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“Your Face is Your Passport…”

That’s what the Haitians say. And isn’t that true?! This is little Zachary, who is now over a year old. He has finally stopped crying and fussing, and now he is getting “cute!” We took Zachary in under some strange circumstances… Many of you remember that his mother came to[…]

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13 Years of Hard Work!

“Hair” We Go Again! Our older Love A Child kids are “growing up!” They have actually been in school for 13 years because they start “earlier” than we do in the states. Their last grade is Philo! It is very hard to pass, but our kids have done well… James, Jean[…]

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Until Next Year Santa!

“Santa Claude” has just been “overwhelmed” with Christmas! He’s going “into hiding” until next year!! Ha! Our children just took down the Christmas tree, etc., and old “Santa Claude” (who was given to us by one of our dear friends, Papa Glenn.) “Santa” is headed back to our depot to[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.” Psalm 27:14 We read in the book of Samuel 13th chapter, that the Prophet Samuel had told Saul to “wait on him, and Samuel would come and do a sacrifice,”[…]

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Do You Have A License For That?

“George, how old did you say you were when you started driving our backhoe and front-end loader?” “12??” George was just a baby when we brought him to our Love A Child Orphanage. His mother was frail and in bad health and could not care for another baby. George was[…]

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Haiti Update

Haiti Update: We have all been working hard doing all of the last-minute construction for the new Jesus Healing Center and the Malnutrition Center, preparing for the dedication/opening. Tuesday, January 12th, will be the big day for the Jesus Healing Center, and Friday the 15th will be the big day[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Ever play “hide and go seek?” Those games we played when we were children were fun but had an everlasting meaning. We can never “hide” from God. His eyes are always “watching over his children.” Another game we played was “coin in hand.” We wanted to see if we could[…]

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Noah Responded to Love!

There he stands, with his hand in the pocket of his little cutoff jeans, knowing that “he’s got this!” When we first saw Noah, we didn’t think that anyone could abuse a little toddler like this…he was malnourished, his hair was missing, he had bite marks, and the doctors said[…]

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To Everything There is a Season

Ecclesiastes 3:2 “A time to plant; A time to harvest…” This morning this passage brought me comfort, watching what is happening in our country, and as it says, there is a time for everything. “A time to plant and a time to harvest.” This is especially true for the workers,[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

The calling of God… “For many are called, but few are chosen.” Matthew 22:14 “Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall.” 2 Peter 1:10 If we are truly called of God, nothing can stop us…[…]

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