The Jesus Healing Center is such a blessing to all in the Fond Parisien community and the many who walk or get here any way they can from the mountains. They start coming before daylight. They are very poor, and their children are beyond precious. Each day when we walk in, I am amazed, the...
This week join Bobby and Sherry as they provide Haiti’s poorest families with access to quality health care. You'll meet a severely diabetic teenager facing death due to lack of medicine in his remote mountain village. The Love A Child medical team visits poor mountain villages to bring the love and healing power of Jesus...
"Had it not been for the Lord…" How many times have you had the opportunity to say this...? "Had it not been for the Lord, we couldn't have made our house payment; had it not been for the Lord, my child would have been killed; had it not been for the Lord, I would have died; had it...
Yolanda...I just hate to see our little girls grow up! She is now 14 and turning into a young lady. The amazing thing is that she has still "held on to childhood!" She loves to "jump rope," with lots of kids...a big, long jump rope, with boys and girls going in and out, jumping and...
The Lord supplied the money today for the new Kia truck. Now we can get the job of blessing the poor for the Lord done more efficiently in the Dominican Republic. The need has been met! Praise you, Jesus! I want to thank everyone for praying. One family gave the whole amount! They've asked to...
Birthing Center: The first two pictures are some of the pregnant mothers coming for pre-and post-natal care. We've had well over a thousand babies born. Plus, we've taken around 300 mothers in our ambulance at no cost to hospitals for emergency care. So many of the mothers are malnourished and not in good health. I've...
“Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” Philippians 1:6 It's not how we start out, but it is how we finish at the end! There are many temptations in life, evil trying to sway us, Satan trying to put the...
We first met Roselyne when we were conducting a Mobile Medical Clinic in the mountains of Lastic, Haiti. Her legs were so crooked that she could hardly walk. We agreed to take her to our orphanage and see if we could find a doctor…but, at that time, there were so many problems in Haiti, and we...
Jesse Ostrander and our Haitian construction team are building three more new houses in Miracle Village. We started building Miracle Village after the 2010 earthquake for all the earthquake victims. We now have a little over 500 houses, including Kingdom Connection village, which is part of Miracle Village. We are full now, and there isn’t...
Some of you may not know, but we also work in the Dominican Republic, which is on the same island as Haiti. We love the Dominican people there and also the thousands of Haitians who live there. We distribute food to many poor Haitian families who live in the batays (sugar cane camps). They are...