Please keep Jackson in your prayers. We are headed to the hospital now to be seen by the nephrologist. Jackson is feeling better, but the doctors are having difficulty fighting the infection in his abdomen. We pray for wisdom for the doctors and healing for Jackson! Keep up the fight, Jackson! Jesse Ostrander
“Skating on Thin Ice” I grew up in Pennsylvania… Bobby always says that “if his father ever knew he married a ‘Yankee,’ he would turn over in his grave!” We were a poor family of five children. We lived “in the woods.” It was a small town but in the woods! When it snowed, it snowed hard! I can...
I always call her the “quiet twin.” Her mother, Mercilia, died after giving birth to Mika and her twin sister. She was from our “roughest, toughest” village that we ever worked in. Her father, a poor farmer, knew he could not raise these two fragile babies so he had someone carry the other twin and...
This post is for those who live in Fond Parisien and surrounding communities. I know others may have a different viewpoint. We at Love A Child and, among others here in the community, believe it's time to open the road--and open it now. We have always believed that the road should be open for commerce....
“For I was an hungred, and ye gave Me meat. I was thirsty, and ye gave Me drink. I was a stranger, and ye took Me in: Naked and ye clothed Me. I was sick and ye visited Me. I was in prison, and ye came unto Me.” Matthew 25:35-36 “In as much as ye...
Daphline (Daphlina) was brought to us from the mountains of Savaan Roche. Her mother died when she was a baby and she was given to her aunt to raise. But, her uncle had just died and it was “too much on her aunt,” to raise another child. A family member brought her to us. She...
Due to the hostile environment here in Haiti caused by gangs, so many poor parents struggle to feed their children every day. Several years ago, when Haiti was safe from gangs, mothers were always “out on the streets selling!” They were able to feed their children better food. But due to the gangs, mothers are...
FRANCICO, SOUTH HAITI In a major effort to feed the hungry and malnourished children of Nips County in the south of Haiti this weekend, 61 mothers with infants came to feed their babies. Several of these mothers walked so far out of the mountains to carry their children; the other children were left at home...
“When You’re Blessed, You’re Blessed Indeed.” Has anyone ever told you that someone was going to put a “curse on you?” I have! Not many years ago, someone got very angry at me and threatened to put a curse on me! It still hasn’t worked! One day, when I was going across our bridge here...
Joshua… You can imagine how shocked we were to find an abandoned baby, left in the weeds near our front gate! He looked to be about 11 months old, but he was so frail, he could not sit or crawl! After sending him to our Jesus Healing Center Clinic, he was referred to a children’s...