There was a large crowd of happy people! Dr. Barthelemy, our head doctor, spoke! He came from the first[…]

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Dedication of our new Jesus Healing Center

We just had the most wonderful Dedication of our new Jesus Healing Center! There were so many people there and we felt such a wonderful spirit in this brand new “first-class” Clinic for the poor! There were about 500 people that came, and we had food and drinks prepared for[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“A Very Present Help.” What a comfort these words are in the times we are living in. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the[…]

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Jesus Healing Center Dedication Tomorrow

Today is a big day! We are getting ready for our Jesus Healing Center Dedication tomorrow. People will be coming from all over Haiti! Our older girls just left to buy some more decorations at the border! And our “Praise Dance Team” will be performing! All to the Glory of[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I am as a sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.” 1 Corinthians 13:1 “And now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13 The Lord spoke to my heart this[…]

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She Has A Dance in Her Feet

“She Has A Dance in Her Feet.” Her mother died during a “C-section” and her father left the baby to travel to the Dominican Republic. He never returned. Ginyia was in the hands of her 17-year-old cousin but she could no longer take care of the baby. She took the[…]

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The Price of Hunger

Food Shortage, Rising Food Prices, and Greater Demand for “Mud Cookies.” In all the 29 years that we have been living here in Haiti, we have never seen the food prices so high, and the health of the poor, so low. We have seen more malnourished children this past year[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Think on these things…” In the last few days, I have caught myself “worrying” about the future… our rights being taken away and the “freedom of speech.” I found myself thinking that the “signs of the times are upon us,” sooner than we thought. But, all of a sudden, it[…]

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“Your Face is Your Passport…”

That’s what the Haitians say. And isn’t that true?! This is little Zachary, who is now over a year old. He has finally stopped crying and fussing, and now he is getting “cute!” We took Zachary in under some strange circumstances… Many of you remember that his mother came to[…]

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