We have four big screens in the reception area of our Jesus Healing Center clinic! We are so excited! We just received some DVDs with Creole from Joyce Meyer to play on the screens while the patients are waiting. We started this yesterday. Everyone loves to watch! They also hear Joyce Meyer daily on our radio station. They tell...
ASK AND DOUBT NOT… “But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” James 1:6-8 If we pray and doubt,...
Fabienne has been with us since she was just a little, little girl. Her mother used to work for us, and when she left, she left Fabienne with us. Fabienne is now attending college at Université Autonome de Port-au-Prince. She is in her third year studying to be a Dental Hygienist, and she loves it!...
The village of "New Letant" is unique. "New Letant" used to be in the mud hut village of Old Letant. We built all the families who lived in "mud huts," a nice block home and put furniture in it. Then, the small earthquakes began to open springs under the lake, and as a result, the...
Yesterday was my birthday; I was just going to have a nice, quiet day…but the children here at our Children's Home had "lots of plans" in the making!! Ha! They came to my door at 5:30 am and played the most beautiful birthday music. I just stood there and started crying. We love these children...
"Too Busy to be Still?" I guess we all have, at one time or another, used the words, "I'm busy for God… I'm doing this or I'm doing that. I’m so busy I can't catch my breath." We have all learned how to "work hard and stay busy for the Lord," but, have we learned how to...
It seems like yesterday that his father brought him from a long way to our Mobile Clinic, deep in the mountains of Covant, Haiti. Thinking he was just a couple of years old, I asked his father, “how old he was?” “Seven,” he replied. I was in shock. His skin was splitting open on his legs...
Today is a special day! Happy birthday to my sweet wife and your missionary. I have been so blessed to have Sherry by my side all these years working for the Lord. Climbing high mountains in Haiti, crossing gushing rivers, riding mules deep into the interior. Facing dangers at almost every turn lately here in...
"For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanishes away.” James 4:14 We are like a vapor, we are here then we are gone. We are here just a very little time. We must make every day count for the Lord. Only what we do for Christ will last....
Sweet little Rodna is "all girl," but she can sure make the basket!! She rarely misses! Rodna's mother died when she was young. Her father had to borrow the money for his wife's funeral, but, when he couldn’t pay, the evil man took all his children for ransom! He made them work! Rodna's father became...